Did Jesus declare all food clean, and abolish the food laws?

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Did Jesus declare all animals clean for food? Can Christians now eat pork and shellfish, or have we misunderstood something? This question is in reference to Mark 7:19 in the NIV, which says, "For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.") (Mark 7:19 NIV)

Now, look at the same verse in the King James:

"Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats" (Mark 7:19 KJV)

Notice that the phrase "In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean'" is not present in the King James. This is because it is a translator's note that was added by the translators of the NIV (and a few other modern translations). If you look at the Greek text, you will not find that phrase anywhere. It is not present in any of the Greek manuscripts, it is an addition that was made by the translators.

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Brothers and sisters, In my country a baby was born only 850 grams fighting for her life. Could you pray for her to make it through?
Can you also pray for Nadejda that is fighting cancer for the past 2 years.
They need our prayers badly.


Read your Bibles for yourselves and let the Holy Spirit teach you.


Romans 14:17
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Jesus said he came to fulfill the law of Moses and not to change it,


Wow! I’m going to heaven because of what Jesus did on the !!!CROSS!!! Of Calvary for me. I obey because I love him.
(Mic drop)


I have a bible that is translated from Aramaic, and you are telling the truth. The day of Worship is on Saturday, I have given up on pork, shrimp, most fish. I need to follow God. Your videos are helping me.


I'm Christian and I've been working towards eating more and more kosher for the last 4 years. I have only eaten pork by mistake maybe 3 or 4 times. I haven't touched shellfish in 3 years. It's not easy! This is something God called on my heart to obey His command. I recently discovered the FDA's low standards for non meat products and now I have to give up another one of my favorites (peanut butter).

It's so hard to find good Kosher food in my area and a bag of kosher chicken breasts is $20!

Other Christians have told me I'm wrong, but I'm so happy to see this video! I wanna give myself a high five! I KNEW IT!!!


They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. 1 Timothy 4:3


He say not to eat any seafood unless it has scales and fins....KJV


Very true brother, as I have researched it is so.. I have stopped eating pork and I am happy. Will continue to check the list now In Leviticus and see what else is not food. God bless


I gave up pork once I truly became a born again Christ follower.


Thank the dear sweet Lord for your post showing up on my phone. This gives me what I need to use to convince people who think that now all foods are clean and that they can go ahead and take the chapters in Leviticus's regarding the food laws of clean and unclean animals and throw it out with. Yesterday's trash. God never changes his mind. The animals that are unclean yesterday are the same today and tomorrow, and forever. Once you pay attention to what a lot of those animals are and what they eat, and the genetic makeup of their bodies, that allows them to eat those things that our bodies cannot handle. It justifies why we need to leave. Certain animals off our plates for good. .


According to Paul it's okay, "If recieved with thanksgiving" We always are supposed to bless our food..The dietary laws are mainly for our physical protection, not a form of holiness..It's for our health benefit that we eat kosher...


Skip the Circumcision boys, your salvation is by Faith, it's all good!
Wait, you eatin ribs? You going to hell.
That's Mad


I have started following Torah laws. What a great video. Pork, unfortunately, is everywhere, even hidden in processed items.
I am VERY new and the food was one of the first things I had to drastically change. Thank you.


God is answering my prayers THANK YOU GOD


Most people think anything you can put in your mouth is food. They never think to ask God and search his word for what he calls food.

Good video. Keep up the good work and spread truth and obey Yeshua by the Spirit


We should always listen to JESUS Christ He knows best💖🙏👍


People say that because of Mark 7:19 they, under the New Testament, can eat a ham sandwich, while under the old testament they couldn't. If this is what Peter understood when he heard Jesus say it, it makes one wonder why, 9 years later, Peter said, "Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean". (Acts 10:14) Apparently, Peter had not received any instruction that unclean meats were now clean during all that time.


I like how he showed how the NIV was a poor translation and then taught the rest of his lesson with it.
