GoPro 12 Vs Insta360 Ace Pro (i'm SHOCKED!)

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In this comparison video Jake Rich tests out the brand new GoPro Hero 12 vs Insta360 Ace Pro for a range of action and everyday use cases. Hopefully, this video helps you make a better-informed decision as to which camera best suits you :)

My Action Camera Filmmaking Gear Accessories

#insta360acepro #acepro #gopro12 #gopro #insta360 #djiaction4 #actioncamera #gopro12 #thinkbold

00:00 Intro
00:53 Night & Day Timelapse
01:09 Underwater rainy environment
02:25 vlogging in HDR mode GoPro Vs Ace Pro
04:11 point of view bike riding
04:55 Underwater sunny manual settings
06:41 colour profile comparison
08:10 low light comparison Ace Pro vs GoPro 12

Disclosures: All opinions are my own. Sponsors are acknowledged. Some links in the description are affiliate links that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
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Audio on the ACE PRO was set to "WIND REDUCTION" rather than "STEREO"


Any tips for getting the warp to be fully gone? I just got the Ace Pro and while it's nice, I don't find it better than the GoPro Hero 12. The de-warp on the Ace Pro does not fully de-warp. I also don't find the video quality as great as everyone posts about. My side-by-side comparison shows the hero 12 to have better clarity. I use the hero in 5.3k with flat coloring. I have used the Ace Pro in 6k and 4k with flat and medium color and neither produced results as good as the Hero 12. I'm trying to find what I'm missing since most channels that post about the Ace Pro say it is superior to the Hero 12 in video quality. Any thoughts?


Insta360 Wins GoPro12 by Light, Colour, Stability & Almost ok Audio. GoPro Is Thumbs down little bit Audio Ok. Sure I will try once Insta 360 Ace Pro.❤


I bought the Insta360 Ace Pro for underwater videography and you can see in the pool it looks more defined and realistic colors, then the GoPro. Not to mention the GoPro constantly overheats When using the underwater housing.


Damn, the GoPro really held up in this comparison. Especially on the audio side, but I still prefer the colour from the Ace.
How have you found the short focus distance on the Ace? seems to be far less noticeable in your videos and even better than the GoPro at 7:30


My question is, did you use a underwater housing or did you swim without?


Ace Pro looks better, GoPro sounds better


I would have ev comp -0.5 or -1.0 for the gopro standard mode to protect the highlights. Gopro also allows HDR mode in 60fps mode. Other than that in certain scenes the Ace pro has better dynamic range if the scene is constant or gradually changing and sometimes it can't keep up when going from dark to bright which is weird, maybe the AI chip cant keep up with fast pace change or its targeting your face idk. In the dark it's definitive winner, weirdly in nightlapse the image is totally blue which is pain sometimes to fix. On gopro the wider view and better handling of changing from dark to bright where better at times. Both has its pros and cons.

Would like the low light capability and better HDR, but on the other hand for POV wider field of view, proper colors on lapse/nightlapse and constant brightness level on changing scenery is important as well.


For me GoPro is the go to camera. Insta look kind of magenta, and less info in shadows, no speaking of terrible audio, So for vlogging is a no no the audio.


Wow, the sound from the GoPro is so much better and so is the video quality but what I want to know is if the Insta360 overheats like the GoPro does because any video is better than no video.


I would never change from gopro. The mic in the gropro is clearer than the 360


The Insta360 seems to be using some sort of dynamic white balance. You can see it as you dive under water and the color changes from greenish to light blue the deeper you go, but then as you come back up it doesn't change back go greenish. Then when you come out of the water, there is a moment where everything has a more blueish hue, and then suddenly changes. I really hope that can be disabled. The GoPro on the other hand is consistent and doesn't change without a change to the settings.


Hi Jake. I suspect that the 360AP''s set at Wind Reduction instead of stereo as based on everyone's reviews, it ought to sound not that way for sure. It should be either on par with the GP12 or slightly better. I hope I'm right. Thank you.


I’m so happy to find a non sponsored comparison. I don’t have the money to just buy whatever so I have to decide carefully. I think I’ll go with the insta360 ace pro 😊


why the color at 8:29 on both camera are SO DIFFERENT. which one is more accurate...


Please show us fullscreen video clips to compare the image quality. Its not possible in those small frames.


I have always wondered on these reviews🤔how can one watching the video comparisons of these cameras and know which is better quality, as in most realistic in coulour and light, which camera most accurately portrays any object/subject, if we as viewers never see the real area being used? ie the colour of your pool underwater, sky, etc. we aren’t there to see the actual subject so can’t say which camera portrays it best. Thanks for the review…always appreciate. My concerns are for all vloggers doing reviews like this not just yours. Cheers!


when buying the standard bundle for Insta360 ace pro. what are the accessories you get? cuz I cant find it properly in the website


GoPro crushed it. Coming in & out of the house around 2:40 was quite telling. Same in the shadow of the bush during the intro. Colours are more vivid on DJI but you can match this in edit pretty easily. Stabilization might be a notch better on Insta360. Ultra lowlight was the only field it won, but it's preprocessed so hard to tell how much is it the biggest sensor --colours seems a bit out of wack too, tough gopro magenta cast is painful...


Thanks for the review. The sound on ace pro seems to be bad, just like my x3. Audio sounds so much better on my gopro 12 than my x3.
