ESO How To Level Up Fast in Elder Scrolls Online 2023

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00:00 Intro
01:26 Sets/ Items / Consumables
06:56 Best Method For New/Returning or World Event Farming
09:09 Daily Do's
10:38 Overland Mid Game Location
11:44 Best XP Per Hour Without ESO+
15:38 Best XP Per hour With ESO+
17:34 Honorable Mentions Non-DLC
20:43 Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

Hey everyone! To make this brief, I am just a simple Elders Scrolls Online YouTuber and hey maybe I’ll expand within the future but for the time being, my focus is to help beginners, returning and veteran players to be informed about many things within the game whether that is events, money making guides or even builds! I hope y’all find the videos useful and don’t ever be afraid to leave comments with either suggestions or criticism! Oh and some of ya might want to do the research and find things on ya own, if that’s the case then give the links below a try!

SEO #eso #esofam #elderscrollsonline
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Thanks man, I have been floundering around in this game on my own for about a week. This helps 💯


rip plaguebreak. I used to help people doing skyreach while leveling up my weapon skill lines.


Dunegons are so much easier for lower levels than battlegrounds or any of the alliance stuff. In a dungeon the worst thing that can happen is your team running ahead or people with 'op' gear kill everything too fast. In battlegrounds, you're surrounded by people who fully understand the meta and are taking advantage of it by using their cp150+ character to make amazing gear for their lvl17 character. It's not a question of if you'll die, it's a question of when, and how many times can you be one/two-shot before you get frustrated and give up. If you don't care about the meta and optimizing your build, you're gonna have a bad time in anything but random dungeons and the imperial city sewers.


I’ve played since 2015 and that heartland conqueror set boost I didn’t know about. Good shit


If I was completely new with no resources (money or guild mates) I’d start at base game starter zone and just run looting chests first while getting skyshards. All the trainee pieces dropped will be in training trait and I’d just focus on getting decked out training pieces, and as I lvl swap for higher quality or lvl and not worry about sets.
Also a spot rarely mentioned is old Ida’s cottage in deshaan for overland exp farming. Isn’t too overrun and I’ve levelled 20+ toons there.
Also worth noting that if there’s another person and you get in on kills it’s 20% or so more exp than if alone but if you’re 3 doing any content it’s 10% less than when solo and better to go elsewhere


I Loot Deshan Treasure Chests because the drop to your level, between exp, scrolls etc. However i also use my Alts to level new characters skills by doing dailys level at the same time.


deadland oblivion portal are great, the 2 final boss are easy solo and u can just go fight them and kill trash mob in bethween + u will make alot of gold while running it with hexos and Kynymarchy gear/motif/high value style mats!


A . Just running dolmens alone doesn’t give you very many skill pointnew player can gain 20 levels by just discovering all wayshrines in the game. You can also at the same time collect all above ground sky shards to gain lots of skill points before level 50


Btw Jake, what skills/weapons would you recommend for the farm?


What instruments do skeletons play?


Dolmens in the Alik’r Desert!
Just eliminate simple enemies in the starting area until you reach level 5, then travel to Alik’r Desert, and run to all three Dolmens & unlock their wayshrines. Follow the crowd clockwise and go from Dolmen to Dolmen, and you will level up very fast, and fill your inventory with gear!
I craft level 15 & level 30 gear (all training trait) & experience boosters.
Just one Dolmen will jump every skill on your bar, it’s crazy!


Thanks! I needed this since 6 months ago when I decided to get alt chars!

I just do public dung. To get the skill points on bossess and shards I'll usually hit lvl20 running those also doing random normal once a day till I hit lvl40 which I pause and wait for a two times event. I hit lvl50 with enough skill points to fill the necessary crafting skill.
It's pretty horizonal with most of my baby in between lvl 30-40

I don't suggest for alt toon to do Random normal at 40+ as a fake tank/healer since there's a high chance it's a dlc making the run painful


"Just do whatever" most stupid response by majority of eso players when we started. Honestly the gatekeeping in this game is beyond whatever me and my cousin encountered in our years of gaming, almost made us leave the game.


So I am farming sculls and just soloed a world boss in Western Skyrim, when on my way up the road to where I want to go, I bump into an NPC in a spooky costume that I have never seen before.
So I interact with it, after some back and forth with it, I get the option to give it 600+ gold or take a curse, so I choose do your worst and take the curse. with that, the NPC say's oh I will and infects me with some purple smoky effect, noticeable every home, delve, or dungeon I visit. This thing can be viewed in your character status buffs and debuffs, but curiously says it has no effect at all, other than a timer for when it runs out; which is like two days, and the purple smoke effect whenever you enter a home, delve, or dungeon. Just bizarre, and wondering if yourself or any of your viewer/subscribers have run into this thing?


Hey what zones do you reckon doing the main stories of for first. For the best amount of skill points etc


I absolutely love your content man. I just returned to ESO im only 600CP though playing as an arcanist what do you think would suit me best for fastest way to lvl up with ambrosia 150% also is it worth using training gear like julianos? Btw i have Eso+ and eso deluxe which includes necrom.


Nice guide, however how the seven hells do you get into Craglorn?


The actual farming people should do in this game is.

Getting skill points, worry about levels after.

You could be cp3600 but if you don't have enough passives unlocked so you will be weak.


What’re the skills jake uses on this character ? I’m somewhat new and sorcerer but don’t recognise a lot of the spells he’s using and I absolutely struggle in Skyreach (CP600)


For NON ESO+ Memebers
Level 10 - 50, more XP per Hour = NO CRAGLORN
You will Level More and In a Shorter period of time if you do DUNGEONS.
Constantly Queue for Dungeons.

What ever you decide to do, make sure you time yourself, and READ the XP before and AFTER.
Don't just listen without testing it yourself.
