Sony a6300 test: S-Log2 vs. S-Log3 vs. Gamma Cine4

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I made come comparisons between these picture profiles to better understand their differences. No clear winner, but I'm thinking Cine4 might be better than SLog-2 in lots of situations. See for yourself and let me know what you think!
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This is definitely one of the better executed tests I've been able to find on the a6300 comparing it's shooting profiles, so thanks for doing it. The 4 panels right next to each other are an excellent way to compare different modes.

However, I might test your assumptions about the "need" to over or underexpose based simply on the gamma mode you're in. It can change based on the scene and the dynamic range you're dealing with. If the exposure latitude is within the ~6 stops of Rec.709, it's often easier (and easier to be accurate) just shoot in a Rec.709color space.

Having a color (or gray scale) chart that allows you to expose for middle great (for example) helps give you a baseline for comparing shots. I wasn't sure about the "color mode" you were shooting in? That can affect things a lot. For me, Cine4 in S-Gammut3.cine (or Pro color mode) give me the least noisy results with a minimum of tweaking. And I personally wouldn't shoot S-Log2 or 3 in anything other than S-Gammut3.cine because of the little leeway you already have in 8-bit-- but that's just my opinion.

Didn't mean to ramble away. Thanks for the footage. Good job.


cool to have done this. i dont think ISO 800 is native in Cine 4, only in S-LOG. I think it is two stops below that at 200. Your slog shots look underexposed is scary when exposing with slog on these cameras as it looks so awful when shooting but it makes a big difference


Awesome video and comparison Fabrizio, thank you very much. I recently upgraded my reliable a6000 to a used a6300 and am currently experimenting with slog2 and cine4. Your tests help me a lot. Cheers!


From what I understand, Cine gives you 10-12 stops of dr while slog gives 12-14. If that's true, then you are only gaining an additional two stops with slog. Of course, in a low-light situation,  two stops could be significant, but in most, I don't think that compensates for all the additional issues you have with s-log, including the need to overexpose the footage, shoot at 3200 iso, mandatory grading in post, and the need for ND filters outside. For me, Cine 4 is the best way to go and it still gives you the latitude to do some modest grading in post.


Thank you for the comparison, great! Cheers DrDuu


Thank you so much for sharing this test with us!


We have similar findings, for low light or night shots, I do find Cine4 to be cleaner than SLog2. My personal motto is that For a given light situation, if I cannot achieve a proper exposure to the right of 1 1/2 stop at base ISO of 800-1600, I dont use SLog2 or 3, I use regular gamma profiles such as Cine4 or Cine2.


exactly what i nee to know!! great job sir!


At 1:57, you can clearly read out the "EDIFIER" brand on the speakers on the control shot without a profile. It's a complete blurry mess on all the other profiles though.
I didn't think s-Log or CINE would remove detail?


great, original video honestly. Thanks


Very nice test! Exactly what I was looking for. However, due to the low bit rate on YouTube, the noise is not easy to compare. Could you maybe make a higher bitrate video available for download?


The amount of noise differed because you changed the exposure. It's not due to any differences in the gamma settings. Increasing the exposure decreases the noise.


I do find that when you're indoor Cine4 gives and better and more natural image compared to Slog 2 and 3, you need to set your ISO up a lot and in return much more noise


Does the +1 etc represent exposure compensation when shot? Sorry i am new.


What’s a good gamma setting, if I’m not color grading?

Thanks for your time!


thank you for such speechless but very clear cut explanation but i will oblidge if you answer me slog2 slog3 cine 4 you use belong to which profile i mean p1 p2 ....p9 all the best for your furture projects thank you


Any specific reason why you underexposed Cine4?


This test is not accurate, slog2 and 3 should be between +1.7 or +2 overexposed, this is why you are getting more noise in your slog footages, you are then brightening up in post which raise the noise floor of the signal.

Actually slog3 or hlg3 are very close and give you more dynamics range and better highlights, also more room for color grading afterwards


For my eye, both profile have noise in this test, do you have any suggestion setting to reduce noise?


So, question 2: What kind of spot metering are you using to arrive at your exposure number? Is it multi, center, or a center spot?
