God created unclean animals

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🌍✨ Discover why certain animals
were classified as clean or unclean and what this
means for our lives today. Embrace a cleaner, holier
lifestyle as intended by God. #DivineWisdom
#CleanLiving #BiblicalTruth #HealthyFaith
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So stop putting toxins and GMOs in our food !
Sending love to all ❤


Very true❤ have never felt better for over 13+ years now, putting the unclean aside🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Amen. The laws are all still valid. Matthew 5:18. Shalom


But in the New Testament, God told us to eat all animals on the earth


Flounder has both scales and fins, yet they are bottom feeders. We don't know why some animals are clean and some are unclean. God didn't ask us to understand, HE commanded us to obey, and that should be good enough for all of us. We don't need to know why, we just need to obey. Also horses are very clean and healthy animals physically, but they do not have split hooves, so they are spiritually unclean.


It was also seven of all different types of birds along with seven of the clean animals.


HalleluYah! Context is key! People will use Mark 7:19 outta context, to say Yahshua (Jesus) made all meat clean, but there's a big fat reason why that phrase is either italicized or in parentheses... Because it was ADDED to the original much later!! You cannot find a Bible 100 yrs or older that has that sentence in it! It simply didn't exist!


Makes perfect sense to me. I am still struggling with this like crazy but I am finally at a point where I try my very best to not eat any form of pork the others are easy for me because I never became a big seafood person or anything like that. That being said thank you for all these videos. And the lesson God tries to teach us I'm not eating a little bit of unclean things is perfectly exemplified by our country today. They begin accepting little by little things that are completely unholy and unclean and now it's corrupted the entire society. Maybe if Christians have never gone off of God's law this would not have happened but reoccurring until Jesus comes back. Lastly I would like to tell you about a pastor with such a great lesson. If we just obeyed one law thou shalt not fornicate.... Prisons would be about out of business, families would stay together, abortions wouldn't exist, marriages would last a lifetime so on and so forth it would be a drastic change in society but society acts like attempting to follow God's law is impossible but do the holy spirit all things are possible. God bless you and your ministry!!! Your absence seemed very long and very short at the same time.


It was 7 pairs of every clean animal so that’s 14 of every clean animal, not 7. Yahweh says in Genesis 7:2: “You shall take with you seven pairs of every clean animal, a male and his female; and two of the animals that are not clean, a male and his female”.


Im glad God was only talking to the Jews 😊


Yes but God's command was specific to Israelites, not for Gentiles.


God did not make the unclean animals. But He did take them onto the ark. Unclean animals ARE ALSO hybrids that were made by the humans, and the Nephilim.

In the beginning, God saw everything that He made, and behind it was all good. That word "good" in Hebrew also means moral. The word "unclean" in Hebrew means defiled, to become defiled, desecrated, to become desecrated, impure, and IMMORAL.

To say that everything He made was MORAL and GOOD, directly contradicts IMMORAL, IMPURE, DEFILED, & DESECRATED.

So, which is it? He either made everything good and clean, or He made some good and some not. But it doesn't say that in Genesis. It says ALL that He made was good. No where in the Bible does it say that God made the unclean animals. They're not even discussed until after the Nephilim and before the flood.

Does a good perfect God make bad defiled, impure, desecrated, and immoral beings? Or is He a God of excellence and morality?

The word "clean" in Hebrews means good, moral, & beautiful.

God did not make unclean animals. And nowhere does the Bible say He did.

The unclean animals were included in the all so that they could clean up the earth from all the dead and decay. Clean animals did not eat meat. They still don't to this day. The unclean animals are trash eaters. God took what Satan, humans, and fallen angels made bad, and He used it for the good of Himself, for the earth, and for mankind. But make no mistake, He did not create immoral beings.

But I do love your channel.


Its not what goes into the mouth that makes man unclean.. its the condition of the heart.. cause whats in the heart comes out of the mouth... thank me later and lets not put spirtual chains unto ourselves when Jesus broke the chains so we can be FREE!


here's what is crazy- you actually believe this bologna
