How to properly catch and release a fish

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*These floats do what they say they do **** recommend they come on and off easily and can be adjusted in seconds to adjust to the depth of the water you are fishing in. Used these with trout magnet lures and did really well with them in the stream!*


I know the law has to be the law but I feel terrible when I accidentally catch a fish in a way that I know it’s going to die, but I can’t legally keep it. Seems like such a waste.


All are released. They understand now.


If the fish is hooked in the gullet DO NOT cut the line and leave it, hooks today are made to NOT DETERIORATE, there are proper ways to remove a hook from a fishes gullet or gills which I don't have time to explain on here look it up for yourself I'm sure there are lots of good videos on YouTube


soild info but i was always told that moving a fish back and forth actually damages the gills and pulling the fish backwards cuts off the flow of oxygen to the gills.


Appreciate the video. Like hunting ( I believe) there should be some type of class or atleast video watching before purchasing a license. I don’t think a good majority of people are taught much before fishing. This little bit of knowledge can change things tremendously.


Fishing is one of the largest past times or hobbies and is a great way to get children away from their game console's and out in nature. There are thousands of video's on a number of aspects of fishing. When I was a beginner at the age if six in the north if Ireland I learned the basics and some of them lessons are just as important today age 44 years of age. Today age 44 I have two things that really bug me or should I say piss me right off so here it goes. First I would like to say 99% of fishermen and woman who fish are some of the nicest people you'd ever meet generally they go out of their way to say maybe help a kid properly set up his rod and line or show them what they are doing wrong. I mostly fish for trout, sea trout and Salmon here in Ireland . I am also in a number of online fishing communities and recently I have noticed this. Too many people either do not know how to handle a fish or they just don't care. Just like learning to cast everyone should take the time to learn how to handle fish . Ie: removing the hook in a way that causes as little stress and damage to the fish as possible. Too often I see video's of people reeling in a fish at 100 mph removing the hook real rough then literally throwing the fish back into the lake, river or sea. What has happened to enjoying playing a fish after all that's the part we all love. It good practice to wet your hands before handling a fish as our hands are hot and can damage the fish. It is also good practice after all the above has been done to return the fish as quickly as possible but handling the fish gently and submerging it in water while rocking it back and forth to return oxygen back into the fish gills. This will ensure the fish has a better chance of survival and makes "you a responsible fisherman/woman. One more small thing I also take a garbage bag when I go fishing I like to fish and here in Ireland some of the rivers and lakes are stunning but unfortunately not all of us leave the fishing spot as we found it. It doesn't take much effort to lift bits of fishing line and other people rubbish. Beer can act ect....these are small things but make a huge difference in this beautiful sport of fishing. Tight lines folks. And great video.


This video helped me a lot with my fishing unit in Boy Scouts thanks


I used to do catch and release. Drag the poor sucker around by the lip until he gets all gassed up with lactic acid, then take the hook out, look him in the eye and say, “I was just f**kin’ with you, buddy.” For me it was sport. For the fish, it was a life-and-death struggle.


Great video! Michigan! Thank you for caring! Share with all other states that have fish preservation organizations please! They need it!


Good video!
Killing is not a sport, taking care of the nature yes!


What about snipping the barb with pliers and then removing the hook? That would be the least traumatic.


I have found fish hooked underwater. It seems it had swallowed a knot or some bait attached to the line.


Don’t handle bass the way the guy does in this video. For the same reasons netting fish is bad, It takes off their slime which they need for protection


Timely shipping. The black hooks are stiff and sharp. I like them so far


And please don’t let your kids grab it. And your hands must be wet when handling it. Your dry hands wipe off the needed slime they need for protection.


I mostly fish with intentions to eat them (I dont pay for salt charters just to throw them back) but do catch and release fresh water most of the time.


Good video but I definitely wouldn’t live the hook in the fish and release it. That is a horrible idea cause the fish won’t be able to eat normally any more and will die anyways.


Always look in the fishes mouth for barotrauma because If it’s eyes are popping out and its looking like the stomach is coming out it’s mouth mouth thats a pretty obvious sign it’s gonna die. People are just butchering the perch population in my favourite lake this winter because they don’t know about this or just don’t care. It’s kinda inhumane If you ask me.


I recommend eating the fish u deep hooked so that it doesn’t suffer
