VIDEO | Ohio Train Derailment: The latest from East Palestine

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The latest news on the Ohio train derailment in East Palestine.

The National Transportation Safety Board officials said yesterday (Thursday) that the "preventable" and "traumatic" derailment of a train carrying dangerous chemicals in Ohio can be traced to an overheated wheel bearing that most likely caused the 150-car Norfolk Southern Railway train to crash in East Palestine on February 3rd.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg vowed that his department will work with the administration and Congress to prevent future disasters.

NBC's Jesse Kirsch has the details from East Palestine.

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Blablablabla... nobody is responsible. Its the thresholds fault. Would be more important who is responsible for setting everything on fire - cant imagine that this was the best way.


Wait, the company sets the temp threshold? What's the point?


We currently live in an accountability-free society, with the problem starting at the top. A corporation can screw up bigly after years of lobbying for deregulations and ends to safety protocols and still expect to be bailed out by a nanny state which is exclusively reserved for the rich, no matter how many people they hurt or lives they end.

The government needs to put the fear of the Lord into these irresponsible companies. The next time one of these things happens the company should be allowed to fail, at which point it'll be nationalized by the government for at least a decade or so until it reaches 21st century standards, then it can be handed off to someone who'll actually run the company well.

Of course, said new corporate management will immediately begin cutting costs and safety measures until something like this happens again, but the improvements the government puts in place will ensure the next disaster won't be as bad, and the one after that even less so.

More than anything, there needs to be an end to tax dollars being doled out to corporations simply to keep them and their stock value afloat. Management keeps the money to pump their stocks back up, employees still get laid off to reduce labor costs, and the public's money is put to no public use. Since this is America, the government can't own the company forever, eventually it has to be handed over to private ownership. However, it should use the period of nationalization to update cars and replace large tracks of our civil war-era rail system, and it should never again allow the same old management to own said company again after it bankrupts itself.

You screwed up and need a bailout from the tax payers? Fine, but you no longer own your company and after we fixed the problems you caused we're eventually gonna hand it off to more competent corporate management in the future. You don't want to lose your company? Enjoy going down with it.


Temperature spike at one detector, miles after visible sparks/flame, 20 miles later emergency alarm.


That is why it is important to set your temp and Guage limits below standard so these things can be found before they get this bad. That's all I will say on that.


The derailment is not the problem… it was the uncontrolled burn of chemicals. Without proper oxygen and environment control to ensure near 100% combustion they cannot call this a controlled burn. If it was there would not have been a major sut cloud like like emerged.


There are about 200 bearing derailment in ten years, check ntsb reports and recommendations.
Stop delaying and force action.


How's this going to affect foods like grains? What kind of cancers are we going to start seeing in a few years because all this has leeched into the water and soils?


That car passing by just kicked up a bunch of dioxin dust and you breath one spec far smaller than micro your dead man walking. As big a fool as it gets.


Is it safe to change NOTHING until the rail "safety regulator"(Federal Railroad Admiration) gets it's act together....and holds ANOTHER public "venting session?" As you might recall, the last one of those in E. PALESTINE didn't go so well! ...Slow all trains down to a safe 15 m.p.h. or less until public safety is important again. Surely people of any political stripe can agree on something THIS SIMPLE?!?


All the let's go Brandon people are now crying for help. Gtfo


Cho Cho Vinyl Chloride, Vinyl Chloride, cho Cho


we have to ask ourselves did the train company encourage the governor Not to ask for help for the government so they can go in first and do a
big cover-up?
Gotta love those paid-for Governors. ask for help from the government so they can go win first and do a big cover-up? Gotta love those paid-for Governors, right!
You like this guy.


Keep voting Republican, I am sure your environment will improve 🤣


East Palestine, victime of the worst enviromental desaster of the history.


Denied he had anything to do with causing the train accident as bad as it was. When
He deregulated Train Safety!
The train Companies came to Trump and told him that they didn’t want safety regulations! Cuts into profits.

ECP brakes would have surely helped in this disaster.

More people on the train would have helped as well.

I truly believe that if you want things done correctly you need to choose the right people.

Maybe thru this experience, these folks will recognize that Big Businesses don't care about people's lives just money! GREED DID THIS.

YOU ALL need to realize that the politicians you have voted to represent you don't.
Look to your Mayor, Governor, Senaror and Congressmen to help you! You voted for them right?
Lesson learned!
4 years of repealing safety laws to line the pockets of Norfork. I don't see why you all Support Big Businesses and the politicians that enable them?!
Your vote is more powerful than you think.
Now put on the Trump hat and drink the Trump water. That’ll make you feel better.


I guarantee you that wheel bearing is way over 105 degrees over ambient temp….


During the Trump era, he was personally responsible for canceling or delaying 1, 500+ regulatory actions in 2017 alone
That includes the railroad industry. Ohio has a Republican Gov and legislature and they accepted millions of dollars from those lobbies in order to share the same bed. Now they get to accept all the blame for this disaster that was 100% preventable, huh?


Pete butti fight broke out in song singing macho macho Man I want to be a macho man get me the gate construction worker from the village people
