Arduino IDE Introduction

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The Arduino IDE is used to code for Arduino Projects.
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Every time I watch a refresher, there is always some small detail that I missed the time before. Well done once again Eli!


As far as I can tell, it's straight up C++11 (but without the standard library). This business about "it gets compiled to C++" isn't correct. I can write lambdas, classes, and even variables like "static constexpr uint32_t". But if I try to do something more modern like auto parameters for the lambdas, I get standard compiler warnings from what looks to be gcc that say I need the C++14 flag. You can't use things like unique pointers, since they belong to the standard library.
Great video though, thank you. This stuff is pretty fun to play around with.


Hey I am just starting with Arduino and I am having a hard time understanding how to code it. Is there anywhere I could learn to make my own sketch?


where can i find arduino ide? the site is down


So, then I'd rather get a RasperryPie cause it can install a full OS! Just :) :)


2:25 - XOD IDE is pretty good. There's also platformIO for VSCode, but that's more bloated than a dead whale.
3:33 - *transpiled
4:55 - It's called a sketch because that's what Processing files are called and the Arduino IDE is based on the Processing IDE.
18:53 - Yup, it's definitely the GPIO thing that makes people conflate them.
19:20 - What's weird about Baked Alaska? 🤨 It's yummy.
21:32 - It is actually an Arduino with WiFi? I got what I thought was that, but it was actually a WeMos, which is an ESP8266.
21:49 - Yeah, it's a real pain trying to use the right parameters, especially if you get Chinese ones from eBay because they rarely bother marking them correctly. Is it a Pro Mini with a 328 or 168, 5V or 3.3V, 16MHz or 8MHz? 😕 I recently bought a bunch of Nanos and they wouldn't work. It turned out they had the old bootloader so I had to change that setting in the IDE, but there was no indication of them being different from my other Nanos which have the newer bootloader. Also, the IDE's menus are hardly clean or easy to use.
23:02 - The Arduino IDE just feels rickety and unstable, like it was jury-rigged in a hurry. :-\


Crapduino -When you want to make a career out of stealing other people's libraries.


why does it look like the processing ide
