The General Factor Of Personality (GFP) - The Big Five Traits And The Role They Play In Life

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0:00 Introduction
1:47 The 5 Personality Traits
3:45 Heritability, Old Age, Men And Women, And GFP Scores
8:54 Life History, Potential Mismatches, And Dark Triad Vs. Light Triad
17:11 Closing Thoughts
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Glorious, almost as glorious as you Lord of Stoic Accounting and Slumber!


"Genetics loads the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and your experiences pull the trigger." - Jim Clemente, FBI behavioral analyst and criminal profiler.


I don't know if you saw Jordan Peterson's podcast episode with David Buss (Father of evolutionary psychology), they talked about the selection process a lot, however, a commenter made a brilliant point on one a reaction video to this episode saying: "I'm a little disappointed they never mentioned the correlation between dark triad traits and low neuroticism.
It's the personality trait adapted for threat detection, and it's also a CRUCIAL aspect in understanding why it's considered attractive.
Being low in Neuroticism communicates a lack of threat perception; the belief that nothing is going to harm you. It's shared only with animals who would have no natural predators. Aka apex species of particular environments. And THIS is what is associated with risk-taking behavior - NOT low agreeableness."

That's a fantastic point I think - low neuroticism seems to be an extremely important trait in mate selection.


Dude. I am leaving comments that are not showing up.


"Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated. " Love that I will make note of that. Hope my brackets and quoting are OK bit scary with Stardusk around he is a stickler. For ethics and values I would highly recommend "Beyond Good and Evil" and "Genealogy of Morals" fantastic resources I always return to. Nietzsche is an incredible source of wisdom and inspiration for me.


Good to hear the often forgoten, "Go where you aren't just tolerated" advice. Having gone from an R to a k environment my overall QOL has shot up over the past two years since I was lucky enough to haul my ass halfway across the country.
Looking forward to your look into philosophy schools. Excellent video, great general rundown as always.


Personality traits. Very interesting subject, liked the way you covered it.


I went to a therapist to do a personality test and we had talk about how there are no good and bad personality traits. I answered that if I didnt have 9 out 10 in neuroticism I probably wouldnt be needing her services. It was a rather uncomfortable silence.


Have you EVER had any difficulty sleeping? I am curious.


This analysis of which traits are more attractive to women does indeed include the variable of what the woman is inclined to, and I do disagree that 80% of women are looking for k type environment.

It is more like, 80% of them are interested in r type when they are in their prime, and then when they are older, they actually switch to k type, because they are forced to do that.

The research of Emanuel Jauk points to the cut off being age based.

Alexander Grace made some videos in this regard as well, interviewing women.

If you are a high status non-alturistic male ( like a king drug dealer, has status and is not altruistic) then you will pull young hotter ones. If you are altruistic, then older woman will try to wiggle in through that altruism door. This is also my observation.

FINALLY, I'd say, the current Big Five Traits model is too clean cut, and perhaps developed by feminized modern psychology. In my view it is a product of female mind, because a) psychology is dominated by females, and they also influence the men there, and b) women cant deal with dynamic systems.

*Coming out of the kitchen they try to convert the entire world to their kitchen. They try to force everything to nice little boxes, like putting spice into nice litte jars. The assortment is very much driven by prejudice. If they think that you are in box #2, then even if you show contrary symptoms, they will reinterprete you to be forced into that box. The vague notions of psychology, the lack of instrumental measurements, empowers them to do exactly that, and they keep on coming with newer and newer box models.*

*This appeal of a potentially boxed diagram of the open wide world is why astrology is popular with women, it also grants them another method to sort people in neat boxes, via a very short checklist (just your date of birth and place of birth, in contrast to the Big 5 where you would have to analyze a larger set of questionnaire) - without having to navigate and chart a complex territory of behavior.*

In my defense I request you to look at the unclassified CIA memo : Why Spy, the psychology of espionage (released in 2014).

To quote:
The descriptive categories that follow are useful as a map of what to expect on the psychological terrain of Espionage. As with all maps, however, they oversimplify. No typology can encompass the full complexity of the psyche of any individual spy.

They are speaking about their own personality model, not very related to the big five. And they clearly mark their limitations. The limitations apply to any such models.

I therefore highly doubt that the big 5 serves anything but regional landmarks in the terrain of psychology in general. To describe a person with big 5, would be like describing France as Eiffel tower (regardless of how well known it is) . But then again (apologies for this remark), most normies are probably like Idaho anyway, and they truly can be described by the big five, like Idaho can be described by potatoes.


Wow this should have more views it a great video


I've always been on the cautious side of things. It's no surprise that my bitches would quickly leave me because of this (and the fact that I refer to them as bitches).


Favorite Philosophers: Seneca, Spinoza, Kierkegaard, Machiavelli (Big Mac wasn’t such a bad guy).


I think the obsession with R and K selection is really overdone and people frequently don't really understand the application of the theory, including that life history is more important and that R and K has largely been subsumbed into life history theory as a part of it but by no means the bulk of it.


Can't help but think of reddit every time you say "R" life history 🙃
