Best Nootropics for Studying
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Natural nootropic supplements are one of the easiest and safest ways to boost your academic performance this year.
The right nootropic stack will help you focus on what you’re studying, pay attention during class or a lecture, and provide all-day energy so you don’t crash.
The nootropics recommended in this video are ideally suited for studying. They’ll help you encode the material to memory. Then recall this knowledge during an important exam or test.
And a couple of the nootropics in this stack can even help reduce anxiety when you’re prepping for an exam or date.
Each nootropic featured in this video should be easy to find anywhere in the world. They’re legal in most countries and affordable.
The beauty of this stack is it’ll work for students of any age. Nootropics for anyone who needs better energy, memory, recall, and motivation.
If you’re deciding between prescription stimulants/smart drugs or natural nootropics – your best and safest choice are natural nootropic supplements.
The right nootropic stack can be as effective as synthetic, prescription smart drugs. With the added bonus of being less expensive and safer.
And near the conclusion of this video I'll give you the ideal nootropic stack for studying which you can build yourself with individual supplements.
Or try the pre-made nootropic stacks mentioned in this video. I've provided links above and below if you'd like to buy them.
00:00 Intro
00:37 Best Nootropics for Studying
02:13 Best Nootropics for School
02:28 CDP-Choline (Citicoline)
02:56 Gotu Kola
03:23 Bacopa Monnieri
04:38 L-Theanine
07:18 Performance Lab Stim
07:50 Nootropics Studying Stack
08:36 B-Complex
The original transcript of this video has links that will take you through to the full review of each nootropic. Including clinical studies for each of the nootropic supplements mentioned in this video.