Are Indo European and Semitic Culture Related?

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What are these two cultures in the first place, and are they related.
Ancient sounding music: Derek & Brandon Fletcher
Articles by Mr. Fjordman, Kate Wong and Sarah Napton
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Proto-Indo-European culture is beautiful, and so is the language.


Semitic and IE refer to both language families AND peoples. Sudanese speak Arabic but have very little Semitic blood, Indians speak IE language but have very little Indo-European blood. Finns have a LOT of Indo-European blood but they don't speak an IE language. get it?


As a Hindu, I don't think there is any sort of similarity with Abrahamic/Semitic religions with Hinduism. Ideology, practices, taboos, everything is different. Hinduism is majorly Indo-European with many Dravidian influences. It has similarities with even Sinitic religions like Taoism, Shintoism or even Tibetan Bon religion, even though they don't derive from the same source, let alone the obvious ones like Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism for now. Sikhism bears a lot of cultural similarities with Islam, given their conservative behavior and similar taboos, but their script and Ideology is mostly similar to Hinduism. Zorastrianism might be similar to Hinduism, I don't know, but some practices are quite similar between us.


Southern European culture is mix Semitic and Indo-European


many Semitic people came from grasslands as well, The levant and northern Iraq are grasslands


The latin alphabet has it's origins in the phoenician semitic alphabet.


The point about writing is completely arbitrary. Indo-Europeans did not originally write. They later borrowed writing from the phonecians (Semites), or rather the Greeks, and eventually Romans did.

The Indo-Europeans that had settled in India came up with a completely different writing system.

Ie. No writing system is inherently indo-European, because the original Indo-Europeans did not have one.


Just a quick note: semites also came from grass land, because they are from the levant, the levant has very fertile lands, especially iraq and syria, even agriculture and the understanding of how planting works started in iraq, and I’m pretty sure you cannot plant in deserts, there has to be fertile land for planting


Very informative. Excellent and entertaining. THANKS !!!


The milk part is funny
I’m a tribal Arabian from Najd (central Arabia) and we have an old saying
“If you cannot drink camels milk raw then you are no Arab”

Obviously this scientifically inaccurate
But it has high degree of accuracy

For that the vast majority are too are lactose tolerant

But instead of cows
We have camel and sheep and goat milk

Cows only exist in the levant and iraq

They are Very rare in Arabia because there is not enough food for these fat sacks of meat


Indo europeans were not the first one to produce milk it was first attested in 7000bc Mesopotamia. BTW.


Both IE people and Semites most likely stem from an earlier common ancestor before they separated. Because both of them are Caucasoid groups with very similar (pre-Abrahamic) mythology to the point they had to have had a connection. You also see a clear connection between IE art & symbolism and Semitic art & symbolism. And most importantly as you stated, both were historically known to be war-like and expansionist.


Maybe ancient Civilization like greek, persian, ancient Indian, look like ancient semitic like assyrian, aramaic, akkadian, pheonician. Etc but i'm not sure about the vikings lol


Interesting! I can't think of anything else to say, except I look forward to the next one.


Love the Minecraft visuals, lol.

Great topic, ive been curious about.


Note, E=ە ê=ێ oo=وو
Kurdish word/English word
Garm/warm(G shifts into W)
Sard/cold(S becomes C AND R becomes L)
FLcha/brush(f->b and L->r and ch ->sh)
Psh+ila(psh+ile(ile is a suffix))/pussy(cat)[sh->s]
Kt+ik[kt+ik(ik is a dead suffix, meaning a useless suffix here)]/cat
Lêwلێو/lip(w->p, this change is common, we also use the word leb)
Laq/leg(a->e and q->g)
Raq/Rigid(rigid is rig+id)(q->g)
Hen+gwin(gwin=dead suffix)/honey(hon+ey)(e->o)
Dem(means time)/time(d>t)
Ws/hush(meaning stay quiet)(w>h and s>sh)
Gr+tn=grf+tn(this “tn” makes verbs, works like “ing” in working/grab(f>b)
Angrin(very uncommon word)/angry
Psht(means the physical human back or means After)/post(means after)
Pash(variation of psht, only used meaning after)/post(after)
Heng(g is an active suffix, related to honey, in this case it means a honey bee)
and t><r]
Khuri, kurk(kur+k(dead suffix)) (animal hair)/hair(kh, k>h)
Derga(ga=dead suffix)/door

And here are a bunch of common kurdish suffixes
—ا و وو ی ێ ە—ك گ ل ڵ ن ز س ش
(In the exact order as above) SH S Z N L L G K-E(as u in cut), ê (like ea in head) y(like ee in bee) oo(like oo in stool) w(like w in what) a(like a in hat)
This also includes their combination like oo+k=ook(bchook=small)
Also jooleke(joo=jew and leke(l+e+k+e)dead suffix)/jew (in English)

Kurds really love to add dead suffixes to everything, so you can memorize these components that I gave you and master the vast majority of the Kurdish suffixes, you may wonder, how about the active suffixes?, these exist too, and the only thing they do is, relate the root of the word to something else, be it and idea, a thing, or whatever else, just like above when the honeybee was named heng(hen=honey, g= a suffix), so honeybee has been connected to honey by giving it a suffix.

More examples
Mshk(k=dead suffix)/mouse(sh>s)
Masoolka(oolka=active suffix)/muscle(cle=is a not so clear of an English suffix, see how we uncovered an English suffix by knowledge of another Indo European language)
Tarik(ik=suffix)/dark(t>d)(k is a dead suffix, how do I know? Because we also have the word tar for tarik, looks like even the English at some point used dead suffixes, like us)
Pêjame(pê=foot, jame=clothes)/pajama(Persian loan word)(pa=foot, jame=clothes)



@ 2:40

Well, no.

If they're from the Levant, then the Semite came from the forests, since the Levant used to be heavily wooded (there's a thought for you).

The deforestation is the result of 10, 000 years of continuous agricultural activity in the region.


I found three similarities.
1. נפל (naphal) = fell, פול (pol) = fall!, could be a borrowing.
2. קול (kol) = voice, kinda similar to "call". could be a coincidence.
3. פרי (pri) = fruit, definitely and borrowing.


Love how this video really did end up being my biggest


Good video though the part where you mention the Spanish and Arabs as being grouped into differemt groups confused the hell out of me lol though I get it now. I wanted to mention that the photo was of a Spaniard with a Filipina mother, who is not typical Spaniard. If you want to get a photo of a Spaniard with two "indigenous" parents who happens to also be a bit swarthy ans Mediterranean I recommend Antonio Banderas, especially in his early days when he maintained his tan.

Also Spaniards and Arabs are considered "different groups" by whom? And in what sense? They are literally two seperate peoples, with their own languages and cultures, Spaniards a part of the broader southern European Romance peoples. Both Spaniards and Arabs have been considered "Caucasians" by "racial scientists" since the days of white supremacy, along with most Indians (all Indo-Aryans). From a modern (more scientific) perspective, Spaniards are genetically very different from Arabs and Indians as a whole, though share a good portion of their y DNA with Indians, though Spaniards are a bit more homogeneous. As for the origin, it's fairly well established we (humans) originate in Africa and this is ehy A comes up in large percentage there. Migrations out of and also around Africa led to the development of other haplogroups, the presence of C and D outside of Africa is due to early migrations. I believe there were two major migrations, one made it's way Oceania by way of the Arabian paninsular, the other into Asia then spread around the rest of the inhabitable world.
