Save the Skin! Learn to Dehydrate Citrus Zest for long-term storage!

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Don't toss out those skins! Zest your citrus before you peel them to eat or juice, and dehydrate the zest for your pantry!!


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All the info you need to learn to dehydrate - plus keep an ongoing record of all of your projects!

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0:00 Dehydrating Citrus Zest & why
0:43 Washing is important whether you use organic or not.
0:57 Peel like an apple (or other methods)
3:19 How to prep citrus for dehydrating
5:16 Prepping trays
8:44 Air drying info
11:28 Testing and storage
14:28 Citrus powder
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Glad to see this. Last weekend I dehydrated some ginger that I grated from some ginger I had in the freezer from 2018. It smelled so good, it took about 7 hrs. Then I put it in my coffee grinder and turned it into ground ginger. I got about 10 oz.


Citrus is good for dogs as I feed Raw and I cook for mine. So I could use this powder where the fresh squeezed sometimes isnt wanted by Maxi. Thank You


I just finished dehydrating lemons and limes. I gave away for Christmas gifts with tea. So many people had no idea you could do it. I did make powder too, but haven’t tried it yet. I thought it would be strong? Doesn’t matter to me, I’m excited to use it. I mixed mine…lemons and limes together. I really love my dehydrated lemons and limes. So pretty on my counter too! ♥️😃


I make my coffee with a french press and I add the dried orange peel and dried cranberries to the coffee grounds then pour the hot water over it and press.


Favorite ! Mandarin orange peel zest is amazing !


I dry skins (apples oranges etc) and send them to my daugher in law, she makes soap with them


And organic or not - your choice. Please don't preach at the group.


Don't forget that orange oil makes a great cleaner, it's all natural and smells great too. You can also make candied orange peel. I was so very lucky to grow up with a grandmother who found a use for everything.


About 99% of the time we zest and freeze orange zest for a few particular recipes..but you are reminding me (DUH!) that I can now use the dehydrator and it'll be one less thing in the freezer. Main issue is our humid climate even when I use desiccant packs...till working on best way to preserve dehydrated things where we live. Smaller jars/less in and out help! THANK YOU


My favourite use of ground dried lemon zest is to mix it 50/50 with pepper (black or white). Delicious on chicken, fish, pork, you name it. So nice to have it on hand. You didn't talk about the natural disinfectant properties of citrus. I like to use lemons (quartered) in my adult beverage of choice, and when I'm finished I put them into a a plastic bottle (juice, 2L pop, whatever) and top them with vinegar (cheap white distilled). and when the bottle is full let them sit for 3 months or longer. Strain the liquid into a squirt bottle 1 cup at a time and add an equal amount of water (believe me, do NOT use it straight) and it is a perfect all purpose cleaner, good for glass, grease, disinfecting etc, etc, etc. And it smells great. Obviously lasts for years in the vinegar. And if the price of citrus gets too high, I will peel the oranges as I go and just sit them out to dry and store them in a plastic bag until I get enough to fill a container.


If you rotate the microplane on the fruit, you get better coverage.


Love doing zest...hubs first thought I was nuts...scrubbed it down with baking soda, rinsed well, and zested ALL my citrus as I was using it...putting it in ziplocs storing in the fridge till I had a dehydrator full...THEN used some at Christmas on the ham...he was, if you do navel oranges, the zest is easy to just shave off, mandarins the whole peel is great...and SO many uses, wow...


This came at a perfect time. I have a lot of lemons and limes .


Just an idea. I turn my zestier upside down so i can see how much I have zested & move it to a small container rather than letting it fall on my cutting board. Every speck counts!


Thank you for being so thoroughly yet easy to understand and follow. Your channel is such a gift!


Have loved learning what and how to dehydrate from you. Was so excited about onions. Only problem have had, was small batch of vadallia. Cut small and thin. Did the wk deal and shook. 3 wks latter and when turn jar upside down, couple want to stick. Come off easy enough. No mold or moisture. Think ok? Not sure if need more drying or toss. Suggestions


I try to always zest my citrus. Picked up some blood oranges yesterday, plan to zest them as I eat them.


I find using a Mortar & Pestle after grinding helps get everything crushed. I have the exact same tea holder! Lol….Nice video Darcy…😀


I grow Meyer lemons in a 12 inch pot (it gave me 17 last summer!). which are sweeter, larger, and have thinner, easier to work with skin that makes fantastic dried lemon peel. I juice the lemons, freezing it in 1 tablespoon cubes, then pull out the membranes and dry the peels. There is so little pith I don’t worry about it. I put the dehydrated peel in my coffee grinder and have lots of lemon powder. I love candied orange peel, but don’t have it often as I have largely cut out sugar.


I have learned so much from you!!! Your approach is fantastic and I love the way you give us the info without being stuffy and flashy, just like we're neighbors. Thank you for all you have taught me as I have really enjoyed my adventure as a newbie. I am saving up for a "real" dehydrator as the one I have now isn't what I need. Again thanks so much!!!
