How to Resist Conspiracy Theories

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It can be easy, in certain moods, to suspect that we can trust no one and to feel the temptation of conspiracy theories. But we’d be wiser learning the art of an intelligent form of scepticism.


“We live in conspiratorial times. Deeply sinister motives appear to be at work everywhere beneath the surface. No one, however high their reputation, is entirely beyond suspicion. Every institution, even the most venerable, may be at it. Whatever may publically be said, something a whole lot ghastlier is probably going on in private. Taking anything on good faith seems a sure route to naivety and disillusion. It’s never been a more tempting moment to become a conspiracy theorist...”


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This video literally just says that it's healthier to live trusting your fellow humans (NOT BEING NAIVE) and basing doubt on evidence and not emotion. Somehow everyone gets super defensive about their SPECIFIC theories and are threatening to unsub. That's some hardcore denial right there. No one is saying shady shit doesn't happen people, they're just saying use critical thought rather than default distrust of everything and everyone. - Sent from Head of Illuminati's Iphone


_This comment was deleted by George W. Bush_


The point of the video is NOT that conspiracy theorists are always wrong. Nor is it telling us to always believe what we are told. The point is to approach ideas with skepticism, but to also have the maturity to adjust our beliefs as new evidence emerges.

Being on the lookout for the shadows which lie behind the lights is useful, and helps us come closer to the truth. But if we can only see the shadows then the whole world becomes a darker place.


im an alien to this planet, this channel has really helped me understand humans


Lol people saying the video is telling them not to think critically... That's the complete opposite of what the video is talking about.


"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan


Can you make a video about choosing understanding over judgement. How judging is the easy option - but approaching situations with patience and compassion is the more difficult, but better choice. I feel like a lot of people in my life could benefit from a video about that topic.


hey remember when the CIA spying on you was just a conspiracy theory? lol

thanks wikileaks


If you're a conspiracy theorist (and even if you aren't) and you value clear analytical thinking and are interested in the most or least reliable way to come to a sound conclusion about something, I suggest you get into the disciplines of epistemology and logic. I promise that if you're into finding truth, assessing the reliability of an argument and just plain observing the world around you these disciplines will help beyond measure.


What helps me is remembering that conspiracy theories and cults are attractive to intelligent people who see that it makes sense [at face value, before researching] but then end up sucked in because they crave belonging and acceptance and the theories/cults community offers that....So I try to remember this when I start to believe something, and remember it is a marketing pitch - a persuasive piece meant to make you believe, and then go research those facts and things. I am sure to get proper sources to figure out fact or fiction.

If they say that planes don't fly over that area or planes vanish more in that area, then look for those numbers. Look up flight patterns, look up crash stats, you know? It's not that hard to fact check but it seems to be a lost I like to remember this because I am vulnerable for falling for something stupid, and so are you.


"The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything."


Great video. I would say the intelligent skeptic understands the corruptness in the world and listens with an open mind to conspiracy theories, however doesn't get swayed in to opinions which create belief systems. The intelligent skeptic rather resists to be persuaded in to narrow minded pathways, however jumps at the opportunity for new ideas and ultimately new conspiracy theories. They realize that knowledge is power, and since it is quite useful to stay up to date, they might consider conspiracy theories as being important information, but, will never fall in to the rabbit hole of complete conspiracy, for they know to stay pure to knowledge, and to not use it as to satisfy their will.


Why are people that question things that dont add up considered dumb? Arent dumb people, people who blindly accept what people tell them and dont have the brain capacity to think independently.


Conspiracy theorists typically use their theories as an escape from the intellectual failures they've accrued during their lifetimes. Rather than facing the cold hard reality that things are complicated and some people are smarter than them in understanding topics to a more nuanced degree, they change the rules of the game entirely and push themselves onto a moral high ground without having to understand anything in their full complexities.


I literally am in the midst of arguing with flat earthers... unbelievable timing


It amazes me the number of conspiracy theorists who ignore any contrary evidence put before them because "you shouldn't mindlessly trust sources", yet who are absolutely trusting the dozen rando conspiracy sources who are telling them that.


so.. how much did the illuminati pay you to make this video :^{


Also, people are uncomfortable with being uncertain. If there's not enough evidence to support or disprove a theory, they'll choose the one they FEEL like choosing. Instead of admitting "I don't know."


I am gay, an atheist, and have ADHD. All three have been traditionally regarded with disgust and hatred. It’s not easy for me to trust the collective agreement.


Beautiful. I love how you don't target people or make them feel like less.
