Should you take an expensive UX Bootcamp?

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There are UX bootcamps out there that are $12000 and up. Should you spend a significant portion of your yearly income to learn UX? Is it worth it?

In this video we'll talk about that and also I'll show you what to check if you're considering joining an online UX class or UX bootcamp. These include faculty checks, curriculum, what the course should focus on and more!

If you decide to commit financially, it's best to do your thorough research beforehand so you don't waste your money.

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👨🏻‍💻 I'm a designer, entrepreneur and startup founder. I started back in the late 90's and currently my main goal is to share my knowledge, both paid and free. This channel is one of the places where I share my tips on design, user experience, growth, marketing, life and mindfulness. Subscribe to stay in touch. ❤️

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I did a bootcamp. It ended up not costing me anything because I was not able to get a job within their 6 month job guarantee. It took me like 8 months. It sucked at the time but now that I don't have to pay them back, it worked out.


Great video for those on the fence! Personally, I think the kano model is perfect for those struggling to decide. The key details to include would be Research Ability, Need for Structure, and Resources.

Personally I’m new to learning this field (3 months) and I feel watching this channel + 2 others, + free intro to ux course from Georgia Tech + books was enough. Getting feedback from friends and mentors is also key to find out what you’re missing! Good luck to whoever needs this!


This is so true. I have a tech background in web design and a good understanding of programming. I come from a family of technologist and my mother even teaches computer science at a University. I went to a web development boot camp and I felt so lost. I could clearly tell that the instructors were not seasoned. One had just graduated out of the program right before I did. The projects were not good, I did not understand why we were making apps about TV shows (game of thrones) SMDH, instead of real life projects for our portfolio. I wish I did UX at the time, but it was too late. The ironic thing is that I’m on the 2nd course of the Google UX design certificate and the format is exactly the same as the boot camp I attended. The instructors give you a lecture and then you read the same thing they just lectured about and then you work on the assignment. However, the connect wasn’t so clear. The projects we created in boot camp were not suitable to present to a business to show multiple areas of experience. For instance, I would have prefer to create a project management app. So glad that there are so many more options available as I transition back into design.

Friendly FYI, if you decide to go to a boot camp always ask if you qualify for scholarships, because they will not tell you.


The part with UX teachers and interns really cracked me up xD


i think it depends on the individual. some people need the extra push, guidance, structure laid out for them while others enjoy carving their own path. neither is better.

understand your learning style is the first step.

for me, i enjoy carving my own path so i self-taught and went to youtube and google for everything. Got my first gig in designs 8 months after.


In my personal experience, of being a service designer that kickoffed his career from an expensive UX/UI design bootcamp I can say that the value that really counts is from the mentor/tutor/instructor and how well the program is structured... but as you said it's not a requirement to spend thounsands of dollars to learn what you need to learn to make it as designer but for me it was a motivator and defintely changed my perspective at how I look at expensive consultations (at least those that are worth the dough 😁).

Now I have worked for more than a year and on top of covering for my debt I have accumulated a lot of real world experience that's really boosting my progression curve.
So all in all it's definetely worth it but you have still to put so much work in if you want to be a good all around designer. For example I'm also looking to get into video editing, motion graphics and 3d modelling and I know if I want to make it to the next level in those fields I'll need to get feedback and be mentored by a seasoned professional.
Paying for these 1on1 sessions it's extremely expensive but you can improve much quicker than let's say studying at 1 year master diploma that overall will come at about the same price and not be as tailored for your professional journey and objectives.
So all in all spending money in education is never a bad choice when it's done with purpose and prior to due diligence about the mentor.


UXers everywhere appreciate that your cartoon wasn't too high fidelity.


Good timing mate. I was looking to take one.

Ps: Commented before the video was premiered


It took me a about 3 weeks to see that your (hilarious) cartoon is very real at the most expensive 3 month bootcamp I was enrolled in.


The best way is to learn UX/UI is on your own. I have done Google UX Certificate and after doing research I could say that It only looks good on your profile. But, most important thing is to learn how to design on your own. Build a good portfolio and design every day. No one can become a great designer just by doing a bootcamp or certificate. I have seen a lot of portfolios of people who have completed Google Course but have no sense of UI design or good research. It all ends up on personal capability and that learning can be done without spending a lot of money.


Awesome tips.
Just leaving this here: 2:37.


Why buy a MOOC course when you can audit them? I think most designers flex certificates on their LinkedIn profile or seek validation from their fellow people (also imposter syndrome).
But it's better to have a valid UX professional review your portfolio (without pay) than get it reviewed on MOOCs.
What's much better is if bootcamps can teach "Psychology x Design" or "Growth designing" along with the generic UX teaching, I would happily TRY the class.
The bootcamps definitely need to level up and be worth the money in 2022.


Hello, what your thoughts about Caltech UI UX bootcamp? thanks for attention


Great Video once again very informative also, well my bootcamp is not online but in-person for 3months, and most of the red flags your raised seems to be very well taken care of (especially regarding the instructors and the program structure) also the cost is relatively affordable (somewhere in the €4k range). but I think it'w worth a try
Is it okay if I send you a link to their website for your personal opinion? Thanks


What do hoy think about the career foundry bootcamp? That one guarantees you a job in the UX design industry


What do you think about the General Assembly bootcamp?


I am a New bie, How to get free UX Design practical Knowledge ? For Building a fresher portfolio with good Case studies? For getting job? Help 😭 i cannot pay 1000s of dollars for bootcamps!
