Yoga vs Gym | Which one is better?

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In this video, we will look into the differences between Yoga and Gym. We will also clearly layout which will be better for you in terms of health and fitness in long run for a blissful life.

Mayur Karthik, Senior Faculty (Sri Sri School of Yoga) in his "Everything Yoga" series comes up with interesting videos on Yoga which are helpful to keep our health and fitness up.


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization in 1982. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being through powerful breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and Yoga. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally at all levels of society.

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the best sentence i have ever seen
a strong mind can definately carry a weak body
but a weak mind cannot even carry a strong body !!!


I have done both and i found myself with more energy by doing yoga.


Gym is better for physical fitness. Yoga is better for overall wellness. But you should do both.


I do both, I started doing both last 2 months- I am a skinny legend and I HAD TO GET MUSCLES.i started eating more fruit and drank more water, which also helped with my acne, I feel like a better person now as I am starting to approve. Gym helped with my muscles and yoga helped me mentally .


Yoga is the best thing I have met ever. 3 years ago I traveled north India. There is a place called Rishkeshi, the Hindu holistic city and also the capital city of yoga. I totally fell in love with yoga and this beautiful ,blissful cith,which makes me came back to India every year. I 💕🇮🇳 and yoga🕉


While doing gym my anxiety level goes up and it gives me fatigue...but yoga is reducing my anxiety and give me calm mind.


I do agree that both are necessary. Variety is the key to get the best physical and psychological benefits, as no practice is complete. They complement one another. Yoga offers flexibility, balance, etc. but don't speed up metabolism - Something very necessary in the age of obesity. Nether has a major impact in cardiovascular I say, do yoga, lift some weights and play some tennis or any sport...That will make it.


I like his philosophy. I use to enjoy exercise. One day for some reason I did yoga. After that I didn't enjoy exercise. I felt jarred . I'm diabetic I use to exercise loved it. But to me it was crazy energy. I have found time and time again. Because I meditate. If I don't do a spiritual exercise . I don't feel happy.


jai gurudev.... very helpful video.... today's generation is not understanding these details... god help the people...


gym 3 x per week, yoga on non training days. get it in first thing in the morning. the only morning routine you need :)


Yoga is fantastic, but I fear a lot of people use it for the wrong reasons. Most of my female friends do Yoga to "keep fit" as they put it, which basically means "Keep thin". They see hard cardio or weight training as being "guys' exercise" and so are very reluctant to even give it a try, even though it would be far more effective for what they want. There's a definite gender bias when it comes to exercises, with some being seen as more feminine and some more masculine. Women are reluctant to go to classes that may be full of men, and men are reluctant to go to classes that may be full of women (like Yoga). It's silly. Take it all!


gym has given me hernia and slip disc and problem in digestive due to eating non veg every guys be smart take care of your intestine also


I have been doing gym for years. Yes definitely it gave me my desire body. After pregnancy i gain 10kg extra. And again started with gym but day by day I was feeling exhausted and tired. Gym was not the same thing for me. So I started with yoga. I am feeling more relaxed and energetic. Its truly working on your mind and body. You will feel musch streesless than gym. As said in the video it just tone your muscles but yoga tones your overall well being. One should feel good after puting so much of efforts in your workout instead of feeling exhausted and tired which makes you feel its burden every single day before start doing that.
Which is totally opposite with yoga. You will feel more happy and relaxed.


Yoga class is definitely tougher compared to doing gym on your own


Yoga (here) is basically yoga-asanas and probably pranayama , which, btw, is only a part of yoga...and not YOGA.
Either do yogasanas and expect mental well-being...which btw may take a "Long" time...or just hit the gym...for physical fitness...and do meditation DAILY for 10-15 mins. For mental well-being.
Our Swamiji ( Om Swami, An Enlightened monk ) prefers the latter.


Yoga is something. It's magical too


Yoga is a comprehensive of gym, calisthenics, physical exercise, mental activity, breathing exercise, and many more


I used to do a lot of sports/gym-oriented stuff from age 4-24. I then discovered classical indian dance and yoga at age 25 and I have been exclusively doing these for the past 10 years.

As a vegetarian, I find that keeping fit is a cakewalk and I rarely worry about what my looks because I have developed a strong internal awareness of what is good/bad for my body/mind, specifically, rather than compare myself to others.
This awareness is so strong that I can always tell when I am going to have my period, when I am about to get the flu, when I'm developing gastro-related symptoms or how far I can endure certain physical pains. In the end, I barely go to the doctor/GP at all because I can balance out my own physical/mental shape.

Even when I decided to start soccer training and competition again 3 years ago, I had no problem with the cardio/physical side of things. I also found that, during our soccer matches, I was always 100% focused and attuned to both my body and my environment; which helped make me a better/strategic player.

All in all, doing yoga gives you a well-grounded foundation for undertaking any other challenge in life; whether these are in the sporting field, the entertainment field, the entreprise field or family life.


What?gym doesn't help the mind?gym builds concentration, dedication to go to gym each day, confidence etc


just started with yoga and a lot of fruits intake...soon to hit the gym 💃💃💃
