What Is NVLD? Understanding Non-Verbal Learning Disability

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Two moms are on a mission to raise awareness about Non-Verbal Learning Disability after their children were diagnosed. TODAY’s Dylan Dreyer takes a deeper look at what they describe as an invisible condition, and how their efforts at the non-profit, The NVLD Project, are reshaping the conversation.

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He's very fortunate to be diagnosed as a child. At 37, I'm just discovering there is a name for these life-long struggles. It's emotionally taxing having everyone think you're so smart and faking struggles with simple tasks. When in fact you're trying your best and failing, but you sound smart, so no one believes you. I'm relieved to have learned there's a name for these life-long challenges.


I have it. Been diagnosed. I keep looking it up every once in a while to see if it’s more known. Hopefully one day people will know more about NVLD


I was diagnosed at 39 & only God in heaven kept me on this earth! My childhood was "Everyone hates Kathy." My relatives made fun of me, my brother hated me, & still hates me. God has really saved me. I had two failed marriages, very few friends, but good friends. The 21st Century is extremely difficult to live in. People like us are really a Helen Keller of sorts. It was extremely comforting when Chris Rock came forward. I don't have any talent, but I'm glad he's successful & most of all respected.Glad for these young kids, who seem to have great parents, who are helping them succeed.


It’s a shame that I wasn’t diagnosed with NVLD until I was 40. I am a terrible driver, I have zero sense of direction, I was a poor student, I process everything slowly, I’m a clumsy, butterfingers, I have a poor working memory I would be a complete failure but I am a smooth talker with a stellar vocabulary and a strangely powerful long term memory and I’m artist. Most of my corks, I believe, come from my NVLD.


I have NVLD thank you for covering this!


That on-air personality needs to learn the difference between offering sympathy and invalidating what someone is saying. When a person with a disability/deficit explains how that disability affects them, the worst thing a neurotypical person can do is minimize it by saying, "Don't we all?" (This was in response to the young woman who said she has difficulty reading maps.) That kind of remark doesn't help the person with a neurological deficit to feel included; rather, it insinuates that the person sharing doesn't really have a disability. Like: if we're all like that, then how is she disabled or different? How insensitive and ignorant. Her job was to listen and affirm, not to stumble around trying to make the person feel better, and in the process, really stepping where she shouldn't.


I learned how to read when I was three. When it comes to writing, sometimes I can get the letters in the spaces without the words going one direction or the other, but other times, not so much. The summer before I started my senior year of high school, my mom was watching a special about ADD, so she got herself evaluated and was diagnosed. She spoke to my childhood neurologist (since I have hydrocephalus, I see one), and he ordered me to undergo some neuropsych testing, and the diagnosis I came away with was NVLD. I also have some savant abilities. In fact, when I was in first grade, I saw my dad write the wrong year on a check (as so many of us do in early January, and I've even caught myself doing it a few times), so I corrected him. Since then, he's called me his "walking calendar", and I've also been able to tell people what day of the week their next birthday would be on.


I really wish I'd had this much understanding about the condition when I eas in school! I had to figure out my diagnosis for myself at age 43!


Diagnosed at age 16, happy to see more people recognizing this disability.


I've got it too guys! I have an incredibly difficult time with math! I am trying to get my school to approve a credit from another university because I can't pass the math at Public universities! Don't quit anything, keep trying Even if you fail, it's better to fail time and time again than quit and never try again. I was actually able to pass hospital corpsman navy training before I was aware I had the disability. That is incredibly visiually spiritually oriented. I had a difficult time with relationships, but now I'm married. I had a hard time making friends, but now I have a great friend. Life works itself out for you! Keep your head up and grind and life will turn out great 👍


Go Teddy you are not alone I have nvld too


Can you please do a follow up to this story?


Everything on that list resonates with me.


Thank you for this. I feel like I have a form of this, and it's a struggle to explain. Many of the symptoms are similar to ADHD- memory and organization problems, difficulty with motivation, etc. But it's different in subtle ways.


I have it and its terrible I have never held down a job and was diagnosed late and its like playing catching up daily. Glad that this is being discussed more.


I just an evaluation and learned about this. Boy, do I tick all the boxes.


The symptoms sound very similar to Irlen Syndrome (Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome)


i was diagnosed with nvld when i was a kid, but i keep thinking its wrong cuz i relate alot to my friends with adhd i am 26 now


How is this different from Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder?


An incompetent teacher tried diagnosing me with this after my grades started spilling in the 5th grade. I was at a new school in a bad neighbourhood full of mean and violent children so I became isolated. No teachers helped just diagnosed me with stuff. Wasn't until I met some nice kids the next year that my grades turned around.
