The Prophet Elijah | Prophets of the Bible with Professor Lipnick

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Learn more about the prophet Elijah and killing the prophets of Baal.

For centuries, the Holy Bible has been a source of inspiration for people all over the world. It is the most widely distributed book today. The Bible is a part of our modern world and has influenced the foundations of Western culture. The Israel Institute of Biblical Studies aims to make the Bible accessible, live from Israel, to people around the world. Through Biblical study and language courses students connect with teachers in the Holy Land to learn the original languages of the Old and New Testaments. This allows them to interpret the holy texts themselves, while discovering the ancient land of the Bible where the stories took place. Find out more about the Old and New Testaments through the Jewish studies, and the connection between Judaism and Christianity.

Students benefit from a full educational experience with an entirely new dimension that immerses them in the Bible's texts, land, people, language, and culture. Our supportive and social learning environment ensures that students are academically challenged through the in-depth study of the Bible. Professional and passionate teachers from the Holy Land of Israel lead each online course, including: Exploring the Biblical Land of Israel, Discovering the Hebrew Bible, Modern Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek. Learn the ancient languages of the original Bible, the Torah, and dive into the scriptures to learn the original meaning of the holy texts!

Did you know that the Biblical Hebrew alphabet is different than the Modern Hebrew alphabet? Even Biblical Hebrew verbs, phrases, punctuation, syntax, and more are all different, and important to understanding ancient Holy Scriptures. The Israel Institute of Biblical Studies offers students the best teachers and a strong and supportive community combined with advanced technology that makes our live courses available to anyone anywhere in the world. Students can learn in their own time and even in their own language.

#Elijah #BibleProphets #BibleStudies
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A very evil man was threatening the very foundation of all good, and He sent His warrior to intervene. Elijah’s story is so moving to me because it helps me quantify faith, trust, and endurance. Just as children trust and endure for their fathers, so too shall we trust and endure for our Father. God bless Elijah!


My far east Asian student friends told me they could never relate to the bible cos non of the people depicted lookblike them. I couldn't agree more


In which book in bible I found Elijah prophet


Thank you Professor. This is very profound 🙏🏼. The Bible makes more sense when understood in its original language


Thank you Professor. Such a great reminder to those who think Almighty God spoke in 1611 King James English. Blessings.


If it were not for Christ Jesus I don't think I would have even had a desire to pursue the Hebrew language it is a very fascinating study peace to you I appreciate your videos


“And indeed Ilyas (Elijah) was one of the apostles. (Remember) when he said to his people (israeli tribe): ‘Why do you not fear? Should you worship Baal and forsake the best of creators, Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers? ' So they denied him, so they will be dragged away, except for the purified slaves of Allah. And We perpetuated for Elijah (praise) among the later generations. (That is) prosperity bestowed upon Ilyas ?. Lo! Thus do We reward the doers of good. Lo! He is of Our believing servants. (QS. Ash-Shaffat: 123-132)


Moses and Elijah both didn't finish their commission- they were so overwhelmed and then asked God to kill them. Moses died but God hid the body of Moses from he who had the power of death and hell- Satan! Elijah was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind. It is appointed to man, once to die and then judgment!
Elijah killed 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah single handedly, probably cutting off their heads, so he paid the same way, losing his head the same way.
They were restored by grace: Moses finally stepped on the promised land, and Elijah got back his complete body!
They both came to encourage Jesus Christ not to give up, when He was finally faced with the event which will usher him into the beginning of his suffering. The trap of the naked young man, Mark 14, set up by the chief priests, scribes and the elders, to tarnish His image as the Son of God, and the Son of David- the King of Israel, which hindered their own agenda.
The event on the mount of Transfiguration, completed the works of "The Law, and the Prophets", and confirmation of Jesus Alone as the ONLY Begotten Son of God, sent to ransom and redeem and restore man back to fellowship with God the Father, in Himself.
There's no other name by which man might be saved, but the name of Jesus Christ. He alone has the Father sealed! Acts 4:12; John 6:27b.
The reason Moses and Elijah met with Jesus Christ was because the fate of the whole creation was resting on Him.
Matthew 21, God had sent Moses, Elijah but Jesus Christ His Son, was man's last hope.
If He didn't finish the commission, then man is eternally doomed!
He was man's last hope!
He actually nearly rejected it when the weight of what He had to go through to get to be crucified actually dawned on Him, He asked the Father if there's a way the "cup" could pass over Him. But, as it is written, He, as the Son of God, bowed to the will of the Father, HE obeyed even till the death on the cross! Hebrews 5:8-14!


This is so insightful, so rich, and so true! I've begun my journey towards learning Hebrew; I believe it's the language of both my heavenly Father and My older brother! I can't explain it but it's his language of perfect love.

Thanks for sharing, and Peace to Israel.


Thank you for these mini studies.They are so enlightening. Wish you had books of the lives of these men


Very interesting and teachable and I'd like to remember all that you say. GOD BLESS


Thank you for this. Very interesting and informative. We celebrate the Prophet Elijah today, July 20th!


Wonderful explanation. Thanks!!! I am learning Biblical Hebrew at the IIBS and tomorrow I begin the course about Torah. I am loving to study with you.




Thank you so very much for making these videos!! I have developed a much greater understanding with your help with Hebrew translation. Please continue to put this content out so we might All Have a more clear understanding as we deepen our faith in these dark times.


I am a Scot and I have always been fascinated by the Hebrew tongue similarly sounding . Left it out thered. D


thank you for sharing, I have a question, why do you call Baal by his name, but refuse to call Jehovah by his name turning to eloim ?


Sir, I used to attend the class. It's very informative.


Amen☮🙏✝️ For old legends of ancient lands and peoples that God offered Elijah heaven to be a judge helper of 12 tribes of Israel "Abraham ones or people"to God in heaven and Elijah days in heaven turn God down for rest and sleep in afterlife but when Yeshua "Gordius" for St Mary like wording for he be like Gabriel sort of in looks, it rhymes with my American English language or like almost say gorgeous like. There was such sad presecutions and slaughter upon the worshippers of one and only true living God master of his servant Elijah days for fire took him and fire in afterlife was his blanket of fire to sleep in afterlife of realms of fires or like an jacuzzi to God baths in fires in ancient times of heaven too.🦁👑🦅 God bless the land of Judah and Hebron and modern day Isreal.✝️☮🗡🦝🐍⛲🍷☁️🦁👑🦅🇺🇲🦁 For angel Gabriel was gorgeous beauty to St Mary seen him in her mind then too.🙏💜🕊☮ Yeshua Gordius other secret name of angel Christ or golden girdle angel one but I forget from head dents.💜🦁🦅👑🌊✝️🔥👑🕊🦁💜 Elijah and Jonah two my favorite servants and phophets to God holy one and only creator great his Queen in heaven and our God very zealous God and only you worship him in the heavens above and not adulterous to fake Gods or having or committing great sins or abominations to for God knows all and all time or does manipulate some actions in the heavens above and Earth below also. Amen thank you sir for wasnt Elijah out not by kingdoms and false phophets of false Gods and evil ones and rulers that pondered the ways flesh and Earth with cleaning up thsor souls or being true to the everlasting living Yahweh, King and lord of heaven etc.


Shalom to you. I ordered your Hebrew Insights from Revelation and I had thought you would go through every chapter and discuss Hebrew meaning. I seen nothing on Revelation 20 meaning or discussion of 1000 year reign meaning nor binding of Satan etc. Please send reply to that chapter. Thanks, Brian.
