Electric Guitar Pack Unboxing: Squier vs. Yamaha | Our Holiday Gift Guide!

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It's that time of the season when many people will be getting their first guitars, and after a record-breaking year of guitar sales worldwide, we assume that many of you are looking for the best quality in a starter instrument! Today we're taking a look at two great options for all-in-one electric guitar packs, including an amplifier, accessories, some form of lessons, and of course, the guitar! The Yamaha Gigmaker and the Squier Stratocaster Pack are similar in price, quality, and (almost) one-to-one on the features that they include. Check out our unboxing, our comparison, and our demos, and tell us which one you think is the right choice for you!

YAMAHA demo: 17:14
SQUIER demo: 18:49


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I'm really liking the variety in sound that the Squier has.


I still use DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, cassette tapes (good enough for Dolly Parton good enough for me) and vinyl records. My reel to reel died. Nice comparison & demo folks! IF the Grandkids were interested, I'd go with the Yamaha. But they already have 2 Taylor GS Minis with electronics and a PRS Parlor SE P20E in powder blue. Thanks


Cooper is so laid back, 0:08 if that’s excited, I’m not sure if I could tell even if he wasn’t 😝. Such a cool dude, and excellent guitarist.


Great comparison video. I would buy the one that sounds more authentic to me. Squier!


Nice review guys..I preferred the color on the Yamaha, but I liked the sound of the Squire best. As always, Cooper makes either of them shine!😁
Thanks for the demo, now I know what to send to my nephew and niece for Xmas!!
Happy holidays boys! ✌️😁


everyone has there own taste and both of these guitars are great value with slightly different tones, the Squier Affinity offers a brighter tone, whereas the Yamaha has a lower tone that's not as bright. i think Yamaha would be quieter to play at night for a kid,
also i prefer the Yamaha amp over the Fender, but both are decent starter amps.
now feel wise i prefer the Squier, but sound wise i like Yamaha.
you can't go wrong either way, if you like the brighter tone go with the Squier,
but if you don't want it to be as bright go with the Yamaha.
these guitar packs have been around for a long time,
i started with the Yamaha.


I can barely strum a tune but I love this channel these guys seem very genuine and give great reviews!


Close , but no Guitar ! Thanks guys . Both share only small differences, but that's of course their signature to be a better than anyone else's .


Wow that Yamaha amp sounded so much better than that Fender one. It's actually a stupid difference.


Squire still seems to be the starter guitar go to. It had a brighter/fuller sound and they just seem better built than the cheaper brands around the price point. The Yamaha is still very good though and I know they make great affordable guitars, there may well be a better one out there.


interestingly enough that is the first yamaha gigmaker pack on where the guitars are actually named "Pacifica" I have the gigmaker pack and the guitar was labeled as "ERG" which I think is the most common branding there is for the gigmaker starter guitars. That is still my only electric to this day and I still love it.


Best guitar is the one that comes with a Chris McKee signature on a sticky note!


Hey Cooper, when you throw up the Devils horns with your thumb out it means I love you. 😊


I kind of wish you had played the guitars on the others amp just to show what is amp related and guitar related in the different sounds.


Great video! You two crack me up!! Happy Holiday’s!!


Nice playing I think the Squier sounds a bit like a Telecaster


Man! You guys unpack a gift as fast as my sisters used to on Christmas mornings! (We suspect they must have practiced all year for that.) Good thing the small parts are bagged!
Exactly, one step at a time so trying both flavors of pickups make a good start. Signature Greenberg or McKee bundles! I can hear it now... "Sorry, Charlie! Only the best tuners go to the gift packs..." You can always slip a Snark in a stocking... Mele Kalikimaka, Hauoli Makahiki Hou!


I didnt have a big box at x mas time except for a bike but my fav gift i ever got was the isley brothers cd... i knew i was getting it cause it was the only thing on my list 😂😂


That fender amp does not like distortion it sounds pretty bad


I got the Yamaha but guys, get the squier for the mod parts!
