Jack Sarfatti - The Post-Quantum Mechanics of Conscious Artificial Intelligence

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Jack Sarfatti stopped by Quantum Gravity Research last week to give a talk on how human consciousness is now easily understood as a natural physical phenomenon. This explanation can be tested with nano-electronic machines that will be at least as conscious as we are. The phenomenon is universal like gravity suggesting that we live in a conscious hologram universe.

This talk was given on June 27th, 2017.


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Jacques Vallee mentions my local retrocausal post-quantum physics explanation of remote viewing now on George Knapp July 16, 2017.


110 like, 16 dislike, gives me a score 87% B+ ;-)


One of the strangest experiences I'm having is dealing with an unsuspected attribute of gravity, as best I can understand it anyway. I have some symptoms of Parkinsons, I can't walk as easily, sometimes my right, left, right, left walking pattern becomes right, left, left, left, right, which is a kind of thing I did when I was clogging, tap dancing in my younger days. I'm in my 86th year now.
Its unpredictable and I've fallen when it happens, its a bit scary. But the first symptoms I had was loss of 'slipperyness', ie. I couldn't get up from a chair, sliding forwards is difficult, it seems I'm heavier somehow, gripped by something that I didn't used to experience and I weigh less now than I did in 2009. There are times when I feel stuck, I can't roll over in bed without a lot of effort, pushing like an infant does when its first learning to roll over. I noticed that when I saw an infant do exactly what I have to do, kind of push with my foot.

This condition developed slowly, began with a hesitance in walking about 5 years ago. The sense I have of being somehow gripped more by some kind of gravity has puzzled me, when it first began to seem like my body is less 'free' to move when I'm in contact with the floor, furniture, etc. I don't have tremors, its mostly the loss of balance and body heaviness that I have to live with. I'm trying to understand but its hard to describe.

I hope this is not too far off topic. Delete if it is. I became interested in quantum physics in the late 1980s' when a peculiar kind of event began to happen, which I found out is what some people call synchronicity and others call delusional thinking. Anyway I went to a library to see what the news of the day I was born was, 01-02-32.

I found the news was a day later, on the 01-03-32 and it was a long article Science Finds Cosmic Clew to Human Destiny. It's about Arthur H. Compton's gamma ray work and a 'Flaw Found in Material Formula', which I assumed was about Einstein's monumental equation. I had read Bohm's book and Paul Davies, as well as most of Swedenborg, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky I do a lot of reality checking, or try to. Consciousness is information received, in my humble opinion. Its everywhere apparently.


I'm an engineer, though sometimes I wish I had studied physics seriously in order to really understand this topic.
The people that understand this are the ones that can expand our horizon of knowledge, and maybe in the process make us a space traveler species.


1:00:40 Wow, I was going to comment that this guy reminds me of Doc from Back to the Future. He was actually the guy Doc was based on.


If you've watched this video and still need more science, check out our new film Hacking Reality!

Is there an 8-dimensional "engine" behind our universe? Join Marion Kerr on a fun, visually exciting journey as she explores a mysterious, highly complex structure known simply as 'E8'--a weird, 8-dimensional object that for some, strange reason, appears to encode within it all of the particles and forces of our 3-dimensional universe.


Jacques Vallee on George Knapp Coast to Coast July 16, 2017 endorse's SRI remote viewing. Vallee is very solid honest competent scientist. The PQM I talk about here in this video explains remote viewing.


I am drunk on science, literally, I am watching this video drunk.


Keep your eyes peeled for our new E8 documentary - coming soon!


Thank you Quantum Gravity Research, Klee for filming this presentation. Jack's presentation was lots of fun to watch. I am sharing this.


What i got most from Jack was his ability to go on and on about his relationships with other physicists, but i do not really find much in the way of reality physics.


I had an expirience on psychedelics when my thoughts were creating new universes. that explicit knowledge gives you feeling of god being.


Jack - at 41:56 you say " - - - - explains this beautifully". Who ? and where do I find this explanation. Regards.


use dimensionless P(f)c^2/h when P(f) is part of the stress-energy tensor spectral density of the pump field with dimensions ergs/cm^2 (e.g. Poynting vector EM field spectral density ).


Thanks for making this kind of content available to the general public


I personally feel that the universe behaves more like a song than an equation because math is about static law and music is about dynamic expression.
Life is a principle of organization that is particularly concerned with value creation.
Value is the perceived benefit in the process of choosing.
Freewill is a branching out of choosers into a system of networked associations.
Love is a dance of mutual expression.

The core is harmonic regularity, the outer darkness is random noise, we are in the space between them. Every engine takes advantage of a difference. These two extremes are woven into each other. The eternal now is the processing of meaning.

There is an energy contained in meaning, a dynamic tension. Our focus
flows like a piece of music between tension and release. It travels
across the fitness landscape, driven by our beliefs and values. There
is a dimensionality to this landscape, a multidimensional polarity
that does not necessarily favor good outcomes. Reaching a fitness
peak requires more effort than rolling into an attractor basin.

Symmetry, dynamics, and perpetual motion: Information is a difference that makes a difference. Understanding is life, islands of order in a sea of chaos. Perception creates division. The engine is imagination and the fuel is novelty. Innocence is unfiltered perception. We live in the shadows of perception where all belief systems are filters. Meaning is created through this process. In order to create meaning something must be consumed. Light pierces the darkness and is consumed, truth pierces the chaos and is consumed. The universe behaves more like a song than an equation. How can location exist in a song? We can give behaviors location, beyond that we cannot say.

The three body problem and levels of descriptions; how can we measure a deeply nuanced behavior. The lawful regularities of our physical reality are emergent. Truth exist in the echoes of creation and there is no way back to the place where it came from.

There are no perfect symmetries, there is no pure randomness. Therefore, Robert B. Laughlin's definition of emergence, "a collective principle of organization that gives rise to a law, a relationship of measured things that is always true but the law vanishes away into nothingness when you examine little parts to see where it came from" requires a slight alteration, because the relationship of measured things is always true to some degree of resolution beyond which, the truthfulness begins to fluctuate and then vanish. When we measure the coastline of England, the answer will depend on the length of the ruler we use. As we move towards smaller and smaller rulers or finer and finer scales, we are moving through the fractal iterations. At some point, the length of the coastline will begin to fluctuate. This is an emergent property and it is caused by the wind and the waves, time and tide. If we imagine that the coastline of England is the hidden structure of reality, and the length of the coastline is a physical law, such as the fine-structure constant, when we take a measurement at very large scales (increments of 20 miles) the answer will not fluctuate but as we move to finer and finer scales something magical happens, the answer begins to fluctuate. This is the uncertainty that physicist are up against. The fluctuation, or lack thereof is an emergent property. Also, as we move to finer and finer scales, the concentration of energy increases. The fractal nesting of ever increasing cycles of time are related to scale.
Truth as a logic structure is closer to simple and the further away from simple you get, the deeper and more nuanced an explanation will become until you reach a point where the energy is so high that no explanation is possible.


interesting approval ratio above 127 yea 18 nay remains steady at 87%
133 to 18 ~ 88%


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Wow. Whats the ghost of Edger Cayce doing asking questions?
