Trek Electric Mountain Bikes | What’s the difference? And what’s best for you?

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How do these two electric bikes compare? And which ebike is right for you?

With the launch of the new Trek Fuel EXe Trek now has two full-suspension electric mountain bikes with similar travel and geometry, but very different rides designed for different riders.

In order to really find out which bike is right for you and the type of riding you do watch this video where we will take a look into how the Fuel EXe and Rail compare from their frames, motors, suspension, geometry, PRICE$$ and more...

Get Stoked! Go Ride ! Have Fun!
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Test drove rail 7 and middle range fuel ex. The fuel exe had way more assistance than I thought. Feels like a normal bike in essence handling-wise. Rail 7 is still really nimble back to back, it's a lot heavier to pick up but in motion you quickly accommodate. Braking is different as fuel had Shimano so stopped suddenly but rail had SRAM which was wayyy more progressive. In the end deposit down for the rail 7. For same price I'm getting better components, forks and shock better, 625wh battery, more power. I'm not a technical rider, I don't jump or do big drops. I want stability and the luxury of range should I want. I was tempted by the fuel though, if it had 400+ wh out the box without buying a range extender I'd be tempted. I think the rail is just going to be a riot and at 73kg without back pack and relatively fit I think the bike will be a good fit. I mean If I was 77kg it would negate weight savings of the fuel althought I realise there is something for the bike itself being lighter, I see very advanced rider footage of people throwing the fuel around, I'll never grow to that level the fear centre of my brain doesn't allow it! Will bungy jump for days though..


Great comparison mate. 3 rides in on the EXe and after a few tweeks I love it!!
So glad I didn't go the beefier Rail. This bike rips.


Just test rode both of these and everything you said is right on. You touched on it but a major reason to go with the EXe is its non ebike appearance. The Rail is massive looking and a bit embarrassing when onlookers on the trails judge. It makes me want to go with the EXe and get more in shape. Only thing, I'm going to struggle to keep up with buddies on their full ebikes.


Good comparison. The Rail would be to big of a bike for my type of riding. I'd go with the Exe since I ride for distance with climbs. Plus, it's nice to be able to pedal home if I run out of battery.


I just had a chance test Fuel exe and its a nice bike however for me its a bit lagging in power but love the light weight. I have the Rail 7 and its an awesome bike. I would have purchased the new Fuel had trek made two versions. If they would have offered a 450 to 500 battery and a motor 75nm motor would have for me hit it out of the park. Hopefully trek will come out with this in the future.


Great video mate. The conclusion was perfect 🤟. I have a Rail 9, and will now buy the Exe for the DH trails/shorter trails 👍👍👍


I appreciate the astute comparison.💸 I luv my Rail...I used to have the Slash analog but sold it to pay for the former...for 8-10 lbs lighter, it's worth looking at the mid-power classes. I can live with a little less torque. The Fuel Ex-e is nice, EXCEPT for the 140/150 travel...not enough for enduro-style trail riding for many, if not most. Sure, when you're a pro/elite skill-level shredder you could ride a $200 Walmart beach cruiser with your grandma's handle-bar mounted grocery basket better than 95% of E-mtbers...(it's a compliment). So to top-dogs, a little less travel is inconsequential, but I'm an unskilled huckster and NEED the bike's technology to help overcome inferior give me the extra plush!😉 But to be proactive, I'm starting the rumor here: next year make the Stash--E iteration for 160/170 travel, and beef up the torque to a 60 Nm TQ motor...and boom!!! The Goldieloch's zone.🤟 BRING ON THE SLASH-E or the "Rail light" either moniker works🔥🔥🔥. This is from a Trek Loyalist. See Transition Relay for a template.✌️


I have a Trek Rail 9.7. Really great bike. I can't understand why anyone would want an emtb with a weaker motor. It's kind of know, this is WAY too much fun. I want to have a bike with a weaker motor, so I can work harder, go slower but golly...I'll have a more "acoustic" feel. Makes no sense.


Exe is my dream bike. I want a mtb with some assistance for the uphills. I don't want to smash uphills.


Great review! I’ve spent considerable time on both bikes and the Rail 9.8XT really rocked, but own the 9.8XT EXe for its more natural MTB experience. That said, had I not already owned a Powerfly FS7, I’d own both. I also have experience on the E-Caliber 9.8GX and that by comparison to the EXe is more agile and responsive to inputs, and better for the trails I ride most of the time but the 60 mm rear travel is a bit light and translates much more harshness and vibration over the rough stuff.


Rail all day! Full power! Haha great video man


Nice comparison. Thank you for making this well put together video..🔥🔥


Excellent video - very helpful!! Thanks!


Another great video Jared. Very helpful. Fuel EXe 9.7 for me. Haven’t ordered yet but trying to demo one before I buy. I travel all over the US so hopefully find a shop with one soon.


Great video, thank you. Been in market for a couple months and I’m a total geenhorn to e bikes


I pushed my Rail to 170mm front and 156.5 in the rear.
My 9.7 is a beast but im really excited about the fuel exe i hope i can test that one sometime


I’d love to see a bike with the best of both worlds. A full powered ebike with maybe the Bosch CX Race, with a focus on lowering weight and the smaller 400wh battery.


Nice review. TQ-H-P-R (harmonic pin ring) motor btw.


Fuel exe is truly next gen. However im enduro guy so i probably buy ebike if they release something similar to fuel exe but with trek slash. Like small motor trek slash. That would be an insane bike. Also the price is sadly just ridiculous


hands down on Fuel EXe for me. I wish there will be a new Fuel EXe model with 85nm motor lol
