Can Life Exist in 2 Dimensions Instead of 3D? Amazing 2D Life Test!

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Real-life flatland! In this video I use micro-thin layers to simulate two dimensions to see if life could exist in 2 dimensions instead of 3. I use my drawing on water technique to show you how weird a two-dimensional world would be. Then I show you some other problems in 2D such as having a digestive tract. Then I talk about Conway's Game of Life and if that is truly alive or not.

Also, watch me hit 1 millions subs! Thanks everyone!

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Two dimensional beings already exist. They're called flat earthers.


"We have a tube that food comes in " *Draws intestines* "And a tube where food comes out." *Draws mouth and throat*

... How have you been eating your food?


I love how calm he is! Other YouTubers just shout when they reach a really huge goal!


I remember once, me and a few friends discussed that, for a 2D being, us interacting with them would amount to something "popping in and out of existence." So, to them, we'd be Eldritch Abominations, Ghosts, Demons, etc due to not being able to quite explain what they experienced.

That'd be a good setup for some Cosmic Horror story.


"Can life exist in 2 dimensions insead of 3D?"

me playing terraria: i'm four parrael universes ahead of you


In 2D, they cannot see inside a circle without breaking it
In 3D, we can see inside a circle but not inside a sphere
Which means in 4D we can see inside a sphere without breaking it


4 dimension beings are doing same experiments...


Hey bro, Where do you live again?


Carl Sagan did an awesome demonstration on life in two dimensions. First of all he essentially said that no matter what shape the life form is in, all it would be able to see in the world is straight lines with absolutely zero thickness.
He used paper shapes for the example and mentioned that even paper (or really any object in our world) is not a perfect example because it does have some thickness


There could be "tubes" if it was fitted with several "hooks" making the tube a serie of "airlocks" that would open and close successively. But otherwise for digestive processes, it's probable the best solution would be to vomit the end-product... Sorry. But this is how it'd work at the cellular level, and I'm sure it would be the same macroscopically.


Canadian Professor Alexander Dewdney wrote a novel on the topic, The Planiverse. It talks about life in a 2D world with 2D physics and how things might work. Gets into a lot of detail, including talking about how people climb over others, and how zipper organs are used to make digestion work, and proposes electrical systems and all kinds of technology. Good read if you're really interested in the topic.


Me: Wanted to say congrats for one mil subs.

Me: Looks at other comments who already said congratulations.

Me: Makes this comment instead :)


Happy golden play button day!
Your channel is awesome and I really like your calm and curious personality, your channel takes me out of my everyday stresses easily, thank you so much and keep doing what you're doing, I love it!


The moment mario skips his power up was just one of the most un satisfied moments ever


Him: *talking about science*
Me: noooo he lost the mushroom


I don't remember such a well deserved 1M subscriptions! Keep it up, greetings from the Canary Islands :)


5:03 no, that's not true. You can still have a tube system the say way that, for example, canal locks like the ones in the Panama Canal work, alternating one another on opening anc closing while the element passes and is processed.
We're not just open tubes, the same way in nature membranes aren't just permeable all the time.


I really love the way you are going with your channel! It kinda started meh when you basically just ripped of the hydraulic press channel, but now you really do your own thing and your videos are really educational and fun! Keep it up man


4:12 ah yes, I too am a human, who of course does human things like eat with my mouth between my legs and eject waste from my head's orafice


"A tube where the food goes in...*
*Draws the arse.*
"... and a tube where the food comes out."
*Draws the gullet/mouth.*

Um... mate... if that's how you eat, I'm honestly not sure how you've survived this long. You an alien or somethin'?
