Students, Have You Ever Lost Your Temper With a Teacher?

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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: Students of Reddit, have you ever lost your temper with a teacher? What's your story?
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"This is a Christian school, depression is a SIN." I am a Christian... depression is an illness and NOT a sin what the heck!!


“Depression is a sin.”

As a religious person myself (Catholic), I have a HUGE problem with religious people who stay stuff like this. They piss me off to no avail. Saying that depression (or any mental illness, for that matter) is a sin is a lie and also COMPLETE BS. Mental illness is a form of need, and the Lord always stresses the importance of helping people in need. You never know what others are going through, so you should always treat everyone with mercy and compassion, just as the Lord Himself does. It shouldn’t be that hard, but apparently it is for some religious people. SMH. This is why there’s a serious need for religious reform.


That one about the kid ‘deserving’ death was so screwed up, I can’t imagine how cruel you have to be to say that.


My worst experience with teacher's affects me negatively still.

I was a top grade student in all my subjects except mathematics and a group of teachers decided to pull me out of all the classes I was exceptional at to study maths. This went on from the age of 8 and was an on and off thing all the way up to my second year of college. I missed out on lessons and fell behind to the point that no matter what I'd do I'll never get back up to a passing grade. It got to the point where I'd come home, do extra studying for maths, self-learn the stuff I missed and do the homework I've received then get an hour's sleep before doing it all again. I couldn't socialise, my confidence fell to unrecoverable and I became suicidal. I gave up on going to my lessons due to burn out, I didn't do homework and whenever I saw an equation I'd mentally breakdown.
The teachers focused more attention on my lack of mathematical ability instead of my capabilities in other subjects that I was good at and had the audacity to shout at me when I didn't get something right for the upteenth time.
It wasn't until I was 17, contemplating on taking my life, when my head of year At college took me aside and said "I don't want you going to your maths lessons anymore and to focus on the lessons you've chosen to do."

Imagine being told you're not good enough because you couldn't do something that most people could do.
I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and moderate Dyscalculia at the age of 13.


“Kid deserved it”

Now that has got to be the most cruel, diabolical, and cold thing a teacher could say in public


Had a teacher in high school who frequently lost our homework after we turned it in and would blame it on us. I called him out in class in front of everyone, then walked out. He never lost an assignment after that.


The worst teacher i had was at kindergarten

i almost died several times because of her. My parents didn't even want to listen what really happened, but they always were in the mood to beat me (one of those times i got a rupture on the right ear and i still have it today).

She had this "favourite kid" that was allowed to do whatever the heck he wanted to. That included hurting other kids and when you dared to defend yourseld you would get a beating on the school, then another beating by your parents, and you guessed right, a beating from your classmates.

This happened on 2006. The idea of teachers hurting students was already old and prohibited. I still don't know how the fuck they manage to still exist and "teach" nowadays.


Finally, I can share this.
6th grade, Language Arts class. I never had problems with that teacher, until one time... the "project" was to draw things that included our vocabulary words, I took pride in my art at the time (even if it was shit lol) and was very proud of the drawings I did, but didn't finish it before class ended, which is fine, we had time to do them the next day.
Next day comes, teacher hands out papers to everyone... except me. We sat in groups of four, and I was in a group of all my friends, so I obviously ask them "did you guys accidentally get mine?" but no one had the paper, so my friend says to go ask the teacher, so I do. I ask where my paper was and he said he threw it away.
Obviously, I was devastated, I genuinely worked hard on it and was so proud of it, so obviously, I ask WHY. He said. My name and date. Was in. The wrong. CORNER.
I'm fucking pissed at that point, he threw my hard work away because I accidentally wrote my name in the wrong fucking corner and I go OFF.
I was yelling, I was pissed the fuck off, I told him that he should have just explained that I put it in the wrong corner and let me fix it instead of throwing it away, and at the very least, he could have told me he threw it away instead of letting me sit there confused for 5 whole minutes. I don't remember the end of it very well, because when I'm really angry, I have these weird blackouts, but I ended up grabbing a new paper and I sat down.
My friends were genuinely impressed, but said nothing of it until one of them heard a conversation between our teacher and a different staff member...
Behind our teacher's desk was a door that lead into a smaller hallway meant only for staff, so someone had knocked on it and my teacher spoke to them quietly. I was still fuming and heard nothing, but perked up when I saw my friend's face like this :O. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me, that our teacher denied that a student was yelling.... that student being me. Big fat W for me, I guess!
TL;DR: Teacher threw away drawing because name and date was in wrong corner. I told him off for the bullshit and told him what he could have done better. I sat down, then someone came to ask if a student was yelling. My teacher denied it.


The one with the projector when she wanted the person to apologize. I would say ok. Class comes back I apologize for being smarter then a teacher


I was legit accused of bullying and calling a guy " handicap" when in reality i always helped him to go to the library, lab etc and all i said was " even if you are a handicap or u do have any physical disabilities you will still be my friend " and when i tried to explain it to the teacher she literally just ignored me and called a " fatherless child "


Ive got a story, when I was in 5th grade, our teacher left for a month or so for family problems. So she brought a substitute that really hated the “quiet kids” for some reason. I was the ADHD kid that was super hyperactive. So typically I was the loud, annoying kid. But I was on medication that made me focus. I get bored doing my homework and write down There4 instead of therefore. I don’t even remember writing it so I’m confused when she called me back after class. She said to me something like “Lots of your peers say you are the smart kid, but I don’t believe that”. She told an 11 year old that! I truly think that was one of the reasons that I became so self conscious about my grades. Even today I force myself to have a perfect image or else I’m “not smart” which has had a huge impact on my mental health.


The severe lack of telling of justice in this thread disturbs me.

I know a handful of teachers in my schooling who were awful, and were notorious for it.
There was a TA who monitored the study hall I used to be in (Senior year). I hung out with a group of other high schools and she would particularly bug them when they were doing nothing wrong. She never bothered me because I was the quiet wall flower. One period she had made a comment to one of the students in the group as we were signing in and me (who personally was sick of being bullied myself) told to leave them alone. Of course she writes me up, and this is where the true crappy part of the starts. We have two vice principles. The one that was female no one ever really saw, but I got to see her and I wish I didn't. She starts laying into me about being a bad student. She even pulls up my grades and starts going on about "Look at your grades! Do go down this path, " kind of bullshit. Apparently, this lady had seen the worst of the school, and just assumed that every student who walked into her office was a bad apple. She wouldn't let me get a word in to defend myself, so I left there written-up anyways. That bitter woman changed my whole perspective on how adults handle abuse in schools. You can't count on them, and unfortunately I strongly believe that to this day.

On a more slightly positive note, there was an older lady who was our English teacher in Middle School. Yeah, she was angry with everyone, every day. My mom ran into her much friendlier sister a years back, and relayed the message to me that while she's retired now, she's more of an angry, bitter old woman than she ever was. Good.


"That kid deserved it."

I'm a pretty chill dude, if it were me after I had just lost my best friend, that teacher probably would've been on life support and left with debilitating injuries for the rest of his life.


I come from a military family, so we move a lot. In third grade, I moved to Texas for the last month or so of school. I was put into a random class, that didn't account for what I had already learned. For some reason, the teacher, along with ALL of the students hated me. They would bully me; like calling me names, pulling my hair, kick me, take my chair out from under me, ect. I don't entirely remember all of the details, but I did something to upset the teacher one day. She already didn't like me, but she just went off. She yelled at me, told me I was a useless child who would never amount to anything, and that the world would be better without me. My school was a two story school, but there was a roof access that only teachers had access to. Every morning after that she would offer to unlock the roof for me to go jump off. When I went to the councilor about it, she would kinda just listen, which helped for a bit, but after going for a week, she started sighing and saying "what is it this time?", rolling her eyes. She made me feel like I was bothering her, so I didnt go back. Needless to say, I have awful social anxiety and horrible self worth :D


I had an art teacher who would have favourites and I was of course the non favourites and when she came to my desk she took the paper I was working on (like literally snatched it) and showed it to the entire class and said" see this is the kind of bad artwork that we don't want." Expecting her students to start laughing they all just stared at her not knowing what to say. Then there was me trying to hold it togther and not cry.( my cat had also just died that week) I was also I quite, polite, well behaved student and kept to myself. My friends saw I was going to cry and tried to comfort me but I then just bursted into tears and I said shouting my loudest "see this is the bad teacher we don't want!" I then ran out of the room to the principle. 2 days later she was transferred to a different school. I was a bad ass that day


There are people who become teachers because they want to teach and then there are people who become teachers because it's the only way they can gain any sort of power.


I seriously can't believe the story about the suicide. That was a dean and counselor at a Christian school, and that's gotta be the most disrespectful thing for them to do.
The Bible even says that the Lord will wipe away every tear. They could've at least said something like that.


I was really shy and extremely introverted at the time (I still am), so this wasn’t the most heroic thing ever, but it made me feel better. Me and another girl (when I was pretending to be a girl still) were the only ones early for her class, she says “oh, I wish (boys name) was here, he could help me with the chairs” and me trying to be nice, say “I can help” and she says “oh, ur fine. That’s a man’s job” and me and the other girl just stare at her. Then, two cello plays (both boys, btw) come in about 10 minutes later and she says “ah, the most beautiful part of the class to make this sound from awful to somewhat decent when ur playing, (boys names), can you get the chairs out, ur strong enough.” So they did, and me and the other girl are still staring in pure anger at this stupid, old bat. Then I say “why aren’t I allowed to help? Are you saying Girls aren’t strong?” She ignores me. She proceeds to correct me on every. Single. Thing. And I mean everything. I play piano so I knew my fingers were in tune, but she told me they were so out of tune a toddler could to better. When I started playing in the tune she wanted me to (my first finger being in between where my second and third should be, for all you violin players) she said it was “too high up” and “do better”. I immediately lost it and stormed off too the bathroom, where I was for the rest of the class. It’s not much, but for a introverted 12 year old it made me feel confident.
TL;DR: violin teacher is sexist, I correct her, she ignores me, and I storm off to the bathroom where I skip class


I wanna become a doctor and I had a teacher that asked me “You aren’t gonna be a doctor with this handwriting” I kept just taking it, it got worse every day so at one point I just said


I had one in middle school who I got bad vibes from. Just being around him made me feel like shit. He also picked on me. I was a brat, but still felt like: 'Can't he just leave me alone?'
So one day, we were taking a test, pretty normal stuff, and it was close to the end of the school year.
The problem came, when every single time I wasn't focused on my test, (And I mean like, the tiniest bit) he went: "Deadname, (wasn't out yet) pay attention to your test. "
And I mean, this happened about four times, and *none* of them were justified. One of the times all I did was *scratch my head.* That's it. I just tilted my head down more to scratch it a little while I thought, and he went: "Deadname, pay attention to your test."
Well after about the fourth time this happened, I lost my temper, and said: "How about you *_shut up_* and let me pay attention to my test?"
He was ticked, and had me apologize, which I did.
And then he kicked me out of the classroom, anyway, which I was actually really happy with, because I hated being in that class.
Well here's the thing:
I recently learned *_WHY_* I got bad vibes from that guy. Apparently, at some point before he was my teacher, he had *_TAZED_* his own son. And Yes, as far as I am aware, he _still_ teaches there.
