The Indo-European language family: controversies and new discoveries

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The Indo-European language family - the most well-researched and the first family to be proven. Surely everything is already discovered about it, and there are no controversies or unknowns... right? Well, I'm here to challenge your views (and my own, to be honest) that everything is set in stone regarding the Indo-European language family. Going through the latest research in the field, I personally changed many of my own beliefs on the matter. So even if you think you know everything there is to know about the Indo-Europeans, I'd still ask you to check this video out. You too may discover something new.
Links to papers if you want to explore more:
Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes
#indoeuropean #linguistics #languagetree
The Indo-European language family: controversies and new discoveries
The Indo-European Connection
Tracing English as far back as possible
Who Were the Proto-Indo-Europeans?
Proto-World and the Origin of Language
Fake Indo European Language Family
The Migration of Indo-European Languages
APHG- The Spread of the Indo-European Language Family
The Indo-European Controversy in Historical Linguistics with Asya Pereltsvaig and Martin Lewis
Where is the Indo-European Homeland?
Who were the Proto-Indo-Europeans?
APHuG Unit 3: The Indo-European Language Family
New Discovery Explains TRUE Origin of Indo-European Languages
Reconstructing a Prehistoric Language
Proto-Indo-European Origins | DNA
The Controversy of Sanskrit & The Mystery of The Indo-European Languages - Mahendra Acharya
Altaic: Rise and Fall of a Linguistic Hypothesis
Super challenging Proto-Indo-European concepts explained: S in parentheses and Hs with numbers
Interview with Asya Pereltsvaig & Martin Lewis: The Indo-European Controversy
Are Indo European and Semitic Culture Related?
Origin of the Indo Europeans
Sanskrit and Armenian: Mothers of ALL Indo-European Languages?
'Who Were the Indo-Europeans?'-Dr. Joseph Pentangelo
New Perspectives on Indo-European Phylogeny and Chronology