How Hard Is It To Quit Weed?

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It's really f**king hard, but it's worth it


Just hit 21 days after 4 years of smoking everyday. I’m still irritable asf but at least the cold sweats have calm down now. Wasted so much time and money and now looking back I regret ever starting. Wishing my fellow peeps who are looking to stop to keep pushing. Good luck y’all🙏


I'm on day 2. I'm stopping for good this time. I have 0 motivation to do anything in life when I smoke. Hopefully I get it back.


Been smoking since I was 16, I’m 28 now. Most all of my friends have stopped and are doing real adult shit and I still wanna hide from reality and smoke weed. I been asleep my whole twenties because of this drug. I feel like I wasted my youth on it. I don’t wanna be a 30 year old still using.


25, just quit because i kept lying to myself that i wasn’t addicted. Its cost me jobs, relationships and more. The disassociation is whats addicting…no one wants to admit it tho


the part thats really addicting is the mindset. it makes you happier than you should be, so when your sober you crave not feeling like you do because of whatever reasons, causing stress which is awful for you


Was a heavy tobacco smoker, 1liter of alcohol a day. I'll say this, cannabis is tougher mentally


I can cause physical withrawl, even though it's not as bad as other drugs. It is very real. Profuse sweating, feverish, insomnia, no appetite, nausea. These are all pretty common among those who smoke regularly. I have first hand experience on this and it sucks


Insomnia. Loss of appetite, constipation, heavy sweating and nausea. Im pretty sure these are physical symptoms, doctors and the media dont know anything lmaooo 💀🤡


So sick of this stigma. Weed is fucking addicting and it has physical withdrawals. But of course they'll tell this shit to keep you in the rat race smoking weed not thinking it's a big deal.


Let’s talk about the fact I can’t sleep for days on end when trying to quit.
Let’s talk about the fact that my mood can go from totally calm to ballistic rage when I die in Valorant.
Let’s talk about how I can go a day and a half without feeling hungry, only forcing myself to eat when I’m starting to get too tired to move.
Let’s talk about how temperature regulation goes out the window and how my body decides randomly to superheat itself, only to follow it with subthermal shivers randomly throughout my day.
My personal favorite, let’s talk about how my body likes to reject food after 1 day of quitting. I can only keep liquids down as it reminds me of always having a water next to me while smoking.
I won’t say doctors don’t know anything, because they clearly know more than I do in most subjects, but let’s be real, most doctors aren’t smoking weed, much less chronically. If you want to know real symptoms, talk to people with firsthand accounts of quitting.


I started smoking weed during an abusive relationship. I was getting physically hit (on top of all the other forms of abuse) and after hours of him spiraling/abusing me, hed settle down and he’d light a blunt. I was never a smoker before this. I’d smoke with him because it turned into my coping mechanism to numb myself. I didn’t have any close friends or family to turn to, I honestly accepted my fate: that he would kill me, that no one cared for me and this was my bed- so I had to lay in it. I finally fled to a DV shelter after 4 years . It’s been about 7 years and I haven’t stopped smoking. I suffered from ptsd which kept me isolated at home, without working or seeing people. Smoking got me through the loneliness and pain. The habit has transformed into a monster I’m trying to take down in my life. I feel it’s crippling me in so many areas. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be free and not be dependent . To be able to go through my day without NEEDING to do this, only to ruin my day with cancelled plans, undone chores, late homework . Etc. I pray for healing and recovery for all us suffering with trauma. People don’t realize a lot of those who suffer from traumatic experiences are more prone to become addicted to weed. My current bf now, doesn’t smoke AT ALL. Has no desire for it. Meanwhile, I’m feening 😅 I know it’s because he’s never had to numb himself to survive another day. People are suffering. The first step would be to get specialized therapy. Fill my free time with hobbies and do all the things I’ve wanted to do that the HIGH stole motivation for . Pray for me


Been smoking for 26 years. I get sick as heck without a couple puffs a day. Insomnia. No appetite.anxiety from hell


Seeing how many burned ass brains are in the comments, makes me more proud that I quit smoking weed and tabacco. I also didn't want to know what weed causes to my brain and body and what I should expect after I quit, but here I am... In the 3 week feeling half dead but seeing that everything is slowly getting better.


Smoking weed was the worse decision I have ever made. Something I started 16 years ago is still affecting me. 😢


Essentially started with “The first thing to remember is that you don’t have it that bad and I don’t know why your struggling.” Weed absolutely has physical and mental withdrawal symptoms anyone who says otherwise is just simply wrong. I have no idea where this idea that weed isn’t addictive or that it somehow shouldn’t be considered a drug on the same level as nicotine or alcohol. It is absurd and damaging to those who don’t know better.


For me quitting it causes loss of appetite, and very intense dreams.


I used weed as a medicine to help my ADHD symptoms in the nights as it’s always been a big struggle to relax properly and focus so it always helped with that but last week I decided to quit weed for financial matters and the first week of stopping my ADHD symptoms was almost like a rebound effect as it was very intense with all the typical ADHD symptoms such as chronic stress, hyper behaviour, insomnia, cortisol levels was very high which caused sweating and panic. Basically suffered from dopamine depletion as thc drains your dopamine levels and as an adhd individual who has typically less dopamine than the neurotypical person, it was very intense but now time has passed since having any and i feel a lot more stable in myself and just much better. Thanks so much for this video, so interesting with how the psychological dependency works with weed!


If you think you have physical withdrawal you're wrong. The psychological impact is what tricks you into thinking so. Once you're prepared mentally, that diminishes almost completely. Trust me I smoked for over 15 years chronically, daily, extremely dependent and thought I couldn't do it but wrong


Delta-9-THC causes physical dependence with chronic use. You don't know what youre talking about. Severe sweating, insomnia, shakes and tremors, restless legs, anger, etc. are all somatic withdrawal symptoms from Delta-9-THC. Just because it isn't as intense as full ethanol withdrawal doesn't mean it doesn't cause physical dependence. ALL the research in humans and animals shows this.
