#379 The All-New Arduino IDE 2.0: Introduction and Test

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Ten years of waiting has an end. During the Arduino day last week, Arduino officially released the beta version of its all-new IDE, which should give us all the features of a modern development environment. Without the hassle of a modern development environment. Too good to be true? Let’s have a closer look.
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Syntax highlighting is a must. Version control could be handled outside the IDE but in general it is a must even for personal projects.


1. The installation of libraries interfered with Dropbox. If I switch synchronization off, the installation works (thanks,
Gary Tomlin).
2. Refactoring and code search works if you right-click a variable and you have selected a board. Without a board selected the menu will not appear.


Thank you for doing videos like this, Andreas. I didn't know about the new Arduino IDE 2.0 before this.


Mega plus one for the dark theme. Personally I find it helps with screen fatigue massively. But that's of course very different from person to person, so having the options is excellent progress


I strongly disagree with you about no need for syntax highlighting. I find it really useful, especially when I accidentally make a typo


2:41 Use version control! you'll love it! it's not only for teams. Version control will make you 10x more confident. It's totally worth it, i promise!!


Version control is most definitely not just for teams! There are so many benefits to using it, and there are loads of mature free options available. Great video, as always. I love your work.


Have not used Arduino IDE for a long time, vscode and pio for the win.


To the folks talking about VS Code, this is actually Eclipse Theia packed into a desktop app. Theia uses many core parts of VS Code thus the similar look and feel.


Thanks for the review, Andreas, it was both useful and interesting for me.
I also have the greatest respect for your suggestion of us users donating to this popular and freely available IDE, and of course for you yourself donating. I donate from time to time during the download process of the IDE, and also think this is very important.
On a side note, I am also hoping for version control support in the 2.0 version, even though all my MCU projects are one man efforts. I find version control extremely helpful in my process, but acknowledge that many others think it's unnecessary overhead in this situation.
I hope to see another review from you on this IDE in the future, when it's more mature.


In my opinion a versioning system is crucial even for non team developing. If I won't to try out a new feature or a different algorithm, I do fork a new branch or stash the current code to easily be able to roll back or compare with the previous version. In pre-vcs-times I have to do this by copying the code to backup directories, which can quickly become a big mess.


Thanks for taking one for the team. I'll get back to work with the old IDE for now.


This channel is insane! I am not native english language. but I understanding clearly.


That lil' hand was awesome! Thank you for sharing your impressions and review of the new IDE. Very cool, very exciting. Stay awesome Andreas Spiess!


Thank you very much and grateful for the Spanish subtitles. greetings from Argentina


Andreas you're a gem! 
Just found out your channel but you already inspired me for many future projects! Keep up the good work!
Saluti dal Ticino fellow countryman! :)


3:58 the new (beta) version is much clearer and easier on the eye; I think they have increased the contrast, as I find the text easier to read. The line numbers and syntax highlighting being bold, makes the hem stand out, which is so much easier to read! Mind you, this 48yo also favours dark mode ;)


Thank you, Andreas, for all your valuable contributions. You are an engineer with all your heart.


This is great. I was having trouble with using PlatformIO along with programming in python as PlatformIO kept on interfering. I hope they make it more flexible.


Great post! I've not touched the are Arduino for over a year, but now that I see there is a new IDE, I will gladly dust off my box of parts and play around with the new IDE! Thank you for posting this!
