Cataclysms that could end humanity

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Five catastrophic extinctions have occurred on our planet in the previous half a billion years. And we are likely approaching the sixth one. Join us as we discuss the top 10 cataclysms that could end humanity.

We will dive into each cataclysmic event and rate it based on its probability. We will give you a rundown on how each of the events may unfold to the point total human extinction.

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0:00 Intro
0:10 No.10 - Earth Sucked into a Black Hole
2:01 No.09 - Alien Invasion
4:26 No.08 - Solar Flare
6:36 No. 07 - Hilima Slump
9:11 No. 06 - Yellowstone and Toba Supervolcanoes
11:11 No.05 - Taurid Meteor Stream
13:06 No.04 - AI Gains Conciousness 
15:48 No.03 - Global Pandemic
17:49 No.02 - War of Resources
20:22 No.01 - Global Warming
22:50 Outro
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The polar shift is also an honourable mention…
