Women ANGRY That Men AVOID Them At Work

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Women ANGRY That Men AVOID Them At Work

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Men continue to distance yourselves from interacting with a woman at work. Avoiding them is the safest way to go. You can never be sure when a woman will stab you in the back when it benefits her or just for fun. Women thrive on drama and enjoy watching other unhappiness.


So long as men are presumed guilty until proven guilty men will continue to be extremely cautious around women.


Men: sexual discrimination over sexual harassment case i take the sexual discrimination case over being labeled a rapist anyday bye


whenever a girl ask you why you're avoiding her, just ask her why would you want to be around her.
enjoy the silence...


I've seen women whose flirting was rejected by men, get even by falsely reporting them for harassment. Happened to my cousin. Women will resort to anything when rejected.


I cancelled my gym membership so i don't get falsely accused of sexual harrassment.


0:00-If only it were that easy. Women tend to Lie about that sort of thing as well.
Ladies, you did this to yourselves. It is not Men's fault that you didn't think it through.
No one cares if you are mad. Get back to work!


the winning move is not to play;


This is the civilization they wanted. And they got it. I for one am unwilling to step in. That's what they get for false accusations.


At my assembly plant, back in the late 90s- early 00s, most of us men stopped talking to the women at work. Even walking in from the parking lot before start time, we kept our mouths shut. No more good mornings, no good evenings, no have a nice weekends. The company tightened the labor relations rules and men could and did get fired or given days off if a woman went up to the labor office and said, so in so said, something smack to her. There was no way any of us would take a chance on losing a 75, 000 - 85, 000 dollar + job per year. Unless it was job-related or a safety issue where someone could get hurt. Not only did us guys not talk to our female co-workers, i wouldn`t even look them in the eyes. No way was i going to get fired. That policy changed how things were in the plant. People started working in fear to say, most anything, so just don`t say, it.


I personally have avoided being in a space with a woman, way to risky, I always make sure others are around.
Even when family members bring their female friends over, I leave or go into my own room, I've had it with their weirdness and accusations.


She demands that men stop being afraid of accusations of harassment - guys, avoid such women. Because these are potential predators who are unhappy that their prey does not want to be like this and does not want to be accused of harassment


I had a coworker (I laugh at the word because she barely knew what the word meant) who off the record nonchalantly told our supervisor that "she didn't think I liked working with women". 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️. She didn't know my supervisor had is arse saved by me numerous times and knew my work ethic, so he told me. I know 💯 the "reason" she said this is that I expected her to do her damn job and stay off the phone and social media. Work efficiency suffered because of her. Also, I was absolutely no non work small talk or no small talk at all. I was All Business on the job. I changed nothing about my behavior and documented everything with no fear. She never went further because her BS work ethic did her in and she washed out. This type of modern non-worker unfortunately has become common, younger ages of males and lots of women. I have made it clear for the future, for this hard to staff shift, if they bring another woman into it I'm gone. I'm being headhunted by former bosses who knew my ethics and I will not hesitate to quit and accept their job offers. Side note the fact that an older Man wasn't simping or arse kissing her, like usual in the culture, I was a problem. Another problem was the modern woman mentality to not accept authority from an actual Man. These women asked for this by meee2, false allegations, etc. Now Live With It !


Refer to the show Friends when Rachel hired the young man Tag Jones because she was attracted to him over the other candidate, who was a fully qualified, but elderly woman whereas Tag, even from his own words, wasn't as experienced. But because they were both attractive, it was okay. It's only sexual harassment when the woman isn't attracted to the man who either looks at her wrong and/or builds up the courage to ask her on a date.


You know what's discrimination? Expecting men to get over their fears and not women. Feminism wants men to be more in touch with their emotions? You got your wish.

Women made their bed-- they can goddamn lie in it. I'm not going near that bed for obvious reasons. It's a trap for a false claim that can ruin everything you've worked for and potentially result in suicide like so many other men. But we aren't even going to go into how no one gives a shit about the male suicide epidemic. Men are second class citizens. So, men, protect yourselves. The best way to win an unwinnable game is to not play.


Sometimes, individuals may simply prefer to work with others who share their communication style or approach to problem-solving.


It is happening in brazilian companies too, where the fear of be in harassment accusations let men avoid interact with women in workplace, specially being alone with her. Thank you all feminists and me too movement.


This is why after the me-too movement I only work from home and I am never alone with female co-workers and when I do interact with them I screen record to protect myself that way nothing can be taken out of context


Doesn’t need to stop at the workplace. Avoid and decline.


Don’t be alone with any woman that is not your wife. They can go crazy on you at any moment and nobody will believe you.
