3 Minute Urgot Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Urgot Top Lane!

The Urgod is an incredibly fun and safe top laner, who has the ability to fill all roles better than most champion and bring anyone back to him kicking and screaming!

0:00 Why Play Urgot?
0:14 Urgot's Abilities
1:06 Combos
1:19 Match Ups
1:25 Runes
1:28 Build Order
1:35 Skill Order
1:43 Summoners
1:45 Lane Phase
2:22 Mid/Late Game

In this video we learn Urgot Guide for Beginners: How to play Urgot - League of Legends Season 12 Champion Guide we find The ONLY Urgot Guide You Need and HOW TO PLAY URGOT TOP & SOLO CARRY IN SEASON 12 | Urgot Guide S12 - League Of Legends and we consider SEASON 12 URGOT BEST RUNES AND ITEM BUILDS GUIDE - GoliathGames - League of Legends we find out How a LETHALITY URGOT got MASTER and see The Best UrGOD Build to ALWAYS 1vALL CARRY ~ LoL Meta Urgot Build/Guide #15 🔥 LoL Urgot s12 Gameplay we of course cover Urgot Tips And Tricks | LOL HYPER and in general PATCH 12.7 TIER LIST: Moonstone + Galeforce NERFS & MORE - League of Legends! where we see THE STRONGEST URGOT! (70k+ DMG BUILD) - Chill Commentary seeing This New OP URGOT Season 13 Build Guide is BROKEN 🔥 HUGE DMG, MS & SUSTAIN 🔥 LoL Urgot s13 Gameplay
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This guy is the GOAT, also great news that most of these videos will age well so hopefully your viewership keeps increasing every day!


I haven't ben commenting lately but I'm still watching all the videos and I love the content dearly. As an urgot onetrick I just had to comment.

Something worth mentioning is that if you get hit by CC during Urgot's E startup (0.45 second channel) the ability still goes through. If a champ like Gragas presses E into you, you can react with E to negate the stun with your own stun. This also lets you dash away from things like hooks, letting you bounce out of blitz hooks if you get hit during the cast time


thank you so much for making these videos!
I able to learn a new champ during champ select instead of spending 40 minutes prior studying a champ that I might end up hating.


I love it how urgot moves around the enemy. It looks like he is dancing with them and when, they are low enough he devours them. Thanking them for their time with him. 😂


Take "Cull" instead of "Doran's blade". Omnivamp is useless for Urgot because Q and E abilities has area damage expect W. Cull for two reasons:
1) +3 health on hit is amazing synergy with W.
2) You can profit with Cull.


As an Urgot main I want to add, don't go titanic unless you are split pushing, it is pointless as it serves only for wave clear on urgot. Also if you land your e, instantly throw your ult onto them since they can't dodge it unless they flash


Great video man! Been looking for League content like this. Subbed ✅


Another great quick guide. Top laners are the group I know the least about


I don't care what all you said, your voice calmed me down. ❤️❤️❤️


IMPORTANT If u E u can "avoid getting CC" what it mean is if u get hit by CC and u Time your E you always will dash and CC a champ if u hit them, and get stuned afterwards, but the enemy also gets a CC if u hit then so timing it is important


My favorite squid and my favorite lol guide youtuber, this day became better instantly😊.


i'll post this one last time :D

toplane playlist:

aatrox, camille, cho'gath, darius, dr mundo, fiora, gangplank, garen, gnar, gragas, graves, gwen, illaoi, jax, jayce, kayle, kled, k'sante, kennen, lillia, malphite, maoki, mordekaiser, nasus, olaf, ornn, quinn, renekton, riven, sejuani, sett, singed, sion, shen, tahm kench, teemo, tryndamere, urgot, vayne, warwick, wukong, yone, yorick

midlane playlist:

ahri, akali, akshan, anivia, annie, aurelion sol, azir, cassiopeia, corki, fizz, galio, heimerdinger, irelia, kassadin, katarina, leblanc, lissandra, malzahar, neeko, orianna, qiyana, rumble, ryze, sylas, syndra, twisted fate, veigar, vex, viktor, vladimir, yasuo, zed, ziggs, zoe

botlane playlist:

aphelios, caitlyn, draven, ezreal, jhin, jinx, kai'sa, kalista, kog'maw, miss fortune, nilah, samira, sivir, tristana, twitch, varus, xayah, zeri

jungle playlist:

amumu, bel'veth, diana, ekko, elise, evelynn, fiddlesticks, hecarim, ivern, jarvan iv, karthus, kayn, kha'zix, kindred, lee sin, master yi, nidalee, nocturne, nunu, pantheon, poppy, rammus, rek'sai, rengar, shaco, shyvana, skarner, taliyah, talon, trundle, udyr, vi, viego, volibear, xin zhao, zac

support playlist:

alistar, annie, ashe, bard, blitzcrank, brand, braum, janna, karma, leona, lulu, lux, milio, morgana, nami, nautlius, pyke, rakan, rell, renata, senna, seraphine, sona, soraka, swain, taric, thresh, vel'koz, xerath, yuumi, zilean, zyra


Nice guide. BTW, just curious did Hullbreaker fell off meta?


"Shotgun legs" ...


His w can apply bc stack very fas let adc do more dmg from max stack bc in short amount of time. Quite op.


followed the guide, went 1/7 das tuff


i hate black cleaver's components but it's probably the safest item for Urgot to rush atm =/


You also forgot that he can buffer cc with his e


Why would you start e when you can have much safer q to farm or poke? w i can see why not w but why e?


Urgot is so freaking braindead against squishy targets. You need another tank or control mage
