The truth about Mother’s Day & minimalism...

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Books I listen to on Blinkist:
- The 5 Love Languages
- Get Stuff Done
- The Four Tendencies
- Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess
- Minimalism
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Eat That Frog
- The 5 Second Rule
- Atomic Habits
- Essentialism
- Effortless
- Simplicity Parenting


We have a few ways that we can come alongside you:


This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions each week for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $11/month

This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.


This workbook is designed to walk you through decluttering each area of your home in 15 minute lessons.

- 168 full color pages
- easy to follow lessons designed for limited time & energy
- our key concepts (like inventory, the silent to-do list, the endowment effect & more) are spread throughout the book, too

Ideal for those looking for a self-paced guidebook to declutter their home quickly & efficiently.

The workbooks are $20 (digital or spiral bound)
Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US

Find more details here



Take Your House Back is hosted with three of us, myself, Dana from A Slob Comes Clean and Cas from Clutterbug. We talk big picture about how to declutter and focus a lot of attention on working through obstacles like sentimental items, unsupportive family members and other hang-ups. This course is FUN, there is a lot of involvement from all three of us and the ideas are specific to those who haven't been successful in the past.

Ideal for those who have been decluttering for a long time with little success and those looking for more community and support.

In the Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course we go through the workbook, breaking down specific areas of your home in detail to be able to declutter faster and with more confidence. If you want to know specifics (like how many of each thing to keep) this course is for you.


Thank you for your support!

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:: M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W ::


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The best Mother’s Day gift I received was when my son was leading worship at church. First song…oh I love this song. Second song…. Another favorite. Third song… 😁 he chose all my favorites. Still warms my heart.


I started a tradition several years ago after a honest heart-to-heart conversation with a neighbor over my mixed feelings (dread?) of Mother’s Day. My neighbor suggested this idea to me & it has been wonderful. I take each of my children out on a one-on-one date sometime in the week before or after Mother’s Day. We started small and asked them what they would like to do & explained it was to celebrate God making them & allowing me to be their mom. Now it is something they plan & look forward to ALL YEAR LONG. I love hearing them say, “Oh that’s totally going to be our Mother’s Day Date!” and I find myself looking forward to it all year long too. So much better than any wrapped gift! We have done simple backyard picnics, playground play time, creek fishing, nail painting, local baseball games/movies at home or at theater/dinner in or out/local ballets. We had to get creative in May 2020 but that turned out to be one of our favorite years. I no longer dread the day, but delight in laughter & time spent with my kids. It shifted my internal perspective from (ugh, look at all I do here) to external (God, thank you for the gift of these kids!). Hope that idea might encourage others moms too. ♥️


As someone whose mother is no longer alive I would encourage those who still can to spend mother's day with your mother and encourage your children to ask their grandmother about her childhood. Make a memory book, take pictures, create memories!!!! When she is gone those appliances and donuts won't mean a thing! Happy memories


My youngest finally became a I suggested we spend a week day shopping for plants and flowers together for our garden pots...then she can spend mother's day with her new little family. Her and her husband and daughter...I am so excited about this plan:)


We don’t have kids so this isn’t about Mother’s Day, but my husband and I decided early in our marriage to not purchase gifts for each other on any holidays. We’re not gift people and we didn’t want the pressure. We buy each other cards on our anniversary and choose to save our money for travel instead.


I have asked for a goose every year for Mother’s Day and this is the conversation we have almost every year (just switch out garden for any other big project I might have)
I think I’ve asked for a goose every year 🤣

Me “I want a goose.”
Husband “Noooo”
Me “Well, I’d like my garden beds rebuilt and filled in 1 day”
Husband “that’s a lot of work”
Me “I’d be happy with a $5 goose”
Husband“garden beds it is.”

One year I might get my goose. Until then I get big projects done and keep adding to my flock of ducks and chickens 😆


I have told my kids and grandkids for years to just trace their hand on a piece of paper and write me a note on it. That’s all I have ever asked for. I have a box with all the ones I have collected. Sad to say there aren’t many, but I treasure the ones I have.


My son and daughter are now 30 somethings. I don’t need stuff. I love to garden. For the last couple of years, my son has gotten me a load of mulch and my daughter takes to me to a local nursery for flowers. Perfect! I get to be reminded of their love all through the growing season and beyond. This is now our Mom’s Day tradition. 💕👩🏼‍🌾


I've never been a fan of getting gifts especially since decluttering and downsizing our home! My husband usually buys me flowers--which my cat immediately pulls from their vase and destroys!! But my favorite thing is a sentimental card (which my husband also gives me), and a phone call from my kids who live in different states. If they were here, I would love just getting together for dinner--even if I make it!! No gifts please:)


My kids & hubby took me sky-diving for Mother's the year I was 50🙂 They watched me float to the ground. It was exhilarating & fun.🥰


My birthday sometimes falls on Mother 's Day so it is a combined celebration. My most memorable gift was a cord of wood. A fire in the fireplace made me happy all winter. My husband really listened


I am a gift of service, and quality time love language person. Last year my grown kids and their kids came to my house and weeded all of my garden around the house. It was fabulous. It won't happen this year because of plans they'd already made, but spending time with my kids and grandkids is always special. I'm considering asking for a pedicure from my daughter. We always have fun doing that.


I love when you and Diane are together. I'm so glad that you are part of my life. I am growing so much. Thanks Dawn.


The past couple years my husband has taken the kids and played with them and I’ve just been able to sit on the couch after church and just read or rest and it has been awesome. Sometimes the kids do a card but I’m not a huge gift person so completely fine not having the gifts. Valentines is the same way. However the day after you can find some really good candy sales 😆 I love simple holidays without all the stress of gifts and unrealistic expectations


I remember my first Mothers Day as a new Mom. I had a friend who got a Grand Piano! 😳 That’s setting the bar pretty high I think. 😂 That year I received a vacuum cleaner. Granted I needed a vacuum cleaner so……. As time went on I received awesome little gifts my children made for me, which there could not be anything better. ♥️ As a senior citizen with grown kids and grandkids sometimes the kids remember, sometimes they don’t. I learned to be ok with it. Just getting to be a Mom is the greatest gift and I am forever grateful! ♥️♥️♥️


You’ve really touched on a subject that is so overlooked yet causes such disappointment. I am one who would never ask for something, even something I really wanted. This even goes back to childhood. I reflect on this, wondering if I expected my husband or children to be mind readers. Then when the occasion came to pass, and I would listen to other women boast about their gifts, I would feel sad or embarrassed to say that I got nothing or something petty or disappointing. It took me a long time to realize that expecting someone else to be a mind reader was unfair. I just wanted to feel appreciated. I’m 75 now, I told my children I wanted a birthday party. It happened! It took me all these years to realize that suggesting a wish, took so much pressure off everyone else. This was a great topic! Now, at my stage of life, I can buy my own gift, and feel like I appreciate me. Thank you for reminding me that it is okay to feel appreciated.


You and your sister are both such an encouragement to me. I love your love for Christ, and the way that you encourage my heart. I think you are my favorite YouTuber! I'm a mamma of 5, 17-6. Minimalism has definitely been a great thing in our life.


We celebrate Mother's day in Hungary on the first Sunday of May. I've got a bouquet of fresh tulips from my husband and we had guests over. I am happy with one bouquet of flower and kisses from my kids (5 yo, 3 yo). ❤ No more gift needed. I am still on the way of trying to simplify our life and our home - your videos are so helpful and funny, Dawn!! Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks with us. 🙏🙏 Blesses from Hungary!


My sister and I love to cook a meal for our mom on mother's day. She typically can't be with us on the actual day but she can warm up some homemade soup or a casserole that we made and just enjoy her day. She looks forward to whatever we cook for her! This is also the gift we give our parents for Christmas. Freezer meals!


My husband, son and son in law is putting on a dinner for us moms on Sunday after church. I think that is pretty special.💕
