Tyler1 on HIGH ELO vs LOW ELO

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Last stream Tyler won a 50 minute game and when it ended he called it "REAL League of legends"


The pure irony is that you go into a normal draft game, you find some of the sweatiest people imaginable. Sorry man gotta lock in these 53% win rate champs to win this normal. Can't possible have any fun


In low elo, half the people will play for fun, and half the people will play to win. It just makes the game even more of a coinflip, albeit a more entertaining one.


Gold players play whatever champs and items they want.

Bronze players play tje game however they want. No junglner? No problem. Don't want to Cs? Just don't do it. Shits wild


Your reward for reaching high elo is longer que times, playing against the same 20 - 60 champions every game, and most notably most games being "decided" before the first rift herald even spawns (at 7 minutes). It's the reason why nearly all high elo players only upload the games they win on YT and not ones they lose. (expect a few like thebausffs and Spear_shot).

I mean you can't even play whatever you want and just lose in high elo's either because your name will become recognised and remembered so then they will just instantly remake, dodge, ban your champ, or the enemy will camp your lane.


Oh yeah, that's why I'm stuck in Plat... For the fun of it 😅


The virgin "no we must play what is meta so we can become the best!!!!11!1!"
The chad "this guy looks cool"


Worst part about low elo is people don't know how to just not run it so if the enemy picks a heavy meta no fun champ and gets fed because your teammate doesn't know how to not right click the enemy they're 3 towers full kit 20 mins in


Been playing for about a year now, played lux top in my iron 1 game and won XD truly the dream


One of the reasons why I refuse to play ranked, ik it only gets worse the higher I go


That’s why one tricks who get to challenger are complete beasts.


i mean, basically if u dont play the top 8-10 champs rn this season, u just dont get to have fun and play the game.. even in norms. its just awful rn imo, i want to try new champions out but its hard to when my champ has a 49.50% wr against a 54% wr overtuned kit.. LIke i acknowledge im bad so there is a fair skill diff, but same time its just a broken champ diff as well. Hell maokai has above 50% wr against literally every other jungler rn, that means other junglers only beat maokai roughly 48-49% of the time max


Difference in tiers

Iron-gold 1 Team fighting absolutely does not matter, you can smurf roll a majority of the lower brackets

Plat 5-GM Team comp, fighting, and coordination is the only thing that matters


Fully agree. I can't pick amumu mid in masters coz players wlil just destroy me to 0-10, but I was able to play it few years ago in gold/silver and even won many games like that


My last 3 RANKED games: A Bot-Lane that perma engaged on a Samira + Rell, that ended up giving them 16 kills before the end of Laning. A toxic first time Lee Sin, who went 0/9. And an ADC who locked in Rammus, with Smite, and then left me, as an auto-filled support, alone, the whole game, proceeding to perma farm the enemies jungle, dying 9 times to the enemy Kindred in just 10 minutes, ending the game with 34 CS. When I questioned him, he said, "tactic, " and when I asked the enemy team to report him for his nonsense. He tried to accuse me of info sharing/win trading. These 3 games were back to back...


in low elo EUNE, Gold 2 specifically, I kept playing top, winning or going even in lane, and then a surprise stomp from either the enemy botlane or enemy mid cuz they don't exist to me, botlane was losing hard, guess that the supp was always autofilled, since no one played it before, queue as supp, from 50 LP i win 4 in a row and climb to Gold 1, i got a negative winrate on jax despite doing good but i guess i main nautilus until plat 3 at least


This is facts, I just played ivern support and I be running adcs with smite


Think it’s more champion balance or items? I feel like this season S tier items have determined the champion meta as much as champ balance.


This is a fact i realized playing several competitive games where the company also heavily pushes towards e-sport. Overwatch, CSGO, a tiny bit of Dota 2, but mostly League - the higher the rank, the more 'optimized' the gameplay (and non-gameplay related things like picking meta champs etc), and the more you play the 'optimized way' the less fun you are having, because at that point you are constrained by having to perform so clean, you are NOT having fun playing a game, but are doing hard delicate work that you need to perform correctly or get yelled at. This is why you should NOT chase ranks in ranked pvp games, it's just not worth it. You should see a few Iron rank games compilations on youtube, you'll see how much more unpredictable and fun those games look.


Me play trynd and yi me soo good unga bunga
