Truth Is the Ultimate Cure for Your Problems

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Thank you for being a voice for the Word. I’m a Muslim, but the oxygen we share, and the truth we adhere to is one, and all followers of truth are friends of mine. I hear the truth in your words, and I am grateful God has inspired you with the truth, so that you can remind all believers in virtue of the way to reason and balance in their lives. Keep it up - you’re an inspiration sir.


"Lies incur a debt to the truth."


I could listen to this for a whole week on loop probably. I definitely have to work on this - both big and small life lies are so incredibly destructive.


This reminds me of the scripture James 4:17 “ therefore to him that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin” or the discussion by Peterson “Conflict avoided is conflict multiplied”


deep.wise man.come to the USA 🇺🇸. Americans need ur truth and wisdom


Truth and judgment are two subjects that are very hard to separate:


This concept is quite simple but I’ve not heard it put together quite like this.


People spend a lot of time trying to actively avoid the truth and fabricate excuses as to why they shouldn't seek it, likely because they're afraid of what the truth might unravel about their shortcomings and the trajectory of their future.


The sad thing is that I have to realize in the younger generation of psychologists that they are not looking for truth at all, but that they want to impose their truth on others without having listened.
And if you don’t accept that, you’re not gonna be ill-conscious.
And as I said, everything without even listening to the patient.
On top of that, even without paying attention to what other doctors had previously diagnosed.
At any rate, I don’t want to have anything to do with the younger generation currently employed in the clinics.


I got dementia from harsh truths i finally understand what was happened inside the mind of neitshe


What happens when the truth is buried beneath a mountain of debate, scientific hypothetical evidence, and speculation. How do you find the truth then?


modern clinicians are trying to rebuild the lost truths that have been expressed by the priesthood for centuries with the new languages and tools of the Enlightenment without God.


Female therapists never helped me! they thought it was funny what happened to me. I resented their actions. Male therapist's seemed to be more concerned for my rights as a person. I have the right to be respected. Therapy never helped me. I always wanted to analyze the therapist. I always referred to my 'Neuro Psychiatrist' by the wrong last name for some reason .... when I wrote his name down re: next appointment time. I always wondered (if) he was one of the ppl that took my money. As I was stupid wrote him a check for almost 1800. He had clothes hanging on a rail from ceiling back seat of his vehicle. He mysteriously moved out of state and never returned more than one person stole/embezzled my money. I was left with barely any money or vehicle! don't ever tell ppl about your finances like your balance. I was taken advantage of badly as a vulnerable adult with Closed Head Injury/Auto Accident. Financial Losses .... all I can do is Write a Book. Good Video Info! Jordan Peterson Thank-You!


I love this man and everything he stands for. But we really need to talk him into prettying up his lower teeth. HE tells us he puts on VERY expensive suits, and he obviously gets nice haircuts. HE also constantly tells us that we teach each other how to behave. Thus, here am I, giving him feedback. For the exact same reasons he buys expensive suits, he should repair his teeth.
