Can Introverts Be Successful In Network Marketing & Sales? 5 Tips That Helped Me…

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Can Introverts Be Successful In Network Marketing & Sales?

This is a question I asked myself a few years ago when I first started my business.

I remember being at an event and seeing all these top earners getting awards on stage and speaking and I thought to myself;

‘All top earners are Extroverts and I’m not an extrovert…How in the world am I going to become a top earner myself?’

Well, believe it or not, I’m an introvert…and a Top Earner.

So yes…you can be an introvert and a top earner.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you how YOU too can become a top earner, even if you’re an introvert and don’t really want to be surrounded or talking to people all day long.

📑Show Notes and Resources mentioned in the video:

Take your colors test to find out how you operate best…. also, get your team to take the test so you know how to motivate them.

This is a great book for all my Introvert friends out there! My girlfriend Kate McShea shared this book with me while we were sailing the Greek Seas on a sailboat and when I arrived home I dove into the book and loved every minute of it.

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About this video: In this episode, I tackle the question can introverts be successful. I offer success tips for network marketing success if you’re an introvert. Business for introverts requires some practice and good network marketing tips. There’s lots of successful introverts in business that use network marketing success tips to help them. This network marketing training and sales tips for introverts will help you tremendously.

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
Рекомендации по теме

OMG! I'm an introvert. Thanks Tanya for sharing your helpful tips and advice. You have given me hope.


I’m definitely an introvert....I’m so glad you pointed out the difference the way you did. Thanks Tanya!


So can relate! But I've learned to turn on or use my blue side when needed. As usual, great and very helpful content here. Thanks for sharing!:)


I'm pretty sure I'm the single most introverted, socially awkward person on earth.... and now, I'm in Network Marketing.


This Is Awesome!!! I Needed 2 Hear This!!!


Great info! Thanks once again! Reassuring to learn this!


I just discovered your training. Thank you so much! I’m an introvert


Very introvert and like my own company very much.


So I work a full time job and trying to build my business around it. I work at a store, out in the public the whole day. Tanya, why is it easier for me to chat with people in the store than trying to start conversation on social media or starting conversations with people on my friends list?


hey tanya! your channell!....good stuff....good production!...may i ask wthat network marketing u specifically do??...i am ACN...thank you!


Wow this was interesting! I took the test and ended up a Red / Green also! I think this is spot on based on my personality. #bossup


hi Tanya, love ur videos. You have any video on how to prospect on facebook to introduce a product to them. I have seen your prospecting video for recruiting.


I'm a introvert that can become an extrovert when motivated by others. ( hope that make since) the personality test shows that I am a Blue /Green and I agree. I am a helpful person it just takes me awhile to get out and going. So now what? How do I challenge that to the work I am trying to start?


89% introvert, 11% extrovert : ) Love it how you pointed out that it can be an advantage to be introverted. I didn't realize there are really people out there who don't feel "charged up" from having alone time. I get totally wigged out and depressed if I don't have enough alone time, because when I'm alone and am able to analyze and produce stuff for my business, I am the most productive, and for me, productivity = self esteem = happiness. It's weird to think not everyone is that way? But maybe not. When I feel like I've been really productive, THEN I feel like rewarding myself and being social, and I want to go out and spend time with people... but if I haven't gotten enough work done, I just want to be a hermit. Anyway... great video, Tanya. Thanks!


I honestly think whether your introverted or extroverted matters in the least bit, what matters wayyyy more is your desire to be successful, your drive your motivation, your focus, I know extroverts who have the PERFECT personality to do jobs like this, but lack drive or motivation to the fullest so its uselesss, you might be an introvert but have the most drive in the world and are motivated, than you WILL be successful regardless, because you are driven enough to come up with other ways to sell your product if talking to ppl is your weakness.


I am introvert depending on who I am around.


Four colors of network marketing. ☺ I love that book


Mike Dillard, Eric worre and Tanya Aliza. These people are Introverts...
Extroverts May become Top Earners. But Introverts will Remain LEGENDS..
