The Most Underrated Exercise

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I've watched dozens of calisthenics videos and so far this is the only one that covers the bridge in any kind of depth. Thank you very much.


I finally did a proper one today! After weeks of progressing!


When can we expect to start running in that position?


Fun "fact", going to the bridge straight from a standing position is one requirement to be a warrior monk at shaolin. At least acording to Ranton.


I've been doing this for a week now minus the the back and forth movement. But it's more like a stretch for me. Feels amazing


That glorious new beard. Now I want a collaboration video with Al Kavadlo.


I did 11 reps of back bridge push ups in a row today. That was cool. Great exercise. I feel so "open" after doing it.


00:00:01, 349 --> 00:00:05, 046
The back bridge is one of the most underrated exercises.
백 브릿지(back bridge, 척추 걸치기)는 가장 과소평가된 운동 중 하나입니다.

00:00:05, 071 --> 00:00:08, 895
Everybody knows pull-ups, dips, push-ups, and squats.
풀업(pull-up, 턱걸이), 딥(dip, 하강), 푸시업(push-up, 팔굽혀펴기), 그리고 스쾃(squat, 쪼그려 앉았다 일어서기)은 모든 사람이 알고 있습니다.

00:00:08, 927 --> 00:00:12, 849
But people often neglect the benefits that back bridge can give you.
하지만 사람들은 종종 백 브릿지(back bridge, 척추 걸치기)의 이점을 간과합니다.

00:00:12, 874 --> 00:00:17, 333
The back bridge is a whole body movement which targets your posterior muscle chain
백 브릿지(back bridge, 척추 걸치기)는 뒷면 근육 사슬을 대상으로 하는 온몸 운동입니다

00:00:17, 424 --> 00:00:21, 356
while it mobilizes and stretches your anterior muscle chain.
앞면 근육 사슬의 가동성을 개선하고 늘리는 동시에.

00:00:21, 412 --> 00:00:22, 560
When you do a back bridge
백 브릿지(back bridge, 척추 걸치기)를 수행할 때는

00:00:22, 594 --> 00:00:28, 492
you use your shoulders, your traps, your erector Spinae, your glutes and your hamstrings,
어깨, 등세모근, 척추세움근, 볼기근 그리고 넙다리 뒤 근육을 사용합니다,

00:00:28, 552 --> 00:00:34, 158
while you stretch your pecs, your abdominal muscles, your hip flexors and your quads.
동시에 가슴, 배 근육, 엉덩관절 굽힘근 그리고 넙다리네모근을 늘리면서.

00:00:34, 184 --> 00:00:38, 814
Before we go to the progressions we show you how a back bridge should look like.
발달 절차로 넘어가기 전에 어떤 식으로 백 브릿지를 해야 하는지 보여드리겠습니다.

00:00:38, 878 --> 00:00:41, 801
There are different ways to do a back bridge.
백 브릿지를 하는 데는 여러 가지 방법이 있습니다.

00:00:41, 865 --> 00:00:43, 598
To get into a full back bridge,
완전한 백 브릿지 자세를 취할 수 있으려면,

00:00:43, 623 --> 00:00:49, 654
you need a good mobility and flexibility in your shoulders or in your lower spine and hip flexors.
어깨에 또는 아래 척추와 고관절 굽힘근에 가동성과 유연성이 좋아야 합니다.

00:00:49, 783 --> 00:00:54, 994
But when it comes to the perfect back bridge you should focus on a mix of all three.
그렇지만 완벽한 백 브릿지를 하려면 이 세 가지 모두(어깨, 아래 척추, 고관절 굽힘근)에 집중해야 합니다.

00:00:55, 075 --> 00:01:00, 111
Of course it always depends on your goals as well.
물론 언제나 이것은 여러분 자신의 목표에 따라 달라지기도 합니다.

00:01:00, 301 --> 00:01:07, 876
You can also use a back bridge for strength and mobility training without reaching the biggest amount of flexibility and mobility.
여러분은 또한, 최대 유연성과 가동성은 달성하지 않으면서도, 근력 강화와 가동성 훈련에 백 브릿지를 사용할 수도 있습니다.

00:01:07, 994 --> 00:01:11, 406
But try to achieve a balanced proportion.
하지만 균형 잡힌 비율을 달성하려 노력하십시오.

00:01:11, 485 --> 00:01:16, 672
An extreme spine mobility is not a must-have when it comes to a healthy body.
건강한 몸에 관해서라면 극단적인 척추 가동성이 꼭 필요하지는 않습니다.

00:01:16, 758 --> 00:01:18, 983
Before you start working on your back bridge
백 브릿지 훈련을 시작하기 전에

00:01:19, 008 --> 00:01:26, 325
you need to warm up really well just like for every other workout.
다른 모든 운동과 마찬가지로 웜업(warm up, 근육 덥히기)을 진짜로 잘 해야 합니다.

00:01:26, 903 --> 00:01:37, 905
There's a very nice warm-up exercise that you can do if you have some experience with the back bridge training.
백 브릿지 훈련 경험이 조금 있다면 아주 좋은 웜업(warm up, 근육 덥히기) 운동 한 가지가 있습니다.

00:01:38, 282 --> 00:01:40, 339
발달 절차

00:01:40, 877 --> 00:01:45, 276
As a beginner you can start with a simple short bridge.
처음에는 간단한 브릿지(bridge, 고관절 걸치기)로 시작하십시오.

00:01:45, 385 --> 00:01:48, 602
Therefore you're not using your arms to push yourself up.
여기서는 팔을 이용해 몸을 밀어 올리지 않습니다.

00:01:48, 656 --> 00:01:52, 870
The focus is on the glutes hamstrings and your erector Spinae.
그 초점은 볼기근, 넙다리 뒤 근육 그리고 척추세움근에 있습니다.

00:01:52, 951 --> 00:01:59, 865
Additionally you can use a wall to build up the strength and mobility in your shoulders and arms to support yourself.
추가적으로 벽을 사용하여 몸을 지탱할 수 있도록 어깨와 팔의 근력과 가동성을 구축할 수 있습니다.

00:01:59, 934 --> 00:02:10, 268
The same exercise I just showed you as a warm-up exercise for intermediates is a good exercise for beginners to prepare for the full bridge.
좀 전에 제가 중급자의 웜업(warm up, 근육 덥히기) 운동으로 보여드린 것은 초급자가 완전한 브릿지를 준비하는 데 좋은 운동입니다.

00:02:10, 355 --> 00:02:12, 897
When you get comfortable with those kinds of movement
이러한 종류의 동작들이 편안해졌을 때

00:02:12, 934 --> 00:02:16, 210
you can try the first steps of the full bridge.
당신은 완전한 브릿지의 첫 단계를 시도하실 수 있습니다.

00:02:16, 320 --> 00:02:20, 448
Press your arms into the ground and support yourself with your head.
두 팔을 바닥 속으로 밀어 넣으면서 머리로 몸을 받치십시오.

00:02:20, 558 --> 00:02:21, 853
Always keep in mind
언제나 명심하세요

00:02:21, 952 --> 00:02:24, 341
your head only supports the movement
머리로는 단지 동작을 받치기만 하십시오

00:02:24, 397 --> 00:02:31, 526
the main strength should be coming from your arms shoulders and the muscles in your back glutes and legs.
주된 힘은 팔과 어깨 그리고 등 볼기와 다리 근육에서 비롯해야 합니다.

00:02:31, 711 --> 00:02:37, 931
If you can do this you can try to release your head from the ground and push yourself up as much as you can.
만약 이 동작을 할 수 있다면, 머리를 바닥에서 떼고 몸을 가능한 위로 밀어 올리려고 해보십시오.

00:02:38, 066 --> 00:02:41, 350
When you start, you won't be able to reach a full range of motion.
처음에는, 전체 가동 범위에 도달할 수는 없을 것입니다.

00:02:41, 375 --> 00:02:44, 068
But that's okay for the beginning.
그렇지만 처음 시도로는 괜찮습니다.

00:02:44, 162 --> 00:02:47, 289
When you progress you will increase your range of motion.
발전하게 되면 가동 범위가 늘어나게 될 것입니다.

00:02:47, 345 --> 00:02:55, 923
But keep in mind that most people need an additional mobility and flexibility training to reach the maximum range of motion.
하지만 대부분의 사람이 최대 가동 범위에 도달하려면 추가적인 가동성과 유연성 훈련이 필요하다는 것을 기억하세요.

00:02:56, 082 --> 00:03:00, 487
You can hold your back bridge and you can also do back bridge push-ups.
백 브릿지 자세로 버텨도 됩니다 그리고 백 브릿지 푸시업(push-up, 팔굽혀펴기)을 해도 됩니다.

00:03:00, 661 --> 00:03:03, 732
If you hold it you train more for the flexibility.
백 브릿지 자세로 버틴다면 유연성 훈련에 가깝게 됩니다.

00:03:03, 780 --> 00:03:06, 907
If you do push-ups you go more into mobility.
푸시업을 한다면 가동성 훈련에 보다 가깝게 됩니다.

00:03:06, 932 --> 00:03:11, 209
Knowing that, you never train only one of them alone!
그렇다는 것을 염두에 두고, 둘 중 한 가지만 훈련하지는 마십시오!

00:03:11, 246 --> 00:03:16, 812
It's also possible to get creative and try different ways to get into and out of the bridge
또한 창의성을 발휘해서 다양한 방법으로 브릿지 자세에 들어가고 나올 수도 있습니다

00:03:16, 837 --> 00:03:24, 583
like with the twisting from a pushup position, walking down the wall into the bridge, or from and into a handstand position.
푸시업(push-up, 팔굽혀펴기) 자세에서 옆으로 비틀면서 들어가거나, 벽을 더듬어 내려가 들어가거나 또는 물구나무서기에서 백 브릿지 자세로 들어가고 나오는 것처럼.

00:03:24, 686 --> 00:03:30, 072
Just try a few different variations to improve your coordinated abilities with that.
몇 가지 변형을 시도하면서 자신의 협응 능력을 향상하세요.

00:03:30, 103 --> 00:03:34, 366
So the back bridge gives you a good way to train your posterior chain with body weight
이렇게 백 브릿지는 자신의 몸무게로 뒷면 근육 사슬을 단련하는 훌륭한 방법을 제공합니다

00:03:34, 398 --> 00:03:37, 682
and it also improves your mobility and flexibility.
또한 가동성과 유연성을 향상합니다.

00:03:37, 738 --> 00:03:43, 311
Put this powerful exercise into your workout and you can train for a well balanced body.
이 강력한 운동을 여러분의 훈련 일과에 포함시키십시오, 균형이 잘 잡힌 몸을 만들게 될 것입니다.

00:03:43, 336 --> 00:03:45, 778
For further questions, just leave a comment.
더 알고 싶은 질문이 있다면, 그냥 댓글로 남겨주십시오.

00:03:45, 803 --> 00:03:47, 930
Thanks! Alex.
감사합니다! 알렉스(Alex)였습니다.


Damn it, a wihle ago these videos gave me extreme motivation for my training, but sometimes i just feel like i will never ever reach this level of strenght and mobility after watching one of your videos.


“Most people need an additional mobility and flexibility training to reach the maximum range of motion”.
Where can we see that training and exercises, please? You guys are awesome.


1:30 this was so smoth I thought he reversed the video.


quick tip here, i am a gymnast and landing on your tip toes in a bridge from a handstand is actually really bad for your spine, You have to land with a flat foot, not like direcctly but transicion into one really quickly as you fall


I back bridges! Best exercise for back and shoulder mobility and strength. And you can make it look beautiful too.


Thanks for this video! I think this is the channel for people like me who enjoy the SWO and yoga! It's nice to see the combination of the two sports here. Both are important and healthy for our bodies. Again thank you!

Fukuoka Barstarzz


Your videos are very helpful, concise, and easy to understand. Thank you


One of, if not the best fitness channel around.


I've been doing bridges for years thanks to the Convict Conditioning books. Last year I started doing the one-arm version (not mentioned in this video) and I like it more, though. The video showing it is Ido Portal's "One Arm Bridge Push Ups". The thing that I like about it the most is that it feels like throwing a real slow, triceps-dominant direct knifehand/hammerfist/knife from upper to upper section, moreso than any other exercise I know, so I think it's a real good practice for improving striking power.


calistenics is just so supirior to all other sport. it is the purest form of movement, in the areas it focus on, not so much long distance running but those combined and you have everything that would be useful in the real world.


wow thank you for making this video...I remember leaving a comment and I'm so glad that you made a video on it. Thank you


The most underrated YOUTUBE FITNESS CHANNEL!
