Making the movie 'The Battle of Britain'

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THIS IS ABOUT THE MAKING OF THE MOVIE, NOT THE BATTLE! It is based on Leonard Mosely's book about the making of the 1969 movie "Battle of Britain". Using behind the scenes images it tells some interesting facts about the making of one of the best and most historically accurate movies about military aviation and air warfare in history. I need to stipulate 2 things and make 2 corrections.

Stipulation 1: I use the term British when referring to pilots in the RAF. There were Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Americans, Czechs, Poles, Frenchmen and others flying in the RAF but I usually simply just refer to them as British pilots when I do refer to the battle.
2: the pilots in the movie were mostly British, Spanish, American and Canadian although there were likely others as well.
1: The movie was eventually profitable but not on its initial release. It was the video rental market that eventually moved it in to profitability and over the decades it has generated a handsome return, However, on its initial worldwide distribution it grossed a bit less than the $13,000,000 production budget. It only made about two million dollars in England yet it was the number 1 film in the United Kingdom for a total of 14 weeks between September 1969 - February 1970. Many believe it was the anti-war climate of the late 60s/early 70s that hurt the films earnings.
2: Connie Edwards said in an AOPA interview that it was a Mk. 9 Spitfire that he had to belly land due to a fire. He also said the Brits told him that he was faux shot down 72 times in it.
Copyright MGM
Music from the Battle of Britain soundtrack.
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When I was a 14yo growing up in Dartford Kent I witnessed the fly over of something like 30 to 40 aircraft in formation at roughly 2000 feet, heading into London. Mum, who grew up during the war was absolutely terrified and fled back inside the house. What sticks in my memory is the drone of the engines which grew louder and louder as they approached. They were filming the scene where the Germans switched their bombing to civilian targets and were following the Thames river to the East End. I can pick out in the frames exactly where I was that day. For that reason this film has special meaning to me.


The best warbird film ever. No CGI, no fooling around with computers. Just actual, real, honest flying. Great scenes, great flying. They did it just right, at the right time. The one scene I like the best in the whole movie is right at the beginning, Battle of France. When the Hurricanes leave the airfield, the „lame ducks“ are going to be torched. Now the very low flying 109‘s strafing the airfield. This is incredibly good flying! I have watched this scene maybe 50 times. And to know it is no CGI, just good old stick and rudder competence. Wow!


"REAL aircraft flying in REAL formations in a REAL sky".   That pretty much sums-up why this movie is a classic.  And why today's  WWII movies can't hold a candle to this one.


My dad worked for MGM and I got to go to the premiere of the movie. As a young lad who was a WWII warplane addict even back then I was enthralled and still watch the movie from time to time. My five kids grew up with it and even my daughter can tell the difference between a Spit and Hurricane and we're all yanks! Thanks for the post mate.


This has got to be one of the best films ever and the good news is that a few of the planes from the film can still be seen at airshows in the UK. I have seen them fly a few times at Duxford and when you see about 15 Spitfires & Hurricanes take to the air, in a scrambled take off from Duxford its an amazing sight.


My old man and I watched this movie during my wedding reception at our wife was furious but we watched it anyway. My father was a P-38 pilot and I have always lived and breathed airplanes...a great movie and a masterpiece of flying cinematography.


A few things just to bring to your attention a lot of the people who played the part of the residents after the German bombing of London, were actual survivors of the blitz. Some had PTSD and had to walk off the set as they had horrific flashbacks of the war. After acquiring all the aircraft for the filming, it was the 33rd largest 'air force' in the world! This film also sowed the seed for me to join the RAF seven years later.


Brilliant.. one of my all time favourite films


Speaking personally as a retired USAF member who is also a big movie fan I've got to say that this is my absolute most favorite film of all time. Also speaking as a retired Aircraft Maintainer I would have loved to have been a grounds crewman on any of these aircrafts.


Battle of Britain and Das Boot ....two of the best film portrayals of WW2 in my opinion...especially in consideration of the years they were made.

Edit: I would also include Tora Tora Tora …it escaped me at the moment


First saw it back in 1969 in Australia, at the Penrith drive-in. As a six year old the planes were the best part, and over the years, I've dissected and analysed the film picking on its strengths, and weakness. When it came to TV in the 1970's, I was very disappointed when they cut those early scenes in France, of the Hurricanes being attacked and burning. Also the English sub-titles for the German speaking actors didn't quite make sense, and in later years that problem was rectified. Its one of those films, where all those years later, new information and stories keep coming to light, to keep one of the best aviation films of our time alive.


I picked up the Mosely book for $1 at a garage sale this Easter - best $1 dollar I've ever spent! Some very interesting anecdotes - by coincidence, the B-25 camera plane is now being restored not far from me.


Thankyou so much for doing this - my father was just a child growing up in the South Coast of England during WW2 and he brought me up to appreciate the history of the war - The Battle of Britain was probably the first war movie I ever saw having been born in 1963 and I have enjoyed it as a historical dramatised record many times since. Your making of video has answered many questions I have had over the decades so thanks once again for that. 🙏🏼🌈👍


just a masterpiece of film making. I hope they never try to remake it, they won’t be able to top this version no way! My favourite war film of all time.


And of course, Kenneth More who played Group Captain Baker also played Douglas Bader in the film Reach for the Sky..


As a school boy in 1968 living in North Kent, I thought it was great having all these WW2 aircraft flying around. .
One afternoon at school we were supposed to play cricket but with all the planes flying about, our teacher gave up on our game and he joined us watching all the aircraft.
Kids booed Germans and cheered the RAF.
We as a family, went to see the film when it came out.


Thanks for that recap of what has always been my favorite movie ever. I am a retired 777 Captain and my Dad flew Typhoons with 175 Squadron RAF. He was too young for the BoB.


The flying scenes were so authentic, flown with real vintage aircraft and the acting was so phenomenal!! Rest in Peace RS Tuck and A. Galland and to all those who made this possible! May both of you continue your dogfighting adventures in heaven!


As a teenage Air Cadet I got tickets for one of the premiers. I'll never forget that night.
It was and still is a great film. Well done maxmodels for using original music from the film.


Interesting photo of Bader pushing Dowding’s wheelchair around on the set. It was Leigh-Mallory with Bader’s support that sunk Dowding after the battle in 1941. Dowding and Park were unceremoniously dumped and Leigh-Mallory took over Dowding’s post. Fortunately history has been a lot kinder to both Dowding and Park.
