Balancing Based on LOW ELO Ruined Overwatch 1

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Youll never be able to have everyone balanced in low, high rank, and pro play. It is what itnis


I've been playing Overwatch since the release of OW1 and the vast majority of balance changes was so clearly done by people that aren't good at the game. The devs are literally Plat chat. Anyone remember when they had that Discord for Top 500 players for input and ideas....Super said they literally never responded and never did anything they suggested lol


Any character that’s win rate gets progressively worse as the rank gets higher is probably not designed very well and very discouraging to play if you’re trying to improve


Yes but 1 Shotting in 5v5 without the use of an ultimate is crap (and honestly Sojourn sucks to play against) it's still not fun to play against. In 6v6 your other tank could peel and dive and it would have been fine for her to 1 shot because it was harder for her to obtain value. You can't balance widow or hanzo to be useful, fun and balanced in 5v5 it just isnt possible


Because of heroes like Moira whenever someone struggles on any support they just switch to Moira.
For DPS something like bastion and orisa for tanks.
What happens is they get stuck in a loop where they play a high skill hero then struggle then change to a low skill hero and then not improve.
I don't know why anyone including blizzard thinks making easy heroes like lifeweaver is in any way good for the game.


Id rather have a hero be locked by masters and above than one everyone can play. At least with newly designed heroes and balancing. Brig is the classic example of a hero designed for low level players which caused the entire game to break. We can still see these designs in Mauga and lifeweaver where the playstyle is simply focusing the tank or healbotting.


Characters like ball who require tech to play well, and characters like widow who need aim to be good should stay like that. But there needs to be large amounts of heros who are good at low and high rank so people can climb on a hero they're comfortable on. There shouldn't be a hero whos only good a low rank because then someone who climbed out of low ranked on that hero feels punished because now they have to swap.


Even in high ranks widow is pretty simple to stop with a coordinated team. If she loosed oneshot capabilities she might as well be removed/replaced since she would be pretty useless.


yeah, to balance you have to listen to every part, low, high and pro, you cant pick a side, and also verify if its really true what they are saying or the problem is on another place


I still think Morias damage ability should be aimed regardless of rank the one reason low ranks get rolled by her is the consistent dps from the pull at least the orb can be reflected dodged or ignored if it’s terrible but talking to them honestly it seems like they just get flustered the compounding of missing more shots increases the anxiety and breaking her beam isn’t hard but the lower ranks don’t help each other really ever 😅not even through spite they literally have no idea what’s going on around them


I kind of agree but I think a number of bad decision haven’t been skill champs getting too much value at low ranks. It might effect high elo play if tracer or widow is busted but for 99% of the player base is healthy.

The problems usually come when low skill heroes are viable or even meta in top ranks. If Moira, bastion or reaper is getting a ton of play in gm. That means everywhere below they are raid boss busted. And that also means one tricks get boosted into high elo. And then ruin everyone’s games as the one tricks deflate when their hero gets nerfed.

It doesn’t matter if Ana is good in bronze. But it ruins the game if Moira is meta in gm


The biggest Problem are the smurfs in my opinion. I was shocked yesterday because i had a game in mid diamond without a guy who has 40 hours playtime and a winrate nearly 90%.... also in this state every game you get stomped or you stomp the other Team. Feels zero rewarding und its zero fun. I think after 1000 hours i leave this game until all these ***holes are done to rank up their 2-10 Accounts.... i was high Master for seasons.... this season is just keeping Stuck in diamond.😢


To be fair its always gonna be an issue because lets say moira does bad in high elo
Then They'll buff or alter her to make her fit into high elo them the high elo players complain because they dont like moira and say shes awfully designed
So you cant balance everyone around this because of the fact some characters people will just innately hate and unless they completely delete the character and build them from the ground up a good half of em won't be balanced in high tier without being broken or completely destroying the balance in lower elo


You know what....I'm finally saying it Sam. Venom mine ability needs to be changed. I strongly believe it no longer has enough value in the game. I call for Widows E to be remade.


Exactly. They just started making characters easier and easier. Instead of re designing how there abilities worked to give them that similar learning curve to other characters. Some characters are just designed to be easy to play for the lower skill players. And that’s fine. But it also doesn’t mean we need to buff or change them to be good in GM. They have just made many questionable changes when it comes to the competitive side of the game. And they claim they want the game to be competitive. But then make changes to cator pretty much only to the casual player base. It’s a little weird. like if a character is easy to learn. And not difficult to play at all. It shouldn’t give high value. But at the same time. Do we even want characters like that to exist. I think all characters should just take a lot of skill to master so why do we not re design heroes instead of just buffing them so they give value in high ranks 😂.


And what ranks are the largest player base in? That's the rank they will balance the game around.


Then you get genji where you can play perfectly mechanically
But still suffer cos the hero is so bad in high ranks


I'd rather the game be fun for the majority of the playerbase than for the top 5% that's just dumb.


So why should bad characters even be in line with good characters like widow genji souj tracer? They shouldn’t reaper n mei n torb sym sombra should all be designed for lower Elo n should get out preformed by the higher skill tier hero’s


most of the time i agree with you. but not this time.
