C2 Proficiency | Teaching Tips for Writing | Cambridge English

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The webinar will focus on the new compulsory essay question in Part 1 of the Writing paper. The presenter will discuss the requirements of the task, including assessment, and tips to help teachers prepare learners for this part of the exam. Ron Zeronis, Assessment Group Manager, will be answering questions that relate to the content of the presentation at the end of the webinar.

Presenters - Jill Buggey & Ron Zeronis

The link to the C2 Proficiency teaching tips webinar handout is below:

The link to the C2 Proficiency teaching tips webinar slides is below:

For further C2 Proficiency teaching tips, please click here:
Рекомендации по теме

Very useful for teachers as well as students. Thank you! Looking forward for Part 2 webinar!


Seriously, it's killing me. I manage to understand this webinar just fine, and still, I can't properly put more than two words together when speaking ^^'


Is this information still accurate for the exams that take place on 2023?


First of all, I want to thank you for Posting this webinar. This webinar is very insightful and The disscusion in this web webinar really helps educators and students to improve their performance in the areas required for part one of the writing tesh😍


Thank you so much! This is an excellent video.


Could we please have more information about how to approch the set texts? The question was written but wasn't addressed. There seems to be little information available . Thank you!


I can finally hear the lady who's always typing :)


Would this text do well? Where should I improve it?
Although most people would generally agree that individuality and living accordingly to your own viewpoints of what is right or wrong is essential to people's self-steem and well-being, few could deny that to have a peaceful and pleasant coexistence in society these days one should always try to understand and respect the way other people chose to live their lives. What both extracts explore is the nature of these concepts but from different perspectives.
The first extract puts forward the idea that although younger and older generations may have very different viewpoints of what should and what shounldn't be done by people in their daily basis or even at public spaces, if they tried to understand and respect different views and world comprehension that each person live according to, not only it would be much easier and satisfying to live, but also it would increase one generation good looking upon the other.
The second passage on the other hand, emphasizes the need that nowadays people have of individuality, to develop their sense of own-worth and well-being despite what society may put as conventional, this would bring about a more comprehensive society, since one is more comprehensive with oneself, so it shall be with other people around, making everyone happier and self-satisfied.
To sum up, I am inclined to believe that what society lacks nowadays is the balance between both things, people should live according to what they believe it's right and better for themselves, but without disrespecting what may be offensive and unpleasant to others around, so that, one's well-being and self assurance don't bring other people down, however without being too attached to society's conventions so that we could also appreciate others way of life


so you don't need to mention text 1 and text 2?


I would like to ask if anyone still here for a little tip? Based on the second sentence isn't it more correctly to say "...different ideas about what acceptable behaviour is". Thank you all in advance!
