Find The Courage to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

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Nothing physical lasts forever, but rather than let that depress you, let that fire you up! Leave a legacy that lasts. One that’s built on love and your unique gifts. Here are two habits that will keep you going when you feel discouraged, and the mindset that will help you fight depression and anxiety to leave your mark on the world.
#MarieTV #OvercomeDepression #MarieForleo

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They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This video hit home as validation.

I've had YouTube channels for a long time and I will dab here and there but I have never taken them seriously. I kept thinking nobody is listening, nobody cares. Then, we had some major tragedies in our family and when I finally woke up from the nightmare I decided to change my approach. I decided to share all our experiences whether people are watching or not. If one person figures out they are not alone and it is OK, then all the videos are worth it.

I think the biggest lesson I can share from my experience is that it is not about the followers, the viewers or the amount of likes. It is about touching that one person that needs it. Marie Forleo, you are an inspiration and I love you. Thanks for always sharing that light of yours with all of us.


I don't know who said this but it has changed the way I see my difficulties... It goes something like this: There is someone waiting for you at the end of your struggle. Your struggle WILL be over, and you will live to see the day where you will help someone who suffers in the same way that you have suffered in your life. It will be worth it.


It took a while to accept the anxiety I felt, on a daily basis. I had cancer at a relatively young age, and the following months, was diagnosted with bipolar disorder. Just recently I got it: feeling bad is just a phase, I can still love myself, love my life. I learned to stop giving fuel to the bad feeling, by overthinking. I realized that a phase can last an hour, within a 12 hour day. That would give me 11 hours to appreciate, be greatful just to be here. You'll figure it out in time :)


I need to play this video everyday :) It makes you realise how much we should be happy and grateful to have a peaceful place to live and it makes me realize not to be so stressed out. Life is too short to worry about things we cannot change or control. ❤


I'm glad that you're here, R! We're all thinking about you! <3


Oh my gosh Marie, this brought tears to my eyes. Your devotion to us, your audience and students, really shone through the screen. Thank you for the work you do. Sending all my love to R 😊


I do my best and leave the rest to LIFE! If it is meant to stay, it will. I focus in create only. I focus in my "little part"


read about Syria today. dealing with some political crisis in my own country, and was thinking the same as R. Dear R, I think that you have the strength to pull this through. Once I got through depression, I decided never to forgot about that feeling so it can never happen to me again. we live in a world where its easier to think negative, but choose opposite. Be the example and live your pasion no matter what.


Sending so much love to 'R'. I live and work in Iraq and though my struggle is not like yours, I see your pain, send my love and pray for you from at least a closer distance. <3 You'll be on my mind and in my prayers as I am laboring here "beside you" in my own little way. Love you, sister. Keep creating.


Dear R, thanks for being so honest. I often struggle with finding a reason to move forward as well, but what's important is knowing that no one else can do what you do. If you stopped building, the world would truly miss out. You are unique and important. You've already touched so many people from different countries, cultures and religions. Thank you and please continue to build! I pray you have love and success.


I have never commented on any YouTube video in my life... but this one really tugged at me. Marie, thanks for your words and your wisdom and your compassion. R, sending you love.


you can't control people or events but how you react to those events is what you can control.
Ali from Iraq


What keeps me going is daily reminder of why I choose to be my own boss. It is sometimes stressful, busy and time-consuming, but it is definitely worth it. And I make daily conscious effort to be happy. I walk, run, exercise, spend time in nature or with my favourite niece. Find those small little things to help you working each single day Ar! And never give up on yourself!


I would suggest to R to keep an online "in the cloud" journal of what she's done, with pictures and what she learned and discovered. Then she's going to be more conscious of what she's doing and since it's online, like google drive or whatever it can be acces from anywhere, so if what she's 'building' is destroid, the memory is going to be accessible. Lot's of courage to you R, you have all my respect.


Dear R, I am from Poland and sometimes I am going to believe that only people from rich and developed countries can dream big and avoid doubts...but words from you show me that we can dream and create whereever we are, sending you my LOVE


That quote is wonderful and so fitting. Architects are artists. And art refreshes the soul. We never know whom we may inspire even if our work ends up invisible to the world. Thank you Marie for this episode. It puts life into perspective for me.


Thank you R for your question. I, along with a lot of us and your angels love you very much. Stay strong and don't give up. Keep shinin' your light - you are making a difference just by being alive and a lighthouse where you are. Much love <3 Keep creating


R! The world needs you. Keep on keeping on. Stay safe and much love to your and your loved ones.


What a wonderful episode! R, you sound like a truly amazing, string and fierce woman. I can't begin to imagine how you and your country must feel, living in such turmoil, but the fact that you still create is incredible. Stay strong, we are all standing with you xx


Marie thank you for your videos! They give me so much light, love, and encouragement. Today my country is having a really tough time and because it's something out of our hands we struggle every day to keep our head up and try our best to find that tiny place of peace to tell ourselves "we'll be OK, this will pass, it's fine, we can do it..." you have no idea of how far your voice can go to people in distress.

To you R, you absolutely restore my faith in humanity, please know that you made my day today. Even in a smaller scale, crisis hurts and when we feel hopeless there's that sense of loneliness that it's hard to rub off.

Thank you dears, love, and blessings from Venezuela, Cris
