Is It Possible We Live in a Multiverse?

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If we do, in fact, live in a multiverse, truly God's creation will be far grander than ever before!


We possibly do, but do we actually is the real question. It's possible, but possible doesn't equal actual. It's possible in so far that God could have created a plethora of universes, and he could create more now, but did he or will he?


Possible? Sure. However, is it rational to think that we live in a multiverse? Considering there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, none, nada, zilch, for such a notion I don't think it's even remotely rational to think we do. The multiverse is bad fan-fiction about the universe created by those with a philosophical desperation to try and explain away both the fine tuning and the absolute beginning of the one and only universe we know exists, ours.


With God all things are possible. Sometimes are brains can't even realize our current state of reality so we really can't rule anything out.


I actually do not believe multiverse theories are consistent with the Bible. Perhaps I'm wrong.


multiverse is an idea created by comic writers who've run out of ideas.


Doesn't Molinism preclude WLC from accepting a multiverse to be true because there's only one true universe, the others are potentialities? Molinism appears to say that God looked at all of the multiverses to see what humans would do in various situations, and then God decided on this one based on the outcome from human's free will. Stop asking for biblical support for this. Philosophy comes first.


I think there is a "multi verse" and the bible describes it, here's why. God, the angels and demons exist in another "realm" unlike ours. Heaven is not a place where we can physically travel to, only spiritually. The dead souls before Christ came were in "Abraham's bosom", neither our world nor heaven or hell. Therefore, there has to be a "multiverse" for the spiritual to live in and the material to live in.


Two possibilities for multiverse:

1 - it's the decisions we take that split the timeline, in accordance with God's omniscience and middle knowledge.

2 - it's a load of nonsense concocted by non-believers to extend the probability of the whole thing coming about by pure chance.


I 100%sure there are 7multiverse.thats my research in my phd thesis


Sounds like a bunch of malarkey. I’m going to have to pay more attention to this guy he saying an awful lot of cringe he stuff.


Would you listen to me because I may know something that you don't? Is it possible to be wrong believing? If God is unarguably the most important issue in all our lives and you believe the idea of the creator of the creation is fantasy or dogma of faith that belongs to religion is because the cult deceived you manipulating the information with disastrous consequences. The idea of God belongs to philosophy or rational thinking and all societies have an understanding of the intelligent creator of the creation, that atheists don't "believe" exists. The use of the verb "believe" betrays the intention to make others believe the idea of God is dogma of faith that belongs to religion. If you hear a noise would you "believe" or "know" something caused it? Atheists misreason disingenuously that from the existence of the universe only can be concluded that the universe exists, when in other spheres of life they don't reason the same way. Would you memorize and understand a logical fallacy to preserve knowledge and not lie to innocent and vulnerable children? Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. The atheist logical fallacy would test your IQ and honesty and the error in reasoning is easy to understand being honest and impossible lying to oneself. Future generations would understand who wants to deceive and hurt them. Would you believe me when I say God is necessary because it is impossible the existence of the creation without the creator? Atheists would not be able to prove their own existence to themselves if the logical conclusion is that God exists and lose their children believing without questions asked that gambling causes a brain disease, and when they are told they don't care. God is something real capable of creating the universe from eternal existence because nothing can be created from nothing. To end the war in Ukraine the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy has to be news. To find the truth and God only to think for oneself is necessary.
