Medicare and The Birthday Rule with Special Guest Connor!

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I'm Alena your Insurance Jockey and this Medicare Monday we will discuss the Birthday Rule for current Medicare Beneficiaries.
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The Medigap or Medicare Supplement birthday rule offers guaranteed issue rights in certain states to change supplemental Medicare plans annually, but rules differ significantly by state so guidance is important to successfully utilize this option.
This rule allows policyholders a special enrollment period surrounding their birthday during which they can switch Medigap plans without medical underwriting.
Currently, eight states have enacted a version of the Medigap birthday rule, including California, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Oregon. Kentucky also just passed legislation to start in 2024.
Each state has specific regulations regarding eligibility, length of enrollment window, effective dates, and plan options.
For example, California's rule allows a 90-day period to change plans with any carrier, while Maryland has a 31 day window beginning on your birthday.
Navigating these dates and plan option changes can be difficult so it is extremely important to work with a broker. My contact information is below. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns about Medicare or Under Age 65 healthcare.
I'm Alena your Insurance Jockey. Check out my other exciting videos about health insurance, Medicare, and LifeWave X39 patches.
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The more likes the video gets the more TREATS Connor gets so please like and share!
The Medigap or Medicare Supplement birthday rule offers guaranteed issue rights in certain states to change supplemental Medicare plans annually, but rules differ significantly by state so guidance is important to successfully utilize this option.
This rule allows policyholders a special enrollment period surrounding their birthday during which they can switch Medigap plans without medical underwriting.
Currently, eight states have enacted a version of the Medigap birthday rule, including California, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Oregon. Kentucky also just passed legislation to start in 2024.
Each state has specific regulations regarding eligibility, length of enrollment window, effective dates, and plan options.
For example, California's rule allows a 90-day period to change plans with any carrier, while Maryland has a 31 day window beginning on your birthday.
Navigating these dates and plan option changes can be difficult so it is extremely important to work with a broker. My contact information is below. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns about Medicare or Under Age 65 healthcare.
I'm Alena your Insurance Jockey. Check out my other exciting videos about health insurance, Medicare, and LifeWave X39 patches.
#medicare #birthdaycelebration #birthday #saddleup #saddleuphealthplans #horse #horses #horsesofinstagram #equine #patches #rules #rulesofthegame #65th #importantquestion #knowmorestressless
#mpgroup #connorstime #insuranceagent #insuranceagency #lifewave #lifewavex39