Faleshia, a Single Mom, Goes Back to School

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Meet Strayer University's Most Likely to Succeed: Faleshia.

A single mother raising two children, Faleshia put her dreams of pursuing a career in criminal justice on hold to make ends meet. Today, her sister and Strayer University award her with the surprise of her life.


Finishing high school was very tough. I got pregnant at 17 years-old. I was an adult before I wanted to be.


My name's Faleshia Johnson, and I'm 29 years-old. One of the scariest things I've ever done in my life was to carry a child. I had to grow up.

When other people would judge her because she has a child, because she had to grow up early, I've always been her little sister that looked up to her.

Me up through the middle of the night, taking care of my daughter. I'm trying to study. I'm trying to do everything that I know I need to do to not fail.

One thing that was important to me was finishing high school and being able to get a job and take care of her and take care of myself. That's what it's been about for 12 years.

The fact that she had a child at a young age, she hasn't been to school since high school, so she didn't really have the same opportunities like most people would have.

For me to finish school, I see a lot of opportunity in my life. I have a 12-year-old looking up to me. So I feel like if I have a career, then she would know what a career really is. She would know that going to work at a fast food restaurant is not something that she wants to do her whole life.

It's hard sometimes for me to go for it with my purpose, just because I have so many obstacles. Yes, I definitely know I have a purpose.

I want to get a degree in criminology. I see myself as a probation officer giving second chances. I would love to help people get out of trouble. Everybody needs somebody who they can come to, and I'm definitely that person.

Since Faleshia has the passion of helping other people, when I saw the opportunity to nominate someone for a Strayer University scholarship, the first person I thought was my sister.

Criminal justice is a passion of mine. I want to be the one to help people who are already in situations.

Right. Because it's important that you go to school for your passion. You want to enjoy what you do. It's gonna happen. It's gonna happen.

Well, you're awesome. You already know, girl, that I know you're awesome.

I didn't want anymore kids, but I waited 12 years.

Some of the things that she tells me is that since she's had her youngest child-- [? Ryland, ?] her newborn baby-- she wants a career. Ever since she has had him, it has motivated her even more to be everything that she visions herself to be in life. I feel that he is the key to her success.


What are we going to go do tonight? We're going to go out for dinner, and you're going to tell her.

[GASPS] What?


Oh, I might cry-- just the the thought of it. This is everything that she's been wanting, so words can't explain how that's going to feel.

You know how you always say how we've been talking about it for a long time-- like, I can't wait to go back to school. You know, Ayana, I'm ready. Today is the day. You're going to get a full scholarship to go to college. All of this was about you today.

(WEEPING) I feel so blessed. I just want to thank everybody. You don't know what they're doing it, but I just want to thank them.

They're doing it because they believe in you, just like I do.

Not only can I go to school, but I can go to a university. And it's gonna be four years, and I'll be able to accomplish so much. I'm so excited. It's beyond words.

She's always been a single mom. She knows she needs someone who will work according to her schedule. You can balance at Strayer. You can take online classes. You can work during the day.

Go get what's yours. Go get what you've always dreamed to have.

I'm going to get in school. And when I get in school, I will have a career. If you come back here in four years, you're gonna see a successful woman-- most definitely. You probably won't be coming to this house. You'll probably be coming to like a five-bedroom something. [LAUGHS]


Рекомендации по теме

Made me cry. My prayers go with her. Wish I could donate a little something towards her education.


this made me cry.. I am so happy for them. I can't wait to see the success story wishing them all the best and much success. I haven't been to school in so long. There's so much that I want to do I just don't know what direction to go into. I`ll be 40 this year. I hope I figure it out soon.


I'm sure the dad of those wonderful kids will be an excellent father and help her through these tough times


How awesome :) words can't describe how happy I am for her and her sister. May GOD continue to bless and strengthen them on their journey to a better life, and lets not forget the children that will be blessed by her drive and hard work.


Many blessings, and much success to this young lady. Don't look back, KEEP PUSHING FORWARD!!!



This touch my heart so much I wish her the best


I would love to see a four year update.


I feel like crying I had my baby at 20 I was so close to finish my college education. Then again I feel so discouraged ..


I'm very happy for you and I believe you will achieve your dreams.


Any updates on her ? Is she almost to the finish line?


please people dont be distracted with the story, music and dont trust everything you see ... everything is false about Strayer, i'll not even call it a school or university for my own experience it was nightmare, they dont really care about you, they gonna make you pay something you dont know about it, you'll regret the day you made decision to go there for your whole life, another thing dont put the strayer name in your resume, a GED or high school has more value, trust me by experience too


She's putting on his white shirt, black tie to work at a restaurant? 12 years on this. Shows you why to wait for children.
