A Neuroscientist Explains What Conspiracy Theories Do To Your Brain | Inverse

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Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? How does a conspiracy theory affect the brain? This week Neuroscientist Shannon Odell breaks down what happens to the brain and why people don't just want to believe but believe.

Conspiracy theories are so appealing because our brains are literally hardwired to find patterns in the world around us. As we evolved, this ability to sniff out patterns could mean the difference between life and death. If you couldn’t associate dark clouds with an incoming storm, you might get killed in a flood. If you didn’t sense the connection between a shadow and a predator waiting to kill you, it might be the last mistake you ever made.

As much as the brain thrives on finding the signal in the noise, the real world is a terrifyingly random place. Sometimes our brains try to make sense of a situation by finding a pattern, whether or not one really exists. This phenomenon is called illusory pattern perception, and research suggests it plays a huge role in conspiracy theory belief.

A person seeing connections where there aren’t any doesn’t appear to be isolated to a particular topic. In one recent study, subjects record the results of a series of coin flips. Those who sensed a pattern in the random results were more likely to believe in at least one major conspiracy theory. Researchers also seemed to be able to prime people to illusory pattern perception. By asking subjects to read about conspiracy theories immediately prior to recording coin flips, the test subjects were more likely to see patterns in the random coin flips than the control group.

So are conspiracy theorists just better at intuiting what’s really going on? According to them, yes. But, according to neuroscientists, almost certainly not. As it turns out, the real culprit may be the dopamine in their brains. People who have higher levels of naturally occurring dopamine have been found to be more susceptible to conspiracy theories. One experiment even showed that non-believer subjects were more likely to see patterns in random shapes after receiving a drug designed to artificially boost their brain’s free dopamine levels.

There is also a powerful social dynamic that allows conspiracy theories to flourish in an otherwise enlightened society: confirmation bias. When the brain comes to a conclusion, information which supports that conclusion is easily assimilated and added to the mental library of facts. This has a reinforcing effect and allows contradictory information to be easily dismissed as false. Ironically, the explosion of information on the internet has made the problem worse, not better. More information may mean more correct information, but it also means more reinforcing falsehoods for conspiracy theorists to assimilate. Conspiratorial echo chambers form, creating communities of people who believe everything from lizard overlords secretly running our government to passenger jets spreading mind-controlling chemicals across the country.

While it’s fun to think about living on a big flat disc controlled by NASA in a gravity-free bubble, disregarding facts and scientists is dangerous and can lead to some unsavory outcomes. But despite what conspiracy theorists say, we’re not doomed just yet. Studies show these beliefs are often triggered by a perceived lack of control, and that empowering people to take action in their own lives can help mitigate the impulse to see patterns when there are none.

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The link between dopamine and seeing patterns is interesting, I suppose that's one way social media is such a powerful tool as it gives us such a big dopamine hit.


The production level of this five and a half minute long video is impressive.


I once subscribed to myriad conspiracy theories. After I emerged from that belief system, I understood that it was my, "hyperactive pattern seeking" that had landed me there. As well as a lack of training in philosophy, without which I had no disciplined way of determining what is true. Add ego, and perceived access to privileged information, and one feel smarter than others.


The reward system controlled by dopamine is linked to many human experiences. To talk about the reward system, you have to also include addiction, gambling, getting likes on Facebook/Twitter, shopping, overeating, anything that includes instant gratification, being the center of attention, the gratification of getting a text from someone you like is dopamine enhancing.

Yes. the need for survival trains your brain to seek patterns. Pattern recognition is more of frontal cortex activities and linked to other types of Neurotransmitters. Glutamate is the most common neurotransmitter in the frontal cortex, and it plays a significant part in cognitive functions, including learning and memory.

For dopamine to increase, there has to be some behavior that creates excitement and surges either through actions, drug intake or feeling really good about something you obtained

As for dopamine surges with conspiracies, most folks do not get many rewards for being ignored or humiliated by friends who reject their beliefs. Being labeled a conspiracist is a put-down for many and not very appealing. I don't see the direct link. As a matter of fact, I doubt anyone who believes in conspiracies and sees this video will feel gratified, which is the opposite of getting dopamine-induced rewards.

I know from working with many patients who indeed experienced dopamine surges and felt on top of the world, kept chasing the surges, to the point it became addictive.

In case you are wondering, I have my doctorate for 5 years. My research was in the effects of neurotransmitter Oxytocin and the ability to remain sober.

For those who are curious, Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that acts as both a hormone and neurotransmitter in the human brain. The hypothalamus produces oxytocin that plays an essential role in bonding, social recognition, sexual reproduction, and managing the stress hormone cortisol.
Close social contact and connection trigger its release. It is also associated with trust and empathy and is released during loving relationships with other people. In fact, synthetic oxytocin is also used in labor and delivery.


"Disregarding science and facts can be extremely dangerous". This sentence hits different in 2021.


She works for the government and is trying to get us to believe that we’re crazy.


Unfortunately I have a family member that believes every conspiracy theory out there. I had to make up an excuse to leave the table. He also suffers from depression, very difficult to speak with him at times I try my best to just listen and not argue back.😔


Okay so I have a few problems with this video.

1. Seeing patterns in flipped coins and shapes has no relation to someone who has spent a lot of time researching and making decisions about what to believe or how they see the world.

1a. Pattern recognition is associated with a well developed pre frontal cortex so a person who makes connections more than others is actually more intelligent... not more crazy.

2. If she truly believes all this then she surely believes that biblical realists are crazy too. Or anyone religious or spiritual in fact because they certainly use abstract ideas to shape their reality.

3. She says an increase in dopamine makes you “believe” and then completely contradicts herself by saying that when people feel lost and powerless they believe in conspiracies. Well which one is it because if dopamine helps you stay motivated, helps you learn and also crucial in decision making I hardly believe someone who is lost or down and out has excess dopamine.

4. She sits there in a tin foil hat. That is pretty offensive and childish (after all she’s no expert in her field, merely a phd student) and certainly doesn’t represent some very intelligent people who have connected dots that make more sense than most the bullcrap the media feeds you daily - including this video.

I agree that some conspiracies are far fetched, and some people believe in things they shouldn’t because science is being refuted. However, some conspiracies have been proven true and were perfectly logical yet hidden from the people. We shouldn’t be calling every conspiracy theorist crazy or making them out to be people in tin foil hats because a lot of them are just way ahead of the game. And I think they’ll end up saving all of us because they can see the agendas and the lies which will be our downfall.


My question to conspiracy believers is always: "How do you know for sure that your favorite conspiracy, isn't part of a another conspiracy to trick you into believing that conspiracy?"


It's called gaslighting, the abuser tries to get their victim to believe they are mad...


When she said “lizard men” I lost it 😂😂


The complex thing about "conspiracy theories" is that not all theories turn out to be false. THAT'S what causes certain people to take things to the extreme. When something that was once considered a conspiracy theory turns out to actually be TRUE, it gives people more reasons to believe in even the most ridiculous notions. Discernment and hard core FACTS, are different than theoretical possibilities and dogmatic mindsets. The latter, would be considered a textbook conspiracy theorist, while the former would be considered a TRUTHER. The problem is that BOTH are basically placed into the same category until the truth is actually revealed. Yet even then, TRUTHERS, still remain stigmatized and aren't given any credit or acknowledgement for their hard work and determination to strive for transparency and honesty from those individuals who claim to be, but aren't. In a world where we are constantly being deceived and distracted from what's right in our faces, it takes those with the ability to think logically and with discernment, to shed light on things that are being hidden from the public. The TRUTH is NOT always a conspiracy theory. Just like a conspiracy theory isn't always the TRUTH.


ANYONE who's ever worked for government would understand the absurdity of govt led conspiracies. Most govt depts couldn't facilitate inebriation in an alehouse. After you've filed your umpteenth affront to grammar (aka report) in quadriplicate so some senior official can shuffle it in a pile before turning it to confetti, you too will understand my scepticism.


Remember kids, if it's going to cause you to have to readjust your perception of "just the way things are", it's probably a CONSPIRACY THEORY.


So when you question tradition, it's labeled a conspiracy theory.. Got it!


As someone who has dealt with a QAnon mother in law, I suggest not wasting your time on debate or even discussion around trying to persuade a conspiracy theorist. My number one piece of advice is finding a way to get the person away from the internet and into the real world more often. Find a hobby, go to a movie....anything that puts the person in contact with other human beings. The internet has been awful for conspiracy crazes but so too has the pandemic, isolation, loneliness, etc. It's easy to believe in insane bullshit when you're lonely and depressed.


Right, let's all get behind the Warren Report and go go from there.


Thank you. Now i can trust the government, NSA, and CIA. I see that Watergate, Prism, and MKUltra never happned.


““Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬


An easy way to debunk some of conspiracy theories is to check who is affected by the alleged actions, what they do about it, and if anyone else could replicate it. E.g. if somebody is doing X then why Y won't stop them, or why Z aren't doing the same? The whole theory crumbles when it turns out to be too big to handle (it's so vast there aren't so much resources left) or when there is no competition.
