Absolute | Meaning of absolute

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absolute (adjective)
Free of restrictions, limitations, qualifications or conditions; unconditional.

absolute (adjective)
Free from imperfection, perfect, complete; especially, perfectly embodying a quality in its essential characteristics or to its highest degree.
Absolute purity, absolute liberty.

absolute (adjective)
Pure, free from mixture or adulteration; unmixed.
Absolute alcohol.

absolute (adjective)
Complete, utter, outright; unmitigated, not qualified or diminished in any way.
When caught, he told an absolute lie. an absolute denial of all charges.

absolute (adjective)
Positive, certain; unquestionable.

absolute (noun)
That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental.
Moral absolutes.

absolute (noun)
Anything that is absolute.

absolute (noun)
Concentrated natural flower oil, used for perfumes.

January 24, 2019

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