Urgot's Rework: From Meme Crab To Terrifying Juggernaut | League of Legends

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Urgot used to have a very unorthodox playstyle as one of the first true spellcaster marksmen in League of Legends. But due to a mountain of gameplay flaws and his comedic appearance more people knew him as a fat crab boy instead of the monstrous terror that he is. His full visual gameplay update would change that, transforming him to a terrifying man turned machine. Let's find out more with Urgot's Rework: A Retrospective.

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Vars can only prolong his real Sion video for so long. He's running out of WNOP champs. He ended perfectly designed. The rework pool is dwindling. Our time nears.
Edit: We have the twelve all together. The ring of power can be formed. If we all vote on the Vars community poll, our will shall be enacted. You know what to do, my friends.


Vars didn't mention W targets the closest unit, however that hitting Q makes W lock on to the target hit even if there are other units closer. Like how acid rain allowed his ability to become point and click, his current Q allows his W to auto-aim at the champion hit.


Unrelated note: I REALLY think they can implement a star guardian Urgot, like he's not cutesy and anything, he's a star guardian MAFIA BOSS with a fedora that has star card, a scar from a distant battle from Zoe (he's the sole survivor of that conflict besides Zoe herself by using an elixir or something of that calibre) and losing his legs from that battle. He met the crew afterwards maybe and had a pajama guardian skin.


1:20 **looks at old poppy** "KILL IT WITH FIRE"


Graves and Nidalee are also reworks that completely changed the roles they were designed for with their reworks
So Urgot isn't alone on that front


I used to LOVE old urgot, it was my pocket pick mid, no one knew how he worked so I had my biggest successes with him, I could only play him for 3 weeks and then he got reworded.
Little did I know, it would happen again and again, for instance, I love fizz’s non-reverted W the one you had to recast after the bleeding bar was full, I’ m sad that they both changed when I loved them..


im so torn on the Urgot rework because I mained old Urgot and miss his kit a lot but I still really enjoy playing new urgot for different reasons. i wish both could exist at the same time lol


Imo urgot is more terrifying as a character than fiddle even in game getting tagged and dragged by the meat grinder is cruel


Urgot is such a good champion right now.
If you perform bad -> he feels very weak
If you perform good -> he feels like a death mashine, born for battle and revived and rebuild just to battle more and bring everyone down in big fights.
He truly feels like a Juggernaut. Aatrox heals feel cheap and Tahm tankiness + base dmg feel wrong. Darius can simply run you down once he gets a little ahead.
But Urgot always feels fair. I really like facing urgot. He does not have "cheese" but just a very solid kit.
Its fun to play against him.


I miss old urgot, he was one of the few adcs I was actually able to play without running it


Old urgot on URF was one of the most broken things I've ever seen.


Old Urgot used to be my personal midlane pocket pick against assassins.

Something you neglected to mention was that his lock on worked through enemy stealth, serving as a point and click Q even on invisible enemies. Combine that with his ad reduction and you could give assassins a really hard time. You also always built a black cleaver early, giving you some aditional tankiness to make an assassins job that much harder. And if you had teammates nearby while an assassin was attempting to kill you or one of your teammates, you could point and click lockdown that enemy with your ult, almost guaranteeing a kill.


I miss the gameplay of the old Urgot, man. I had a lot of fun at the end of games where I would swap one of the enemies into the fountain to kill them.

We really need another very slow but hard hitting artillery ADC.


You’re making Oldgot sound op. And do I miss him. I only started playing him when his rework was on the way (I was super new to the game). I immediately picked up jungling with him and loved it. Easy ganks and homing missiles, funnn


You didn't touch on this in the video but I think another big flaw in Urgot's old kit was that it was very passive. Ideally Urgot would sit back spamming long range Qs at the enemy until the enemy was forced to make a move, which urgot would then punish by being unreasonably scrappy for an artillery character. (Even without landing the acid grenade Urgot's Q was able to out-poke most champions. Sure it got way better when you landed the acid, but his neutral didn't rely on it as much as the video suggests)

You didn't want to use the acid bomb unless you can confirm a hit, which means you had to be close, you wanted to have the shield in case you get dove, and your ultimate was probably one of the best "fuck that play you want to make" abilities in the game. You couldn't really make plays with Urgot, only anti-plays.

(Also I will never forget M5's 1v2 solo bot lane Urgot. It's easily the proudest moment for that champion, flexing not only his strength as a character but also completely casting aside the rigid metagame of League of Legends, even back then... IEM Hanover M5 vs Dignitas Game 1 for anyone whose interested.)


i loooved the old urgot, he was a lane bully that noone knew how to play against. but his ult was really bad for him, most of the time you didnt want to use it unless you could get someone stuck under your tower


So I mained old urgot and absolutely loved how goofy his build was he was amazing to play and just launch chainsaws at people halfway across the screen let alone his ult that would confuse the hell outta everyone except the user


I made the most amazing outplay with old Urgot ult that I can still see in my mind. I was getting dove by 4 enemies under a turret and walked away after killing 2 of them Smilers.


I liked that his rework was the first implementation of visual overlays to the HUD to convey gameplay info. I think that the success and positive reception paved the way to other cool overlays like PROJECT / Sentinel Vayne during ult or being Pyke executed. I remember how freaky it was to get ulted by him and have chains cover the edges of your screen right after the rework.


Back when I was in college me and the guys used to laugh at Old Urgot's Ult. "Hyper Kinetic Position Reverser" was such a hilariously long name for concept than can simply be called "Swap". The swap wasn't even long range it was exactly the same range as his auto-attack but the difference to DOTA 2 VS Swap was it gave you armor and MR.
