Consciousness and Awareness

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About my videos: These videos are a resource for anyone wishing to wake up from the dream of separation. Awakening, enlightenment, and liberation are becoming far more mainstream possibilities than they once were. There are many good teachers out there, and if you resonate with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, or Sadhguru, you might find resources here that address these deeper promptings to investigate your true nature.

Disclaimer: The information presented in these videos is not meant to diagnose or treat any psychiatric or medical illness. The inquiries presented herein are potent and can have powerful effects on the way you experience yourself and reality. If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or others, these videos and practices may not be the best thing for you at the moment. Seek help wherever necessary which might include a hospital emergency department, a suicide helpline etc.
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This whole speech reeks of intellectual over-complication for the sake of sounding profound, and frankly, it's riddled with logical contradictions. The distinction between "Unbound Consciousness" and "self-awareness" is a prime example of unnecessary mental gymnastics. If "Unbound Consciousness" is nothing but self-awareness, what does that even mean? You can't have "nothing but self-awareness" without an object of that awareness. It's a self-defeating concept—consciousness by definition implies awareness of something, even if that something is the awareness itself. You're just dressing up tautologies in mystical language.

The notion of awareness in deep sleep is another absurd claim. Anyone who’s spent even a few minutes reading sleep studies knows this is bunk. Deep sleep is characterized by a lack of sensory input and self-awareness. It’s called non-REM for a reason: the brain is in a low-activity state, with no active awareness. The few instances of “awareness” that people claim during deep sleep are almost certainly post-sleep recollections or auditory stimuli from the environment during the waking transition, not actual consciousness. This is basic neuroscience, not mystical woo-woo.

Now, on to the whole "Neo-Advaita formless awareness" business. Look, calling formless awareness the ground of being is pure metaphysical fluff. It’s an elegant way to dodge the responsibility of actually defining what the hell you're talking about. If there’s nothing but "formless awareness, " how do you experience anything at all? It’s self-contradictory. You're introducing the concept of awareness without any grounding in reality. Science tells us that awareness arises from brain activity and is tied to perception, sensory input, and cognition. There’s no such thing as "formless awareness" floating in some void. That's not profound, it’s just nonsense.

Adyashanti hits the nail on the head: what you’re calling non-duality is still a duality. You’ve just sanitized it by separating the aware presence from what it’s aware of. You say it’s "a stage of realization"—well, it’s still stuck in dualism, just wrapped up in spiritual jargon. It doesn’t escape the basic structure of subject and object, so pretending this is some sort of higher truth is just misleading.

In the end, this speech feels like an exercise in self-deception. You’re layering abstraction over abstraction, rather than sticking to what’s scientifically and experientially grounded. Consciousness isn't some cosmic mystery to be endlessly dissected into finer and finer categories. It’s a biological function tied to the brain, not an ethereal state floating above reality.


Can you do a video on "the empath"?

Its an experience I "struggle" here anf there. Nice realisation clears, the experience of feeling intensely emotions of others is just intense. Lately its a lot of competition and tension, especially around men. Also its honestly just crazy how people around open up on there emotions, but not just that. Also they seem to actually process a trauma. And the funny thing about it is, that it intensifys for the speaker, the less "I" am doing something. Im really doing nothing. "I" doesnt even exist honestly.

Hearing a lot about empath that should learn how to focus their own emergy to not het caught up into others. Cant tell why, but that seems a lot of bullshit to me, while there is truth to it. Love to hear about your experience :)


The timing of this makes it feel like you're speaking to my exact predicament!

So very appreciative to have such clear teachings in the world! Thank you.


Have been doing self inquiry using the questions - "What is the next thought that'll arise & who am I?" - for a couple of months now.
Both questions lead to a gap although for short intervals at a time, then get re identified with thoughts .Then I start again. Any recommendations to fine tune the process? I got your book but lately reading is an uphill task.


When I was a kid I had attended a weeklong religious camp, even though I wasn’t religious (wanted to go because a friend was going). I remember them relaying a passage that said before god created the world there was nothing. I guess I stirred things up pretty badly when I said “how could there be nothingness when nothingness is still something”. 😂 Little did I know at the time that I was already on this journey lol!

Thanks for sharing. I get it, then I don’t, then I get it again! I had it then I lost it and am awaiting it come back again. How I lost this between my first and second awakening still boggles my mind 😂


Michael Taft refers to these as "Non-duality 1, and Non-duality 2" lol. There can be many non-dualities, after all, we're merely talking about the dropping away of a dualistic division!


How do I stop going down the wrong path I’ve been telling myself that I have been trying to understand no mind and no self but I’m not sure I’ve ever done that throughout all these practices and watching and reading all this content. Over and over and over I go into the mind forever and never go beneath that


As someone who is doing self enquiry for spiritual awakening, i feel that many who have awakened mention that a spiritual awakening can affect one mentally and emotionally if one has some healing to do in those areas, how do i know if stable mentally and emotionally enough to reach a spiritual awakening?

If I separate the supposed by asking like if I hear a sound, i could ask myself who is perceiving this sound? To which i would respond I am perceiving this sound. Then i guess the next step is to ask who is aware of the I right? Is it ok to say where is the origin of the place of the I feeling?instead of who is aware of the I?

Thank you


Hey Angelo, I really appreciate your recent video on "if thoughts aren't a problem for you, if you're coming from somewhere else, then that's fine of course".

Could you do your next talk with a *thick* German accent?


Thank you for your amazing videos Angelo!! It takes a while to get all these pointers from an experiential viewpoint which changes everything and it suddenly clicks, The mind can get up to certain level and then language & mind can't get pass that point. I got into all this through Ramana and Nissargadata so I understand how we tend to cling to terms and definitions and how we try to create mental maps of the journey, until it just makes no more sense and everything is seeing clearly in direct seeing. Thank you for the fantastic pointers you give and for your compassion and understanding! I always come back to your videos because you are very direct and clear, I loved your book (got it as Audiobook too). The equanimity is almost constant and I no longer resist life, I flow through life. Thank you!!! 🤗❤☀


Is it a comming Thing to happen, that somehow experience is faster. Like the mind let go and stopped trying to hold onto the experience? Really feels like loosing control, but its so freeing.

I feel like im still stuck in forms amd space tho :/


Thank you for unbinding doubtless speaking to truth🙏


Angelo, thank you very much for this video. I consider Nisargadatta Maharaj to be my teacher and this video was like understanding grammar after understanding words. Genuinely thank you.
