How to wash your face properly to avoid acne- by Dr. Liv

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Hello everybody. My name is Dr.Liv Kraemer and I am a board certified dermatologist in Switzerland.
A lot of my patients ask me what to do to avoid acne. Therefore I would like to share with you some common mistakes you could avoid while washing your face.
Washing your face twice daily with a foam instead of a soap.
Washing your face with care. Take your time and do not use hot water. Use lukewarm water.
Do not use harsh peelings and do not use it more than once per week.
Take your time while washing your face and never go to bed without removing your make-up.
There are so many tips i would like to share. But watch my video and write me some comments. As i said, i am new on YouTube and would like to improve. Give me a like...:)...and some comments

and one comment asked me what to use to remove black heads...
1: use fruit acid products
2. try this

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big hug Yours Dr. Liv
Who is Dr Liv Kraemer and
why does she love skincare and skinfood?
Doctor Liv Kraemer (M.D., PhD) is a board-certified dermatologist with a focus on cosmeceuticals, aesthetic and preventative dermatology.
Before acquiring her academic and professional qualifications, she worked in the fashion industry for many years. This background gives her a unique and unusual perspective on both, medicine and beauty.
Today, Dr Liv is a specialist in aesthetic and lifestyle dermatology.
In her Boutique Dr. Liv Clinic in Zurich she focuses on skincare, skinfood and natural beauty.
Doctor Liv Kraemer is a frequent speaker in different aesthetic medicine, cosmetic conferences, but also on seminars and conferences
Dr. med. Liv Kraemer has been featured in numerous media articles such as in the NZZ am Sonntag, CNN, Cosmopolitan, Gala-Switzerland, intouch, Instyle, Cover Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Vertigo Magazine, Flair, Bunte, Body and Soul, Friday, Handelsblatt, etc.
She is member of different scientific and medical societies and expert organisations.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide any diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Рекомендации по теме

Use facial foam not a soap
Use fingers don't rush through
wash your face twice a day
Scrub once a week
Use your own towel
Use lukewarm water
Pick face wash of your skin type


This is my first time on this channel and I can tell you this doctor is so nice and real and patient, I've noticed she replied to so many comments willing to help, thanks we really appreciate it!💞


*i'm a dermatologist not a youtuber*


I love how clean and sterile the background laundry and her jacket is. If she sold a product, I would be purchasing it today


I literally do all of these and my skin is still whack 💀


I would like to see a video on GOOD and HEALTHY products to use to wash the face. Thank you Doctor.


Thanks for the info Dr. Liv!!! I used to exfoliate my face EVERYDAY before using my face wash. It did help me to clear out my skin, but I noticed my acne scars stuck around longer. The past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to do it once a week!


“...with your hands. You have two of them.” 😂😂😂 I just got scolded right there...but thanks!


“ Am a dermatologist not a YouTuber” lol 😂 😂😂😂


Oh, you seem so tired in this one. I admire you sooo much! You must work very hard. Don't forget to take care of Dr. Liv! We love you!


I'm confused on few things. 1) I've learned from reading and have been told by dermatologists that we only really need to rinse our faces with water in the morning (provided you cleansed it at night) unless your face is overly oily or has something needing to be washed off. Because it unnecessarily strips natural oils- which stimulates more sebum production, and dries the skin, compromising the skin barrier.

2) Regarding a towel. I've always thought it to be too abrasive, and with constant use, also damaging to the skin barrier (I guess, unless you're patting). And that we should be switching towels with each use, unless it gets proper ventilation to avoid bacteria growth, which can begin pretty rapidly without good measures.

3) Foam cleansers have sulfates, so they can be drying or irritating, though, some are more gentle than others. So why aren't gel cleansers recommended? Gels can easily be turned into a foam manually with a foaming net (I actually just use a net that I found in some packaging after sanitizing it. Wet it, apply a squeeze of cleanser, then rub both sides together... foams up very well.) I switch up foams, gels and CeraVe type washes based on what my skin needs that moment.

Thanks for any clarification or contributions!


We all seek a miracle cream...face wash...body cream...night serum n or lotion... 😂😂😂🤣no such thing.We must take care of ourselves.Many times we fail to understand that alot of skin issues begin on the inside....then come to the surface....So?Try to eat your research and then you can use and find what works for you.Some people have hormonal acne, some cystic acne..etc.What works for one...doesn't work for all.Prayer and fasting works.God bless all and May God shine light...on your individual situations.


You keep inspiring me to wash my face in the night... even when I’m dead tired or really can’t be bothered. Doctor’s Orders! 🤩


This is my first time on this channel.i like to say this doctor is such a trustworthy doctor.she gives all kind of facial tips with frankly.thank you from cylone


Girl: washes face, uses toner, face masks, follows dermatologist instructions
Boys: wash face with shampoo😕


Great Tips Dr. That's a mistake a lot of people do, they over wash there face thinking there doing good for their face skin. Love all the tips you gave GREAT JOB! Love the fact you got to the point and took step by step with explanations why.... what i seen on youtube is some videos are longggg lol we know most of us are to busy in life to have that type of time some are 16 minutes and still get confusing lol....keep up the amazing job...Im your new Big fan... I'm new to to your channel :) Staying looking Beautiful have an amazing day :)


Your skin is so clean and natural 💐not a dark spots.


If you have oily skin it means your skin is asking for water, I heard that from a different channel and it actually helps if your face is covered with acne, this helps a lot with your oily skin:)


youtube: how to the right way

at this point im not even sure if im breathing right


Hello Dr. u are so beautiful... I love the way u talk.. so real.. unlike utubers. love from India..
