NASA UFO panel stresses need for better data in first public meeting | Elizabeth Vargas Reports

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Former Navy fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves joins “Elizabeth Vargas Reports" to discuss what was learned from the first public meeting of NASA's UFO task force.


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My dad was a Navy Pilot for 29 yrs back in the 1960s- 70s. He saw Many UFOs in that time. Of course, my mom and most everyone else didn't believe him! So happy it is Finally getting the attention it deserves😅


That NASA hearing was total bs. Not one of the people in that room had done their homework on this subject’s history; not one page read. They have no business commenting on it.


NASA was gaslighting. They have many reports that they can start with. Then they were saying that AI was needed to filter the data.. hogwash. That is just going to stall the investigations. They also made assumptions and it was obvious they came from an incredulous standing instead of unbiased. I would rather stand on MUFON investigations and civilian 360 studies.


NASA is not going to be truthful. My dad was a draftsman for NASA in Houston in the 70's. I remember him telling me that pictures of cigar shaped UFOs were taken on some missions and passed around his office. Sure whish he would have stole one of the pictures back then.


NASA - Never Admitting Space Anomalies that states it won't be looking at classified data. The same NASA that has airbrushed out all "data" from the apollo moon mission photos and video, the same that cuts the live camera feed from the ISS as soon as any anomalies are discovered moving across the frame and changing directions. Be skeptical of anything coming from official agencies on this topic, they have an 80 year history of lying. Thankfully brave patriots like Ryan Graves are trying to push the acceptance to the public the reality that this is real and it ain't from this world/dimension/timeline.


It is so mindblowingly obvious that some of the ufos are from other civilizations that it's baffling to me that we still need to have these discussions.


Maybe if NASA stopped blurring out pictures and cutting off live feeds they would have more, better data to study? Just a thought. HAHA


Did they analyze the Nimitz data? NO. did they show us more balloons . Yes they just love balloons. They call themselves scientists and they don't address the 0.1% The very essence of this study. It's a disgrace and utterly incompetence.


Much faster than mach 2 when they descend from 80, 000ft to 50ft in a few seconds.


Lt Graves is right, the military data is the real treasure trove. NASA will be working with a limited dataset but just like he said it's a good step forward having the best scientific minds on this.


Oh please. These public hearings are the _last_ place any truly remarkable info is going to be revealed. NASA doesn't even have access to the classified material, so WTF is even the point of this?


Great questions and knowledge by the interviewer. Ryan is awesome as always but the woman did a great job. Much better than any mainstream news anchors that ive seen. You can tell she is well read on the UFO topic. Well done!


I watched three minutes of this $hit when it aired live yesterday and turned it off. I've never seen such a display of feet dragging, gas lighting and deny at all costs BS. They KNOW the truth but they're digging in and delaying admitting the truth for as long as they can. It's so blatantly obvious now what they're doing, it's embarrassing.


So called journalists. We need to ask the tough questions. Why now? After 70+ years of seing the same shaped "craft" we were always lied to about our reality. It's a step but a babystep. They already know who's driving these things and what it is. Nasa and very few handfuls of people with top security clearance knows. Even the top of the list some don't know the whole truth. We're being lied to by very few people. Who think they run everything because of money.


And because technology is getting better. civilians with strong and powerful viewing devices are deeingore and more. Being able to put it across multiple social media platforms. Gov is not going to be able to keep hiding or lying to the public.


We should hear Garry Nolan & Richard Dolan's opinion about this NASA meeting!


No; we need better photos and videos. That way we decide for ourselves. I know extraterrestrials are on the planet. I've seen them since a kid back over 60 years.


Quite a contrast in interviews for this News Nation YouTube channel today. Former astronaut Dr. Leroy Chiao basically says he has never seen anything that can’t be explained and appears not to believe anything anomalous is going on and here we have a former navy F-18 pilot Lt Ryan Graves that admits he has seen anomalous UAPs. No wonder there is so much confusion. Ryan talks about several navy and civilian pilots that talk to him about the many UAPs they have seen. Are you telling me that Dr Chiao has never engaged in conversation with his fellow astronauts about UAPs? So no astronauts have ever seen any UAPs? Oh come on?!


are you kidding me !!! how much data do you need ffs there is plenty of data !!! what a scam


We have 70 years of data .so nasa can't see top secret video? How dumb is that .
