Why Most People FAIL to Learn Programming

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Biggest trap for me has been the "I'll just take a break for a few days and then pick back up right where I left off trap." Well a few days turns into a few weeks because there's always something coming up that gives me an excuse for why it's just not a good time to practice coding, and then next thing you know it's been almost a month and I've forgotten everything I learned and I have to open up a new tutorial from the beginning and then I'm stuck on tutorial treadmill. Do not take long breaks (meaning multiple days at a time) when you're learning. Even if you can only do like a half hour on one day, do it. Keep it fresh in your mind or else you will forget it.


The reason that most people fail to learn programming and become developers is the same reason that most people fail to learn other things like, playing the piano, speaking French etc. The reality once the excitement is over is that it takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and huge amounts of determination. Most people don't have that and they give up as soon as things get difficult.


Trying to learn through complex tutorials makes things much more difficult.
To learn quickly you need to have quick wins that motivate you to keep learning.
I did struggle for 1 year with long tutorials and couldn`t learn anything. I was so frustrated.
What was game changing for me was learning through Books that have interactive content. Those that make you write and test the codes by yourself on each chapter. This is the best way to learn because it gives you quick wins as soon as you learn a new concept.
Edit: For those asking, the books that made me learn were "Javascript In Less Than 50 Pages" and "Smarter Way to Learn Python". Once you get the basics, learning anything else becomes much easier.


I've been programming for over 11 years and am finishing getting my HBSc in CS, and my best suggestion is a text book that teaches you the structures and ideas of programming with simple code (or even multiple languages) so you understand the structure. I recommend the "beginning programming for dummies" because it's easy to read and provides tons of examples with multiple languages in each section so it drills the importance of the idea/structure rather than the language itself.


So, i took your advise and a couple days ago i had no girlfriends but, now i have a robot gf. Thanks man you helped me a lot


Take it from someone who learned how to code without the help of anyone:
Coding is not too different than things you already know, it's just a language used to express your understanding of how to solve a problem, the first step is to "imagine" the steps of solving the problem in your head, you can do that using "common sense" and step by step procedures of breaking down a complex parts into smaller ones, after that what is left is learning what keys to press on your keyboard to "translate" the solution into computer language.
you will NEVER be able to code something that you didn't solved in your head firsthand.


I started learning coding last year around November. Started with HTML and CSS and at first I only watched videos and then practiced coding. It didn't stick. So what I found that worked was I would first learn the simple tags, stylings, flexbox and etc. Then I would go into VS code and literally mess around with the code. It kept me interested because I would constantly wonder "what would happen if I changed this". There was a lot of moments but man did I learn more. Now I'm jumping into JS. Wish me luck!


"Watching tutorials, and then feeling dumb when you go on codewars and can't solve the simple challenges".. This one hit hard. I really think I have a good understanding of the fundementals of the programming language I study, but it's been so discouraging when I've been presented with a simple problem to solve, but I can't think of a good way to approach it. One thing is learning the language, but you also need to start to think like a programmer. Break down a problem to simple steps, and make it work step by step. This is where I struggle. Allright, this was the last video I will watch for today. On to the practice!


It's absolutely unreal when you got a skill, that owns you forever ... If you do not train it costantly, probably your brain will cancel it at certain point, this occurs for all language you learn, except the native one.


1.mindset: dont be discouraged.keep trying

2.tutorial treadmill : watching too much tutorial, not doung anything

3.not chosing a niche: instead of considering all languages, master one technology

4.try to do it alone


I think there's also a really big misconception about what coding actually IS. I've been wanting to code ever since I was 11 but I always thought it was just a language you had to learn really well and if you memorized all the keywords and syntax you'd be able to code. I'm a game programming student now and I've been coding seriously for about 3 years and god was I wrong about everything, and so are a lot of people as well. I was just reading books on how to learn Python but I never actually really wrote my own code, or else I would watch a step by step tutorial on how to code a discord bot in JavaScript but all I did was copy code that I didn't understand. I think beginners really need to understand that coding fundamentally is logic and problem solving. You want to make something work - how will you give out logic instructions to the computer that it can understand? It's also about knowing how to go look for answers, google things, do research - every programmer goes to look stuff up on google, you don't memorize everything by heart. So yeah like the video said, you really need to start writing your OWN code, it's really not that hard, you don't need to know about classes, polymorphism or pointers to make a simple sorting algorithm, all you really need is for loops, if/elses and arrays.


I never learned anything from a tutorial. I thought of something I wanted to build and began building it. When I needed to know how to do something, I googled it. I retain knowledge much better by doing it myself.


I don’t care if I fail this time, because I know I will achieve my goals in the end. Once I had to implement an algorithm I thought would be impossible for me to understand and code out, but after 3 long months of researching and analyzing, I was able to implement the algorithm. During these 3 months I couldn’t put my mind off from thinking about the algorithm, even when I tried to sleep. Since that time I knew whatever obstacle comes in my way, I will make it in the end.


the reason why I fail to learn programming is because I just listen to videos like this 24/7 instead of trying to learn lol.


Second rule is so true, 4 days ago I had no experience in React, JS, CSS, etc, and I've been at it, and boom, now I'm implementing huge features to my software. You learn to code by programming and only googling and lookin for help when you're stuck. Watching 8 hour tutorials or reading boring books won't cut it my newbie amigos.


0:52 Growth Mindset (You ARE getting better)
2:10 Tutorial Hell (Tutorial Treadmill)
3:18 Not choosing a nichè
5:20 Trying to do it alone


It takes consistency and determination - It is not an easy feat for sure.


the niche thing is quite something you don't hear very often but still is pretty important.
I am working as an algorithm developer in computer vision and for quite some time I was always very annoyed because I couldn't integrate the algorithms into certain application pretty good and started digging deeper into that direction, which led to worse results on my algorithm.
One day a colleague told me, just hand it off to me and then you can focus on improving your stuff and it worked like a charm.


In my opinion, programming is like other things people often fall out of, like going to the gym frequently, learning an instrument, learning to draw ect.
Even if you think it would be a nice thing to be good at, as long as you dont enjoy the process, it will be a slow and painful experience.
Why force yourself to do something you dont really enjoy? I think actually having fun and looking forward to the next time you're gonna train/learn and seeing yourself improve little by little every time, is key when you wanna do something like this.
All artists, coders, sports people ect. I know, who are really amazing at what they are doing, are very passionate about what they are doing and started it as a hobby, because it interested them and they enjoyed the process behind it.


Number 3 is a must. I can't tell you how many times I interview someone for a dev job and he has every technology listed on his resume. There is no way they have that much in depth experience, otherwise they would be an Architect. Go deep into one technology stack and then branch out. Focus your resume on the technology you know best.
