How Sumo Wrestlers are Ranked | Sumo Divisions, Promotions, & Banzuke Explained

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An explanation of the sumo divisions, how rankings work, how sumo wrestlers are promoted, and the banzuke (sumo ranking publication).
P.S. No real banzuke was harmed in the making of this video. I mutilated reprints

Credits to footage used in this video:

Shikoroyama Stable picking up Banzuke-

Jonokuchi Division Footage by Jeremy Japan YouTube

Jonidan Division Footage by Hokkaikochan YouTube

Juryo Dohyo Iri Footage by The Universe Japan

Special thanks to:

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Your content continues to improve, and this sort of video is perfect for new fans! The ranking system is such a unique feature of Sumo, it really contributes to create (and follow) narratives about a rikishis journey in the sport. Great work as always, keep them coming!


This is the kind of video that I wish I had all those years back when I started watching the sport. Thank you for making this! If you’re doing the sumo fantasy team this basho I hope you’re team has done well!


Your intense passion for sumo makes me love these videos as well as sumo itself even more. The physical visuals of the ranks on paper, coloring in the banzuke with crayons, and cutting out the great artworks of the rikishi by Noah Wellbrock-Talley was such a great touch to the video!! I hope the sumo world will continue to grow in the west because of your channel, and I have always pointed newcomers to the sport to you as well. Your videos are the perfect educational resource for them because it makes learning sumo so much easier to understand for us English speakers! I'm also so glad you were sponsored by skillshare. Your level of video production 100% deserves it.


Thank you for these videos! I was a successful Greco-Roman wrestler in America and I have always been fascinated with Sumo and Sumo culture. Great to see new content on YouTube


I have been watching NHKs Grand Sumo Highlights for years now, they do an OK job basically talking about ranking but this was an excellent explanation for how the ranks are achieved.


My wife and I really like your videos because they have a completely different flair to sumo channels run by men. The content can be equally superb, but the way it is selected and presented clearly shows how different the perception is - even with the same topics. We wish you a great year 2022 and look forward to more videos.


This is, by far, the most engaging and pleasing break down of any sport I have seen in a long while. Well paced, fantastically edited, and very polished and professional. Listening to your voiceover at the end, I hear you voice your initial concern and fear over your direction and intent with your creative output and its direction. If this video is any indication of your works ahead, I feel it safe to say that those fears are unwarranted.

Very well done, good job.


As a new fan of Sumo this one video was by far the most informative. TY!


Your channel along with Don Don have introduced me to Sumo for the 1st time in my life and I have been obsessed for the last 2 weeks watching everything you and Don have on your channels. Amazing content and thank you for bringing me into the fold!


I wish I had this years ago when I got into sumo. It took me so long to understand the rules and rankings from what little sources existed at the time .


Ter, I wish you the best of luck in your creative endeavors this year. I also have a new years resolution to dedicate myself more to my own artwork, and music. I'm fresh out of college and beginning my professional career this year, while also pursuing success in the art world. I'm no fighter, or wrestler of any kind haha- but I do get a lot of inspiration from fighters who dedicate themselves wholly to their sport. I'm trying to dedicate myself likewise, with the same warrior spirit, to my motivations, and I hope you do too. I'm aspiring to be the yokozuna of my own world, you have the potential to be the yokozuna of this sumotube world, so let's fight a battle against ourselves and realize our dreams! Amazing content as always, wishing you the best.


You are definitely on the right track as a young person following your passion. I’m an old person now and it’s a lot harder once you settle down into a career. Keep ip the good work and create what you are passionate about.


Another great video, as a sumo fan already familiar with the topic but will still watch and enjoy


Thanks for the info! I'm new here, just came after the "Sanctuary" Netflix series and this channel is something else! Thanks:)


Your videos have opened my eyes to what Sumo really is. The quality of them with regards to look and the knowledge presented is outstanding. Thank you. With regards to your decisions for 2022, good for you! Life is too short to live it without fulfilment! Keep pressing on.


Your videos are getting to be so refined. I loved all the little animations and sumo cutout props. Good stuff!


Thank you, not only for the time and effort to make these great videos for all of the sumo fans and pratictioners out there!
But also for the inspiring message of investing in yourself, to explore your own creativity and follow your passions even if the reward isn't a good salary, it's all about living a fullfilling happy life full of great experiences.


Ter, you are an excellent creator and whether it is sumo or your creativity takes you to new roads, it will be awesome seeing how your style, introspection, and imagination evolve as the content evolves. Thank you for taking the plunge to be a full time creator!


Fantastic video, really appreciate all the work that you put into it.


I remember you saying might put a video out like this! The use of physical objects is a nice touch. I finally have a video I can point people towards when they ask how the sumo rankings work. I recently came to the same conclusion you did, and I'm following my passion for sumo and working on it full time this year. Best of luck to you in 2022. I hope your channel continues to grow and improve. 🙂
