Foundation Book to Show Changes Season 1 | Ep 1 & 2

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The opening episodes of the first season of Foundation made some major changes to Isaac Asimov’s original story. We look at what the show changed, and what it kept the same. We discuss how the TV show is approaching adapting the sci-fi classic, and why it was so difficult in the first place. Some have said Foundation was unadaptable, and many fans have high expectations. Will the classic turn out to be unfilmable?

Episode 1 was titled “The Emperor’s Peace” and visits the planets Trantor, Terminus, and Synnax. We are introduced to Salvor Hardin (Leah Harvey), Hari Seldon (Jared Harris), Gaal Dornick (Lou Llobell), and Raych (Alfred Enoch). The empire is ruled by the genetic dynasty of three clones of Cleon I. From youngest to oldest, Brother Dawn (Cassian Bilton), Brother Day (Lee Pace), Brother Dusk (Terrence Mann). Gaal and Hari are arrested and eventually exiled to Terminus to continue working with Psychohistory and set up the Foundation.

In episode 2 the emperor is investigating the attack on the Star Bridge. When he turns up nothing he punishes the two outer worlds of Anacreon and Thespis. Killing most of their delegations, and bombing their planets. Hari, Gaal, and Raych have set out for Terminus on a slow ship on a trip that will take more than four years.

At the end of the premiere, Hari is killed by his adoptive son in a shocking moment. Gaal is then sent away in a pod that appears to be for hibernation. The ship is still continuing to start the Foundation, but the trajectories of the main characters have all changed. This is a bit of a cliffhanger but we explain the setup and the ending as it happened.

The official Foundation TV Logline from Apple:
When revolutionary Dr. Hari Seldon predicts the impending fall of the Empire, he and a band of loyal followers venture to the far reaches of the galaxy to establish The Foundation in an attempt to rebuild and preserve the future of civilization. Enraged by Hari's claims, the ruling Cleons – a long line of emperor clones – fear their grasp on the galaxy may be weakening as they’re forced to reckon with the potential reality of losing their legacy forever.

About Isaac Asimov:
Isaac Asimov was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was a prolific writer and wrote or edited more than 500 books.

Foundation books:

I would recommend reading the series in order of publication as they’re listed here. I would advise against reading the prequels first.

This Foundation video explains everything you need to know about the changes from book to show in episode 1 and episode 2 of the new series and explains the ending. It discusses how it relates to Asimov’s work and draws from the source material.

Foundation TV series official summary:

Foundation stars SAG Award-winner and Emmy-nominee Jared Harris as Hari Seldon; Lee Pace as Brother Day; Lou Llobell as Gaal; Leah Harvey as Salvor; Laura Birn as Demerzel; Terrence Mann as Brother Dusk; and Cassian Bilton as Brother Dawn.

Foundation is executive produced by Robyn Asimov, David S. Goyer (showrunner), Josh Friedman, Cameron Welsh, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Marcy Ross. The series is produced for Apple by Skydance Television.

0:00 Intro
2:26 Gall Dornick
4:15 Raych Foss (Seldon)
6:55 Hari Seldon & The Genetic Dynasty
10:04 The Vault

#Foundation #IsaacAsimov #AppleTV
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A lot of changes, but not all bad. The Terminus stuff was what looked the most unrecognizable in the trailers so we'll see what that's like in a couple of days. Let me know if you think they'll pull it off. If you want to talk book stuff just use a spoiler tag.


The triple throne not only allows keeping characters and actors around, it also allows inner monologue to be brought into dialog. I really like how it plays.


I think the two best changes they made were the introduction of the genetic dynasty and also the space bridge attack (which I know a lot of people hate). My reasons: the Emperor is such a wonderful living analogy of the stagnation of the Empire. He's strangled it by being this undying entity for centuries. Also, the different version of him that we will see over the centuries will really bring that home. Maybe we will reach the point of the weak Emperor overtaken by the oligarch class. And we'll get to see that happen.

The space bridge change is such a great example of the weakness of Asimov's writing itself. It's one thing to be told of an impending social collapse but to see it. To see an attack cost so many lives and realise many more will be lost is very dramatically powerful.


I love the addition of the genetic dynasty with dawn, day, and dusk all sharing the throne. It’s one of the most interesting concepts in sci-fi television in a long time. I’m interested to she how they will evolve of the series and I’m sure they come into conflict with each other at some point.


People need to chill, this is art. Personally I like both the series and the source material, as they have a different approach on the same consept


It is beautiful. Pace and Harris are fantastic actors, but it's dull. I truly hope it gets better.


Best review I read about this series “many said for decades that Foundation could never be put to film. Just to let people know that it still hasn’t.” 😂


I haven’t a lot of hope for this series. I don’t care that many of the characters race and genders have been swapped. Could totally care less. That sort of thing is completely unimportant. Just like how Smallville the series actually takes a lot of liberties with Superman’s lore but Superman fans loved it because the spirit of Superman’s character and overall history was never violated.

I can’t say the same here with Apple’s adaptation of the Foundation novels. I wish I could.

It is now clear to me after watching 3 episodes so far that Goyer and his writers don’t understand what the psycho-history dilemma was all about. It could predict what large swaths of the galactic population would do with great accuracy, but it can not predict with any measure of certainty what a “random individual” might do at any moment that could ruin the predicted course Hari Seldom saw and expected.

This is why the Second Foundation was established in secret. They are the real keepers of Hari Seldon’s plan. Not the 1st Foundation on Terminus.

This is why when “The Mule” shows up he royally screws up Hari Seldon’s predicted plan. He was not predicted to arise or even remotely expected.

If they can’t get that right, then the spirit of the books is lost. And I haven’t the foggiest clue why they are calling this series “Foundation” when it clearly is something else and should stand on its own as its own thing. The emperor cloning thing is clever and could have been its own sci fi ip. No robbery of old books necessary.


These books are unfilmable without the changes. Asimov was great at ideas but so dry when relating the human element. I appreciate your excellent analysis 👊


As someone who hasn't read the books (yet) I must say that I love the series. Its absolutely stunning and the storyline is great! Sure I cannot compare it to the books but on its own it's fantastic


I read the books as a teenager, watching the first episode I missed the gender swop, I just assumed I had remembered wrong. But as I watched the second episode I started getting confused.

The plot is messed up and makes no real sense. I’ll watch one more episode to see if it finds itself, but no more than that.

Personally I have a real issue with screenwriters making massive plot changes. If they write a better story, write one and I will watch one, but don’t just change it, trying to be relevant.


Loved the books BUT love 🥰 the series so far ….. it’s lush, beautiful and just stunning!


Another great job Pete. I have read the books and this threw me off. Then I asked myself, "Did this keep me entertained on its own power?" Very rarely does a book transfer over to a movie or series. (Dark Tower for example). So I get selective amnesia about the books and try to enjoy the series as presented. Keep up the great work.


I’m not a complete foundation “purist”, but I believe the creative liberties taken with this show (3 episodes in) is very disrespectful to the source material, and Asimov’s ideas. It’s another story, and I’m getting “Will Smith I Robot-vibes” all over again.


To mess with Demerzel/Daneel is heretic to all Asimov fans. I am hopeful to enjoy the series as a TV stand alone but its difficult as The Foundation trilogy added in with The Robot books are true classics. Would you change Ripley from alien to a man? Legendary characters in truly great stories rarely come off well when changed. Great video again Pete


they will make Gal a major player and already made her a "great at all she does" type


I didn't read the books, so I had no expectations. I liked the genetic dynasty. The exterminatus thing made me wonder whether or not it inspired Warhammer 40000, but now I know it wasn't in the books, so I wonder now whether or not the show's writer was inspired by WH4k. 😀


Just finished episode 2 and am really enjoying it so far.


First read Foundation in 1954 in an Ace double with the somewhat bland title The Thousand Year Plan. Was 14 at the time and had it recommended to me by a fellow fan. Had already been reading Heinlein and a lot of other SF. I think when the Foundation series appeared in Astounding 1942 to 1950 it was an amplification of editor John Campbell’s program of moving away from pulp SF of the 1930s. Campbell sure did that with a large array of authors Asimov, Heinlein and De Camp being prominent.
Have read Foundation maybe 4 or 5 times over the years since, and the prequels and sequels. I am one who thinks Asimov force fed the Robot Stories into Foundation and don’t think the concept works, tho it’s does not foul the overarching story.
You know the Asimov Foundation of those 1940s ... the core is the Problem Solving. He writes a compelling ‘detective’ story for each segment. On the other hand, and lord knows this was the 1940s, the world building and nomenclature is, 70 years later, was Clunky. I knew they would have to jazz it up and they did. I did find some of the show’s world building a bit clumsy, seems like they should have had a modern science fiction author as an adviser! The 3D holographic com displays in The Expanse look more sophisticated than what I have seen in Apples Foundation (and it is 10, 000 years later!) . So far all looks good even if the made Asimov’s more domesticated setting a bit too arch.


Leave it to Americans to up the sex & violence. The voyage to Terminus with unending sexy time and theatrical stabbings is definitely nothing like Asimov's writing, and adds nothing to the story.
