15 Worst Foods For Diabetics

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Get ready to learn the top 15 worst foods for diabetics!
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Let's discover the 15 worst foods for diabetics.

1) Low fat packaged foods aren't better for you as they usually ADD a TON of sugar instead.

2) Packaged sauces contain a lot of added sugar, salt, and fat.

3) Most store-bought BBQ sauce contains 7 grams of sugar per tablespoon!

4) You can make a salad unhealthy by using packaged salad dressings as most of them contain high amounts of sugar, try creating healthier homemade versions.

5) Beware of packaged soups as most of them contain high fructose corn syrup - considered to be one of the worst types of sugar you can consume.

6) Canned fruits are packed full of sugar-loaded syrups and preservatives to maintain long shelf life.

7) Protein bars may seem healthy, but they are packed full of added sugar, so try to get your protein from more natural sources like chicken, fish, and nuts.

8) Sports drinks provide energy in the form of processed sugars, which will spike your blood sugar, and did you know that a typical sports drink bottle can contain up to 32 grams of added sugar!

9) Fruit smoothies might seem like a healthy choice, but most fruit smoothie chains load their products with high fat ice creams, sugary yogurts, or syrups.

10) Eating whole fruits are an excellent source of nutrients and fiber, but fruit juices have these removed and are basically like drinking pure sugar.

11) French fries are usually deep-fried in unhealthy vegetable oils, which will add a ton of calories to your meal and also spike your blood sugar.

12) Most packaged sweet treats are chock full of processed sugars, and even a healthy-sounding granola bar can contain up to 7 teaspoons of sugar!

13) Eating white bread, white rice, and white flour pasta will spike your blood glucose levels and provide very little nutrition. Try switching to whole grain products instead.

14) Most potato chips are loaded with additives, preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup to create the bliss point, which makes them so addictive and has us coming back for more.

15) Most soft drinks contain upwards of 7 teaspoons of sugar! Soft drinks will flood your bloodstream with a large dose of dangerous simple sugars, which will also make your feel hungry. Try drinking water instead, as it will aid your digestion, keep you hydrated, and help you feel full.

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*My daughter drinks lots of water and urinates with the same rate, there are no other symptoms to show if those have anything to do with diabetes. This is a good information that I have gone through **Diabets.Care** She is 2 years 9 months, hale and healthy, have not done any blood test. But I am not certain if one can get diabetes at such a tender age. Please I will like to know more on that*


I was just diagnosed with diabetes 2 and I already have a heart condition. I'm starting each day with prayer and this video to keep me on the right track! Thanks!.


15. Low fat food- yogurt, cereals, etc
14. Packaged sauces
13. BBQ sauce
12. Packaged salad dressings
11. Corn syrup
10. Canned fruits
9. Protein bars
8. Sports and mineral drinks
7. Fruits smoothies (not home made)
6. Fruits juices
5. French fries
4. Packaged sweet treats or candies
3. White bread, white rice, white flour pasta
2. Potato chips
1. Soft drinks


I was diagnosed with diabetes a month ago, and I'm already sick of it.


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes almost two years ago. I eliminated everything on the list above, as well as some other things, and reversed my diabetes within a month. Since then I have lost 60 lbs and look and feel better than ever at age 49.


This was one of the most honest commentry on how to avoid process sugars and not to become a diabetic may God bless you


Just found out at age 65 that I'm now type 2 after years of being cautioned that I was prediabetic, I wish I would have paid more attention to what I ate and educated myself on the do's and don'ts. Now I'm watching and reading everything I can on the subject. This video was one of the better ones so far.


You need to check not only the sugar content but carbs as well.


Great video!
I'm type 2, and within three months of eating extremely cleanly and training hard in the gym, as well as hiking and cycling....I've almost reversed it after living with it for around 15 years. The visceral fat I have carried around my waist has almost all disappeared and I'm feeling absolutely fantastic!
My blood sugars are almost at non diabetic levels now, down to 45 mmol when they were 85 mmol twelve months ago, and between 53 mmol and 65 mmol between three and nine months ago. Looking forward to seeing my HBA1C results in another 3 months.
It is possible to eat like a king, just by not buying any toxic foods, and also not eating anything for 2 hours + before going to bed. It works wonders try it!
As per the video, kill the bread/wheat products, kill the white potato and white rice.
Only use healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, ghee, coconut oil instead of seed/vegetable oils (poison).
Avacados, green non-starchy vegetables such as brocolli, green beans and asparagus, leafy greens including spinich, lentils (yummy), make your own dressings as per this video, creme freche, sweet potato, oatmeal, natural honey as a sweetener (small amounts), nuts and grains. Chicken, fish or even vegan non meat burgers can be good (check the additives before buying) as well as eggs. All of which are full of protein and contain good fats.
Very small amounts of fruits, and not late in the day, and berries are your best bet ie strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and raspberries. Try a few of those with some creme freche or full fat greek yoghurt for a delicious dessert!! Bananas are tasty, however, not the best fruit for us diabetics, so try to have a few slices instead of a full one if you can.
Most alcoholic beverages such as beers and red wine are loaded with carbs and calories so should be consumed sparingly too.
Oh and this also goes hand in hand with high cholesterol! My levels are back to normal for the first time in years, and that's without any statins.
Hope this at least helps some of you out there, and good luck! 😁😁😁


Just found this video & channel. Found out a week ago i have high blood pressure & am pre-diabetic. Started bp meds on Tuesday & have been very careful what I eat & have been following the dash eating plan. Lost 3 lbs in a week. I do need to lose about 25-30 lbs. this video is very eye opening!!! Thank you so much for this! Need to share it with my family too!!


Thanks for sharing this video. I am a type 2 diabetis and trying to avoiid these worst foods against diabetis..


Very informative and frightening too. Make us aware and try to resist. Thank you


My glucose was measured at 266. My doctor wanted to put me on medication.
I begged him not to, I’ll turn it around.
He gave me three months, then a blood screening.
I cut sugar and exercised, went thru the painful withdrawal.
In three months, measured 115, fatty liver was gone.
Dropped lots of weight, waist size 42 to a 36 in three months.
Food… from the ground to your mouth….. protein and onions and peppers
Beans, fresh salads, and good amounts of butter. Your body and brain will stop feeding on sugar and start feeding on protein and fat.


I have been fighting back against diabetes 2 for a few months. A friend told me; after I described what I was going through, it sounded like my body was shutting down and I was near death. I did a 180* turn a round in my diet and going from over 600 points, to under 120; and getting into the 70's to 90's pretty regularly on all three pre-mealtime meter readings. I'm trying to regulate the swelling in my feet with herbs; but at least my toes aren't turning black anymore. I also quite waking up in the middle of the night starving and I have lost a few pounds. About 20 lbs from a year ago. No more buffets and most of what this video covered. MK


Spot on with this knowledge, I had a big problem with type2 for years and was told by our local specialist all of this information and I Followed these guides and I now am pill free and my sugar values are in the middle of the recommended blood numbers. I hope people listen. As I walk into all grocery stores I look around and all I see is displayed junk food everywhere, I also notice people leaving the store with large amounts of junk in the cart and the person pushing the cart just doesn’t get the danger. Thanks. PS I was 240 lbs and now 185.


I'm Type 1 diabetic (43 yrs) and I learned to just read the nutrition labels when I'm grocery shopping. I was taught about hidden sugars in food when I was in my late teens.


Sugar addiction is a serious, Worldwide problem. Thank you for this video. I am walking 5 miles now, every other day. At 65, I really need to eat better meals.


I have been a diabetic for a long time. This video is a reminder to stay away from recent temptations. Many thanks.


Just turned 30, Im not diabetic but I feel it’s time to start getting knowledge on nutrition and health.


Thank you for this video, I ' ve been struggling with type 2 and got to the point I realize I am the only one that can start to recover by taking care of myself it starts with this video and I thank you . My weight is 380 lbs will let you know my progress
